PHP Classes

What is the best PHP multilanguage without database class?: Multilanguage script without database

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What is the best PHP multilanguage without database class?


Picture of Gourav Khandelwal by Gourav Khandelwal - Yesterday (2016-03-15)

Multilanguage script without database

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I need a multilanguage script to run without using a database. I am making a Web site which is being converted into a multilanguage site, so please suggest me packages to help me on this.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Translation Text From Files: Translate application texts with translation files

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Takis Maletsas by Takis Maletsas package author package author Reputation 30 - 5 hours ago (2016-03-17) Comment

Hello, take a look into my class :)

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