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Retrieve a page content: I need a crawler to get a data from an url

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Retrieve a page content


Picture of Hocine Ferradj by Hocine Ferradj - 3 months ago (2015-11-03)

I need a crawler to get a data from an url

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I need a crawler to get a data from an url

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1 Recommendation

HTML Parser: Parse HTML using DOMDocument

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith package author package author Reputation 5955 - 3 months ago (2015-11-03) Comment

You can take a look at this one. It was written as a challenge to parse a document using only DOMDocument in pure PHP so you will wind up with all the elements in an array or you can specify a specific element.

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