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Recommendation for a PHP class to access faucet pay: Access Faucet Pay API

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Recommendation for a PHP class to access faucet pay

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Picture of Dawit Teka by Dawit Teka - 2 years ago (2022-08-01)

Access Faucet Pay API

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I need to download a package to access the Faucet Pay API.

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1 Recommendation

PHP HTTP protocol client: HTTP client to access Web site pages

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 23985 - 2 years ago (2022-08-02) Comment

Faucet Pay provides an API that can be easily accessed with any PHP HTTP client code by passing the URLs of the API calls along the API key.

The API keys can be obtained from the Faucet Pay API.

The class that I am suggesting is a generic HTTP client class.

If you want a more specific API class to access Faucet Pay, I can create one class for you. Or may be one of our colleagues can also provide a specific class to access Faucet Pay API.

Would you like that I develop a class to access Faucet API?

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