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Anyem: Exchange variable values between PHP servers

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2015-07-29 (1 year ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 107 All time: 8,430 This week: 1,099Up
Version License PHP version Categories
anyem 1.0.0GNU General Publi...5Networking, PHP 5, Language
Description Author

This package can be used to exchange variable values between PHP servers.

The server part listens to network socket connections on a given IP address and port to accept requests sent by the clients.

The clients can connect to the server and send several types of requests to manipulate variable values. Currently it can send requests to:

- Reserve a variable and returns his value
- Unreserve a variable and update it with a new value
- Delete a previously stored variable
- Unreserve a variable without changing its value
- Retrieve the value of the variable

The client can attempt to reserve a variable after a while if it is already reserved by another client. The limit number of attempts and the delay between attempts is configurable.

The limit of the length of a stored serialized variable is configurable.

The server uses the Judy Array extension to optimize the storage of variables for performance and size.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2015
Number 9

Prize: One year server license IP to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code database
Memcached is an application that is used to store and retrieve values of variables in a server that can be accessed by multiple clients.

This package implements an infrastructure to store and retrieve variable values that can be shared between multiple clients very similar to memcached, except that it uses PHP to act as server and stores variables in Judy arrays for greater efficiency.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Anis Halayem
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x



PHP - Synchronized Data Structure Server

ANNYEM is an open source project, written in PHP, mainly for PHP applications. The main objective for this project is to have the possibility to have a 'static synchronized' variables for PHP Also, to share variables between any PHP Applications.

ANYEM is a Client/Server Application

ANYEM_SERVER : Written in PHP and it is based on Socket, it holds data in memory, and use Judy Array.

ANYEM_CLIENT : A client for PHP that offers for the developer to do : GET : reserve a variable and obtains his value PUT : unreserve a variable and push a new value DELETE : delete the Key/Value from ANYEM_SERVER RELEASE : unreserve a variable without changing his value READ : read the content of the variable from ANYEM_SERVER

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageANYEM_CLIENT (5 directories)
Files folder imageANYEM_SERVER (6 directories)
Files folder imageANYEM_SHARED (5 directories)
Files folder imagenbproject (2 files)
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Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Data Documentation

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