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PHP Distance Calculator: Calculate distance between places with Maps API

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Version License PHP version Categories
distance-finder 1.9GNU General Publi...5.3PHP 5, Web services, Geography


This class can calculate the distance between two places with the Google Maps API.

It can take the address of two locations and sends HTTP requests to the Google Maps API to retrieve the distance to be traversed to go from one location to the other.

The calculated distance can be geographic, or traversed by car, bycicle or walking. The distance may be returned in miles or kilometers.

This class calculates distance between two given Addresses or given two pair of latitudes and longitudes.

It can calculate Geographical Distance, Car Driving Distance, Walking Distance and Bicycle Distance.

It returns the result in Kilometer and/or Miles as per your configuration.

Picture of Tariqul Islam
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include "distancefinder.class.php";

//Calculate Car Driving Distance in Kilometer from two Addresses
$df = new distanceFinder("Car Drive");
$result = $df->findDistance("795 E DRAGRAM, TUCSON AZ 85705, USA", "300 BOYLSTON AVE E, SEATTLE WA 98102, USA");
if (isset(
$result['error'])) {
} else {
"Car Driving Distance is: " . $result . " Kilometer.<br />";

//Calculate Walking Distance in Kilometer from two Addresses
$df = new distanceFinder("Walking");
$result = $df->findDistance("795 E DRAGRAM, TUCSON AZ 85705, USA", "300 BOYLSTON AVE E, SEATTLE WA 98102, USA");
if (isset(
$result['error'])) {
} else {
"Walking Distance is: " . $result . " Kilometer.<br />";

//Calculate Bicycle Distance in Kilometer from two Addresses
$df = new distanceFinder("Bicycle");
$result = $df->findDistance("795 E DRAGRAM, TUCSON AZ 85705, USA", "300 BOYLSTON AVE E, SEATTLE WA 98102, USA");
if (isset(
$result['error'])) {
} else {
"Bicycle Distance is: " . $result . " Kilometer.<br />";

//Calculate Geographical Distance in Kilometer from two Addresses
$df = new distanceFinder("Geographic");
$result = $df->findDistance("795 E DRAGRAM, TUCSON AZ 85705, USA", "300 BOYLSTON AVE E, SEATTLE WA 98102, USA");
if (isset(
$result['error'])) {
} else {
"Geographic Distance is: " . $result . " Kilometer.<br />";

//Calculate Geographical Distance in Kilometer from two pairs of Latitude and Longitude
$df = new distanceFinder("Geographic");
$result = $df->findDistance(array("32.2680738", "-110.9923904"), array("47.6210785", "-122.323045"));
if (isset(
$result['error'])) {
} else {
"Geographic Distance is: " . $result . " Kilometer.<br />";

//Calculate Geographical Distance in Mile from two pairs of Latitude and Longitude
$df = new distanceFinder("Geographic");
$result = $df->findDistance(array("32.2680738", "-110.9923904"), array("47.6210785", "-122.323045"));
if (isset(
$result['error'])) {
} else {
"Geographic Distance is: " . $result . " Mile.<br />";

//Calculate Geographical Distance in Kilometer and Mile from two pairs of Latitude and Longitude
$df = new distanceFinder("Geographic");
$result = $df->findDistance(array("32.2680738", "-110.9923904"), array("47.6210785", "-122.323045"));
if (isset(
$result['error'])) {
} else {
"Geographic Distance is: " . $result['Mile'] . " Mile or ". $result['KM'] . " Kilometer.<br />";


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Plain text file distancefinder.class.php Class Main Class File
Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example Example of Use
Accessible without login Plain text file output.php Aux. Output File

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