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Robots_txt: Test if a URL may be crawled looking at robots.txt

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robots_txt 1.1GNU General Publi...5.0PHP 5, Searching


This class can be used to check whether a page may be crawled by looking at the robots.txt file of its site.

It takes the URL of a page and retrieves the robots.txt file of the same site.

The class parses the robots.txt file and looks up for the rules defined in that file to see if the site allows crawling the intended page.

The class also stores the time when a page is crawled to check whether next time another page of the same site is being crawled it is honoring the intended crawl delay and request rate limits.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2008
Number 8
robots.txt is a file that sites need to have in their domain Web root to tell search engine crawlers and Web robots in general which pages should not be crawled.

This class can parse a robots.txt file of a domain to determine whether a given page should be crawled or not.

It is useful to implement a friendly crawler which respects the wishes of site owners that do not want to have certain pages crawled by Web robot programs.

Manuel Lemos
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Name: Andy Pieters <contact>
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


Robots exclusion standard is considered propper netiquette, so any kind of script that exhibits crawling-like behavior is expected to abide by it. The intended use of this class is to feed it a url before you intend to visit it. The class will automatically attempt to read the robots.txt file and will return a boolean value to indicate if you are allowed to visit this url. Maximum Crawl-delays and request-rates maxed-out at 60seconds. The class will block until the detected crawl-delay (or request-rate) allows visiting the url. For instance, if Crawl-delay is set to 3, the Robots_txt::urlAllowed() method will block for 3 seconds when called a second time. An internal clock is kept with the last visited time, so if the delay is already expired, the method will not block. Example usage foreach($arrUrlsToVisit as $strUrlToVisit) { if(Robots_txt::urlAllowed($strUrlToVisit,$strUserAgent)) { #visit url, do processing. . . } } The simple example above will ensure you abide by the wishes of the site owners. Note: an unofficial non-standard extension exists, that limits the times that crawlers are allowed to visit a site. I choose to ignore this extension because I feel it is unreasonable. Note: You are only *required* to specify your userAgent the first time you call the urlAllowed method, and only the first value is ever used. Example Usage var_dump(Robots_txt::urlAllowed('','Slurp')); var_dump(Robots_txt::urlAllowed('','Slurp'));

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Says not allowed also if it is: http://www.
13 years ago (Ivan Spadacenta)