PHP Classes

ezSL: Suggest words to complete text inputs using AJAX

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2007-04-10 (9 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 63%Total: 2,416 All time: 1,550 This week: 1,045Up
Version License PHP version Categories
ez_suggestion_list 1.0Freeware3.0HTML, Databases, AJAX
Description Author

This class can be used to complete words entered in text inputs using AJAX to retrieve completion words from the a MySQL database table without page reloading.

It generates HTML for a text form input with the necessary Javascript to perform AJAX requests to retrieve suggested words to complete the text that the user types in the text input.

The AJAX request is handled by a script that queries a MySQL database that returns a list of suggested completion words.

The suggested words are displayed in menu that appears below the text input. The user may select a suggested word with a cursor key.

Picture of S. M. ARIFUL ISLAM
Name: S. M. ARIFUL ISLAM <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Bangladesh Bangladesh
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x

Readme for how to use the package ezSL(Easy Suggestion List)

1. Put the package folder under your web server document root.

2. Then goto your MySQL admin section and create a new database giving "dictionary" as 

database name. Then import the "dictionary.sql" file into new created "dictionary" database.

3. Open "" file from "ezSL" directory and customize the Hostname, Username, 

Password and Database Name as your needs.

4. Then simply run the "test.php" file from your web server to see the actual thing of ezSL.

5. Only for test I have covered the words of "a" series in "dictionary.sql". So when you 

test this, only give the words which are starting by "a" character (example: award, ask, 

If you want the whole dictionary words, you can download it from following URL:

Extra notation to use this(ezSL) class in your personal application/project:
If you want to use this in your personal project, just open and see the code of "test.php" 

file. You could see there, how I have used the Class and which parameters you have to pass 

through arguments. Read the comments in the code to clarify. I think you will understand 

everything after this.

And remember two things:-

No.1 you have to put the "ezSL" directory at the same path with the page in which you are 

including the class as - include"ezSL/ezSL.cls.php". That mean, you follow the placement of 

"test.php" file and "ezSL" directory.

No.2 you should create the php object of ezSL class in the header section of your html code.

Thanks & Best regards-

Country: Bangladesh
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageezSL (3 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file Readme.txt Doc. Readme file
Accessible without login Plain text file dictionary.sql Data Database sql script
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Example Test script file

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