PHP Classes

PHP Function Arguments Detector: Detect complex functions with too many arguments

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2022-08-04 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 33 This week: 9All time: 10,554 This week: 23Up
Version License PHP version Categories
php-arguments-detect 1.0The PHP License5PHP 5, Utilities and Tools
Description Author

This package can detect complex functions with too many arguments.

It can check the application classes automatically loaded using the vendor/autoload.php script.

The package can find application classes that take many arguments and report them in the command line console.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2022
Complex PHP code is hard to maintain. In practice, this means that if you use a complex coding style, you spend a lot of time analyzing and improving your code every time you need to make changes.

There are several types of signs that you use a complex coding style. One of them is the way you declare your classes and functions.

For instance, if you create classes with functions with many parameters, that is a sign that you are trying to do many operations in those functions.

This package can help you to find which can be the complex class functions, so you can fix them, probably splitting them into several functions that do fewer operations.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of DeGraciaMathieu
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 7x



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php arguments detector

> The ideal number of arguments for a function is zero. ~ Robert C. Martin

Keep control over the complexity of your methods by checking that they do not have too many arguments with this package.


Requires >= PHP 7.3

composer require degraciamathieu/php-arguments-detector --dev


vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect {folder}


| options | description | |-----------------------|-------------| | --min= | Ignore methods with less than --min arguments. | | --max= | Ignore methods with more than --max arguments. | | --limit= | Number of methods displayed. | | --without-constructor | Ignore method constructors from detection. | | --sort-by-weight | Sort the results by the weight of methods. |


vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/Services/Saml/

| Files                                    | Methods          | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | __construct      | 2         | 2      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | makeSamlResponse | 2         | 68     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlSecurity.php       | checkSignature   | 2         | 18     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlIssuer.php         | find             | 1         | 3      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | keep             | 1         | 1      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | addAttributes    | 1         | 26     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | sign             | 1         | 12     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlResponder.php      | launch           | 1         | 10     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | has              | 0         | 0      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | retrieve         | 0         | 0      |
Total of methods : 10
vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/ --limit=3 --min=2 --without-constructor

| Files                                           | Methods | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php | handle  | 3         | 27     |
| app/Http/Controllers/IssuerController.php       | update  | 2         | 24     |
| app/Http/Controllers/RestrictionController.php  | update  | 2         | 28     |
Total of methods : 3
vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/ --limit=3 --sort-by-weight

| Files                                           | Methods          | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php        | makeSamlResponse | 2         | 68     |
| app/Http/Controllers/RestrictionController.php  | update           | 2         | 28     |
| app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php | handle           | 3         | 27     |
Total of methods : 3


The weight is the number of arguments multiplied by the number of lines of the method.

The weight of the foo method is 10 : 2 arguments * 5 lines.

class Bar {
    public function foo($a, $b)
        if ($a) {

        return $b;

You can use it as a complexity indicator.

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:10,554
This week:23Up

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