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PHP Payment Management System: Web application to manage company payments

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2022-06-17 (2 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 109 All time: 9,495 This week: 246Up
Version License PHP version Categories
paymentmng 1.0.0The PHP License5PHP 5, Finances
Description Author

This package implements a Web application to manage company payments.

It implements a Web interface to allow users to execute operations related to payments done by a company.

Currently it implement operations:

- Manage application users like user login, list users and get user details

- Manage company department information like services, grades and salaries

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2022
Number 2
Many companies need to perform several types of operations to manage payments sent and received by different people like customers, employees, etc..

This package implements an application that provides a Web-based interface to allow users to manage the operations related to payments that involve a company.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Boss Ibrahim Mussa
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x



Payment Management v2.0

this is payment management web app develloped


in angularjs ,w3.css


the route allow to access speciphic pages of the aaplucaion according to the configuration and your need. - /: this is the root of the aplication after login. - /login: this route allow to acces the login page; - /addAgent: this route help to create a new agent as admin; - /detailEmployee: this route allow to access detail of a selected employee; - /listEmployee: this route help to get a list of all the employee; - /config: this route help to access the configuration pages af the aplication;


php with #WEPESI library this library help design mvc web application in simple way of doing things. there are 3 important folder: * route : where you define all the route, and call a specific controller (class) methode to execute an operation, on where all validation took place before do an operation. * controller : where you define all your controller, and where you can call all you model (class) with interact with the database * class: on this folder there are one folder app, the one you dont need care about(don't modify if you dont know what you are doing), this folder is the core of the libray,

     then, can create your file out of that folder. id where you will find class of model.


Is where you define all you route to reach find out all route define to do operation on the index.php

    $route=new Router(); // create new instance of the router
    //create the default `GET` route when reaching the home routing
        // echo "welcom to the beggining";
        Response::send("welcome to the Payment Management API"); // return a wecom message whille connect
    //include other routing for a better accessibility
    //user routing

    $route->run(); //run the routing method to be execute

as you can see on this exemple bellow. it provide example on how the libray. for more detail you can check wepesy libray documentation.

        $route->post('/users/login', "userCtrl#connexion");      

This a simple example of the login route to log a user /users/login, userCtrl#connexion is a methode has been call to execute the operation on the controller. as you can see with have the class userCrl and inside we have the methode connexion that help to connect a user.


find out a file name sentinel, import it into your your database call sentinel phpmyadmin. you can change the database name.

change Database configuration

to change the database name with your own. go into api\config\global.php from there you can change

    define("HOST", "localhost"); //you set the host: where is locate your server. for this exemple is on localhost
    define("DATABASE", "sentinel"); // `sentinel` is the database by default.
    define("USER", "root"); //`root` is the user by default you can changer with yours
    define("PASSWORD", ""); //the password is empty by default
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Files folder image.vscode (2 files)
Files folder imageapi (3 files, 6 directories)
Files folder imagefront (1 file, 4 directories)
Files folder imagenbproject (2 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Read me

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