What is this?
It is php crud class with Bootsrap and Datatable features. DevelopbatCrud alow you create, edit, delete, and listing your database tables easily. it also check table columns types
and feature to figurout is it primary or nullable or is it enum to deside right action to edit and create or listing data. it listed table with relation if it defined and allow to multiple image upload
also if its defined column . Its allow multi clomn seacrh and it allows the results to be saved as an excel or pdf.
How to start ?
you have to edit config.php to add your database credentials.
to show all table
$showTables = array(); // show all tables mode
or you can show specific tables if you add names in array
$showTables = [
]; //show only in array tables
Relation between tables :
you can related tables column each other with added them on aray as $relationTable.
it can change the value showing table value as related value.
define showing table name like 'depo'
define in 'depo' wich column will change as changedRow
define second table related with first one as secondTable
define second table related column with first one as secondRow
define second table column will shown as first table findRow
in the end changedRow will be shown as findRow
$relationTable = [
'depo' => [
'changedRow' => "super_id",
'secondTable' => "members",
'secondRow' => "memberID",
'findRow' =>"username"
'gelir_gider' => [
'changedRow' => "uid",
'secondTable' => "members",
'secondRow' => "memberID",
'findRow' =>"username"
Image Upload defination :
define table name as key and column as value .
this configuration will make selected column to allow image upload and it will store image links on it.
$imageColums = [
'depo' => "images"
example link