PHP Classes

PHP UTF-8 Validation: Validate and repair strings in UTF-8 encoding

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
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Version License PHP version Categories
utf8validation 1.0.0Public Domain7PHP 5, Text processing, Validation
Description Author

This class can validate and repair strings in UTF-8 encoding.

It takes a text string and checks if the characters are valid in UTF-8.

The class can also repair an invalid string by removing some invalid UTF-8 characters sequences and Byte-Order Marks.

The class can return an object instance of itself with the string, byte length, character count, and the position of any encoding errors.


Detect file encoding and convert it to UTF-8 without BOM
I am unable to detect file encoding, that needs to be converted

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2019
Sometimes flawed applications can generate text encoded using UTF-8 that maybe malformed.

This class can check a given text string to validate if it has any issues regarding the encoding of text in UTF-8.

If the encoding is malformed, the class can also fix the problem eliminating any problems with the text encoding.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x

Class UTF8 Readme


UTF-8 is a widely accepted character encoding scheme.  Its genius lies in two
special characteristics: It encompasses ASCII (7-bit) encoding without any
changes, thus making it backward-compatible with the overwhelming majority of
western data sets, both modern and ancient.  And it is self-evident requiring
no special programming to use.  UTF-8 is amazingly expansive, offering so 
many character interpretations that it can represent any character in any 
human language.

UTF-8 characters may "collide" with extended-ASCII (also called ANSI) because
the extended-ASCII uses one-byte characters above code point 7F.  The high
order bit of a byte is of significance in the UTF-8 encoding scheme.  UTF-8,
therefore, has different (multi-byte) encoding for the ANSI characters in the
range from 80 to FF (128 to 255).  For example, the copyright symbol, a little
letter "c" in a circle, is produced at ANSI code point hexadecimal A9 (169).  
This same symbol is represented by a two-byte encoding in UTF8: C2A9.

The overwhelming majority of UTF-8 errors arise when extended-ASCII characters
are passed to algorithms that expect UTF-8.  Many European accented letters
and common symbols are represented in ISO-8859-1 via the one-byte range from 
hex 80 to hex FF.  These characters cannot be used in XML or JSON.  They must 
either be converted to entities or converted to UTF-8 multi-byte characters.

PHP native functions exist to convert between extended-ASCII and UTF-8, (and
other encoding schemes), but these native functions do not understand the 
encoding scheme inherent in their input.  It is our obligation as programmers
to know the encoding scheme of any data we receive.  It is our obligation as
programmers to produce our data in a well-identified and predictable encoding
scheme.  The best and most widely accepted scheme is UTF-8.

PHP has had internal support for UTF-8 since PHP 5.6+, and it is now the 
default character encoding.


This class constructor receives three arguments: (1) a string, (2) a boolean
telling whether to attempt to decode ISO-8859-1 (default FALSE), (3) a 
boolean telling whether to remove any Byte-Order Mark (default TRUE).  The
constructor returns an object containing the string and a validity indicator.  
If the string fails UTF-8 validation, the offset location of the failures 
may be provided in an array in the "error" property.  The byte length and 
character count are also returned.  If the "error" property is empty, the 
"str" property is valid UTF-8, and the byte length and character count are 
probably accurate.  However if the class is given unpredictable data and is
asked to decode ISO-8859-1, garbled output may occur.  This is an unavoidable
artifact of changing character set encoding without an understanding of the
existing character set encoding.

UTF-8 does not require or benefit from a Byte-Order Mark, yet some programs
(eg: Microsoft Notepad) will still put a BOM into their files.  This class
will, by default, remove the unnecessary and unwanted BOM(s), if any, from 
the input strings.

A method of the class, "extended_ascii_to_utf8()" provides a conversion
that is more accurate than the native PHP functions.

See the "demo" script for examples.

References: (Old but wonderful) (My take on the issues) (Tony Ferrara did good work here)

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file class_UTF8.php Class Class_UTF8 Source
Accessible without login Plain text file demo_UTF8.php Example Demonstration Script
Accessible without login Plain text file readme_UTF8.txt Doc. Readme text file

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:77
All time:8,364
This week:3Up
User Comments (1)
Thats a very good and useful class !
24 days ago (José Filipe Lopes Santos)