PHP Pass Manipulation Class: Generate and validate passwords using hashes

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Version License PHP version Categories
php-password 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...7.2Security, PHP 7
Description Author

This class can generate and validate passwords using hashes.

It can generate a string with a random password that includes upper and lower case letters, digits and punctuation characters.

The class can also generate a hash of a given password and verify if a previously generated password is valid using the password hash.

Picture of Muhammad Umer Farooq
Name: Muhammad Umer Farooq <contact>
Classes: 46 packages by
Country: Pakistan Pakistan
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Innovation award
Nominee: 4x


PHP Password Manipulation Class

Manipulate password in several ways.


This class currently can.

  • Generate strong password
  • Encrypt using Argon2 algorithm
  • Verify password
  • Validate password
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