PHP Convert and Time Difference: Spell the time difference between now and one day

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php-time-class 1.0The PHP License5.4PHP 5
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This class can spell the time difference between now and one day, weeks or years.

It takes the date of one day and computes the number of seconds between that day and now.

The class returns one string that spells the difference of time between the dates.

Picture of Muhammad Umer Farooq
Name: Muhammad Umer Farooq <contact>
Classes: 46 packages by
Country: Pakistan Pakistan
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Nominee: 4x




- convert timestamp in human readable form - calculate executiuon time of php script - normal date and time - Calculate users age e,g 15 year old


This class can spell the time difference between now and one day, weeks or years. It takes the date of one day and computes the number of seconds between that day and now. The class returns one string that spells the difference of time between the dates.

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