Melanie Wehowski - 2016-02-29 16:04:37
Hello 聲gel,
"This class can create hash of key string using MD5 multiple times.
It extracts the characters of the of a given key value and encodes them and combine them with a seed value.
The result is hashed multiple times with the MD5 algorithm."
First: The name cryptor maybe misleading as hashing is not a real encryption, if, it is just an oneway encryption.
Second: Md5 could be mentioned as "out of date" as there are shaX and maybe more modern hashing-algos.
And for single hashing there are rainbowtables available.
And: Imho, all over the internet you may read: Using an hash algo multiple times has no advantage, in worst case the opposite.
But I do not want to discourage you, I just believe you can do even better!