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Page in blank

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Subject:Page in blank
Summary:page in blank after last image
Author:Dera Ruru
Date:2013-06-26 08:12:06
Update:2013-06-26 14:56:53


  1. Page in blank   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Dera Ruru Dera Ruru - 2013-06-26 08:12:06

First, congratulations for the package, its great.

I have a problem. I am creating one chapter with only images:

$chapter = $content_start
. "<p><img src=\""."images/".$epubImg."\" alt=\"none\" /></p>"<p><img src=\""."images/".$epubImg."\" alt=\"none\" /></p>
. $bookEnd;

$book->addChapter($nomsecc, "Chapter1.html", $chapter);

I include several images with this sixe: 512x700. Each page have a image, and this is perfect for me, but after the last image/page, the epub has an blank page, and I dont now why.

Thanks a lot.

  2. Re: Page in blank   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Asbjorn Grandt Asbjorn Grandt - 2013-06-26 14:22:13 - In reply to message 1 from Dera Ruru

The easiest way for me to see what is going on, is to have a look at your ePub file itself.

The Example ePub can be sent to [email protected]

But, are you saying that the readers show one additional page after each chapter, with multiple images?

  3. Re: Page in blank   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Dera Ruru Dera Ruru - 2013-06-26 14:31:52 - In reply to message 2 from Asbjorn Grandt
Hello, thanks for the answer.

Y have resolved it: in styles, I have write "width:100%; height: auto" for each <img> of each page. Now, at the end of the chapter dosnt create a blank page. I dont now what was the real problem, but I guess there was an error with the images size and the book need more space for the last (is strange, because all images have de same size).

Thanks a lot.

  4. Re: Page in blank   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Asbjorn Grandt Asbjorn Grandt - 2013-06-26 14:56:53 - In reply to message 3 from Dera Ruru
Even a single pixel overflow on the HTML page will cause the reader to render a new page. I think that the aspect of the image was just a little taller, or the "p" or "img" tags had a little extra padding/margin, causing the problem when there were no room for the entire image.
Setting the hight to 100% forces the image to be resized to the visible page.

Best of luck with the project :)