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Summary:Looking for a way of emitting a CDATA field
Author:Bernard Treves Brown
Date:2011-10-01 17:17:36
Update:2011-10-02 23:21:20


  1. CDATA   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Bernard Treves Brown Bernard Treves Brown - 2011-10-01 17:17:36
Is there a way of emitting CDATA?
I would like to use <content:encoded> tags in my feed.

  2. Re: CDATA   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2011-10-02 08:20:40 - In reply to message 1 from Bernard Treves Brown
Currently the XML writer class do not generate CDATA sections because usually it is not necessary. If you just add any data values the special characters ( <, >, " and control characters) will be encoded correctly.

Although I could add very quickly support to make certain tags have data as CDATA, I wonder if you really need it for some reason.

  3. Re: CDATA   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Bernard Treves Brown Bernard Treves Brown - 2011-10-02 19:38:31 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos

Thanks for your rapid reply.
I am trying to make my feed as standards-compliant as possible. As far as I can see the expectation is the <description> should be a short summary, preferably in plain text, while entire articles can appear in <content:encoded> normally using CDATA format with HTML markup.

I'm going by the advice from the validator at (which seems to give the same advice as )

Thanks again

  4. Re: CDATA   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2011-10-02 23:21:20 - In reply to message 3 from Bernard Treves Brown
Well as far as I know you do not need to use CDATA sections to generate standards complaint XML.

CDATA is just a way to insert data in a document without having to encode it, as explained here:

For instance:


is the same as:


The advantage of using CDATA sections is that you do not have to encode special characters like <, > and " .

Anyway, since the XML writer class encodes the data for you automatically when the document is generated, you do not need to use CDATA sections.