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Disposable Temporary Email Validator

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Subject:Disposable Temporary Email Validator
Summary:A bad idea?
Date:2015-10-24 15:25:08

  1. Disposable Temporary Email Validator   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of wmm wmm - 2015-10-24 15:25:08
not a comment on the quality of the package itself, but a question: shouldn't it be up to the user whether he wants future communication from the website? if he uses a temporary email address, it may be because he desires to purchase an item without future advertisements or perhaps wants/needs to see something on your pages that is otherwise inaccessible.

furthermore, some of these temp address services provide addresses which are not strictly 'temporary', but provide a way to delete an address if it gets leaked or sold. they typically forward to a 'real' address until they are blocked. i have personally used this in many cases where the website either leaked or sold my email address, or started bombarding my email with useless junk.

if the user gives a temporary address, it seems it is a clear sign he does not want further communication from the website - forcing a 'real' address either causes the loss of a potential customer/user or is essentially allowing a website to send him unwanted email in the future.

don't you think websites should respect the wish of the user to avoid future emails?