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Error: 3 POP3 server greeting was not found

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Subject:Error: 3 POP3 server greeting was...
Summary:Getting Error : 3 POP3 server greeting was not found
Author:Naresh Kumar
Date:2014-12-17 10:02:03


  1. Error: 3 POP3 server greeting was...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Naresh Kumar Naresh Kumar - 2014-12-17 10:02:03
Hello Sir,

thank you for your great stuff.
i am getting Error: 3 POP3 server greeting was not found

And also it is taking very long time to process..
So why it is taking time.

Can you give me basic of this API how could i use this?

My internet is too fast and no need for YouTube buffer.

  2. Re: Error: 3 POP3 server greeting was...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2014-12-17 16:26:46 - In reply to message 1 from Naresh Kumar
Maybe the server you are trying to connect is not really a POP3 server or maybe it uses SSL and you have not enabled that option.

Can you tell the server address and port you are trying to connect?