 merlinregis Thibeault - 2018-03-11 16:49:10
My web site is for a small group of individuals.
I have the login completely working with your package. THANKS! :-)
I'd like to be able to MANUALLY activate the members once their activation code has been submitted.
Thanks in advance for your answer ;-)
 merlinregis Thibeault - 2018-03-11 17:22:03 - In reply to message 1 from merlinregis Thibeault
Oh! And I forgot to ask also : I'd like to be able to require a minimum of security.
How can I require a minimum of 8 caracters including AT LEAST 1 Capital letter, 1 number, and 1 symbol?
Thanks again
 merlinregis Thibeault - 2018-03-11 19:52:16 - In reply to message 1 from merlinregis Thibeault
Hmmmm... problem just popped up :-S
I created a user through the form : WENT WELL
I received the confirmation and used the confirmation code in the blank : WENT WELL
I try to login again : Invalid login information or the account is not activated.
I go in the database to see if everything seems to be OK : I notice that my password is the same as the confirmation code that I received... NOT the password that I inserted in the regiration form.
I try to create a new user with all new infos : Inesrting a new user failed. (Yes, I noticed you had a little "typo" when you wrote "inserting" ;-) )
I reuploaded the whole thing, but it STILL doesn't wanna work :-(
Thanks in advance
 merlinregis Thibeault - 2018-03-11 19:59:30 - In reply to message 3 from merlinregis Thibeault
oh... in case you want to ask : user is validated in DB and activated
Decided to empty the DBASE and try to create a user again :
A confirmation mail has been sent, please confirm your account registration!
ok, now I think I know why...
tried to create a second user : Inesrting a new user failed.
Is the DBASE only good for one member? ;-) :-P
Thanks AGAIN for your answer.
 merlinregis Thibeault - 2018-03-11 21:38:32 - In reply to message 4 from merlinregis Thibeault
OK... me AGAIN :-P
- 1 - To be able to create more than ONE user, you need the FIRST user created to be put as ADMIN
THEN you can create more users.
Created second user... everything wen well...
Tried creating third user... HERE WE GO AGAIN :-(
So the problem MUST be in the role classes... it seems that if ONE user is role 1, you can't create any other anymore.
And I CONFIRM... having changed the second user from role 1 to role 3, he is NOT ADMIN, and I HAVE created a third user.
OK... So, after searching through my files, I think the problem is simply that I haven't created roles.
Therefore, once the user has created his registration, it could become a role 3 = pending confirmation.
Once he has confirmed his email, I could associate him with role 4 = standby for admin approval.
Once I have approved him, I could then change him to role 5 = Approved member, or role 6 = Approved member with special benefits.
I'm going to check what I can do about this.
To be continued ;-)
 merlinregis Thibeault - 2018-03-11 23:10:15 - In reply to message 5 from merlinregis Thibeault
ok, so now I figured out that the user role is UNIQUE... so that means I need to auto increment it's number... BUT THEN... ONLY THE PRIMARY KEY can auto increment???? So what do I do now?
 noleaf - 2018-07-04 18:25:05 - In reply to message 6 from merlinregis Thibeault
Hello Thibeault,
did you have a solution for these obvious issues? :)
I made some modifications also.
What status are you in now?
I don't know if you will see this post or not.
See you.