PHP Classes

How much did you get paid for that blog post?

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Subject:How much did you get paid for that...
Summary:How much did you get paid for that blog post?
Author:Lao Neo
Date:2016-04-18 14:12:06
Update:2016-04-18 19:00:10


  1. How much did you get paid for that...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Lao Neo Lao Neo - 2016-04-18 18:49:09
Looks like you got paid by atlassian for that blog post, I hope it was worth the money as it is obvious.

  2. Re: How much did you get paid for that...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2016-04-18 19:00:10 - In reply to message 1 from Lao Neo
Yes, Atlassian is supporting this blog but they did not pay Samuel or the PHP Classes specifically to write this post. As a matter of fact this is something a ad agency proposed to do as an experiment to promote their products in a different way.

As moderator I added a disclosure text in the beginning of the article to make it more transparent.

Anyway, I hope the article provided useful information about BitBucket that readers were not aware.

Thanks for the notice.