IMGOut: a simple image processor class.
Demo and testing
This package misses a TTF font named "default.ttf".
To make an example work, copy any TTF font into directory, where IMGOut is
unpacked and enjoy.
Short description.
This class is optimized for direct server variable usage, like $_GET and $_POST.
Path checking implemented.
Constructor: IMGOut($vars)
Expects $vars to be an associative array containing processing parameters (full
list can be seen at the top of class source file).
Also does text application, if specified.
Method: Text($vars)
Applies a text to loaded/generated image.
Expects the same as constructor, but it hasn't to be equal. ;)
Method: SetOutputType($type)
Sets the type for streaming in Output().
Method: Output()
Streams the image.
(C) m0Ray 2005
Russia, Samara