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File: ex_oolog.php

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File: ex_oolog.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example File
Class: Simple log class (oolog)
Generate logs that are outputted to file or a page
Author: By
Last change: some more examples
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 3,617 bytes



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# Test Programm für Logging
# some scenarios

include "class_oolog.php";
$l=& new oolog("./oolog_test.log", FILE | SCREEN |CLEAR |APPEND);

$l->log("start Logging");
$l->log("debugging with default values", DEBUG);
$l->log("only file", FILE, false, __LINE__);
$l->log("only screen", SCREEN, false, __LINE__);
$l->_die("fatal error 12, exit prg", ALL, false, __LINE__); #with exit and close
$l->log("output to screen and to file", ALL);
$l->log("debugging only to file:", FILE|DEBUG); #but is ignored because DEBUG isn't set in class at line 11

$l=& new oolog("./oolog_test.log", FILE | SCREEN |CLEAR |HTML);
$l->log("start Logging to screen with html spuuort and plaintext to file which is cleared while opening");
$l->log("debugging with default values", DEBUG); #here debug is ignored because DEBUG was not set in class

$l=& new oolog("./oolog_test.log", FILE | HTML | DEBUG);
$l->log("start Logging to file (append), HTML is ignored while writing to file");
$l->log("debugging with default values", DEBUG, false, __LINE__); #DEBUG lines will be printed, also line no.

* example file for oolog, did not run!!!
* @author Heiko Dillemuth <[email protected]>
* @copyright Heiko Dillemuth (c) 01/2004
* @version 0.00

include "class_oolog.php";
# Logging to file and screen with html output
$l=& new oolog("./{$datum}__prg-name.log", FILE | SCREEN | HTML);
#$l=& new oolog("./{$datum}__prg-name.log", FILE | SCREEN | HTML |DEBUG); #print also debug lines
#$l=& new oolog("./{$datum}__prg-name.log", SCREEN | HTML); #only to screen
#$l=& new oolog("./{$datum}__prg-name.log", FILE | SCREEN | HTML| CLEAR); #screen, file (new clear file)

$l->log("This is PROGRAM XYZ, Version 0.00");

# Datenbank öffnen und vorbereiten

$l->log("Select Data from database");

$sql = "SELECT datum FROM `pad_abdata_feed` GROUP BY datum ORDER BY datum desc LIMIT 3";

$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
$l->log(mysql_error($conn), ALL); #ALL means: do write this line at all!
$number = mysql_num_rows($result);
$l->log(mysql_error($conn), ALL);
$l->log("$number Weeks found...", FILE); #write only to file
$l->_die("ERROR: no data found!"); #write into log and exit programm

$l->log("Working with data"); #write to log with default flag as set in line 20

$sql=" select pzn from korr_neu
           join chsronifa on korr_neu.spzn=ifa and ifa_flag=0
            where ttl is NULL"

$repl = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
$l->_die(mysql_error($conn), ALL); #print mysql error if there is one and exit

$l->log(mysql_num_rows($repl)); #print no. of rows
$l->log(mysql_error($conn), ALL); #print error if there is one

$l->log("found product", SCREEN|HTML); #overwrite default from line 54 and log only to screen with html
$l->log("sent to db: $sql", DEBUG); #write only if DEBUG Flag is set, (=currently not)

$l->log(mysql_error($conn), ALL); #ALL for the errors writes to screen and log

$l->log("$mumber = $korr_neu");
$l->log("$mumber Man. Cust. =$manh");
$l->log("Production ready\n");