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File: recordset.php

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File: recordset.php
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Description: .php file
Class: Recordset
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Date: 23 years ago
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<? class Recordset { var $result; // result id var $rowcount; // number of rows in result var $curpos; // index of current row (begin=1, end=rowcount) var $fieldcount; // number of fields in result var $fn; // Array of fields names var $rowset; // Array of fields with keys on field name var $connection; // connection id var $sql; // sql query var $error; // error variable var $maxrow; // total number of rows displayed in a page var $totalpages; // total number of pages //Constructor function Recordset($Conn, $Sql) { $this->result=0; $this->maxrow=5; // number of maxrows by default $this->connection=$Conn; $this->sql=$Sql; $this->fn=array(); $this->rowset=array(); $this->Query(); } // Execute query function Query() { $this->Close(); $this->result = odbc_exec($this->connection, $this->sql); if (!$this->result) return(0); // some ODBC drivers return -1 so we count it(very slow) $rows = odbc_num_rows($this->result); if ($rows == -1) { $rows = 0; while (odbc_fetch_row($this->result)) { $rows++; } } $this->rowcount = $rows; $this->fieldcount = odbc_num_fields($this->result); for ( $i = 1; $i <= $this->fieldcount; $i++ ) { // Fill fields names array $this->fn[$i] = odbc_field_name($this->result, $i); } $this->curpos = 0; $this->totalpages=(int)(($this->rowcount - 1)/$this->maxrow + 1); } function MoveTo($number) { if($number < 0 || $number > $this->rowcount) { $this->error="MoveTo error"; return(0); } else $this->curpos = $number; } //Move to first record function MoveFirst() { $this->curpos = 1; } //Return current row elements and move to next record function MoveNext() { if (!$this->result) { return(0); } if ($this->curpos == $this->rowcount) { return(0); } if ( odbc_fetch_row( $this->result, $this->curpos + 1) ) { for($i = 1; $i <= $this->fieldcount; $i++) $this->rowset[$this->fn[$i]] = odbc_result( $this->result, $this->fn[$i] ); $this->curpos++; return($this->rowset); } else return(0); } //Return true if last record function Eof() { if ($this->curpos == $this->rowcount) return(1); return(0); } //Return true if first record function Bof() { if (!$this->curpos) return(1); return(0); } // Free result if exist function Close() { if ($this->result && $this->rowcount) odbc_free_result($this->result); $this->result=0; $this->fn=array(); $this->rowset=array(); $this->rowcount=0; $this->fieldcount=0; $this->table=""; } // number of records that return the Query() function RecordCount() { if (!$this->result) $count = -1; else $count = $this->rowcount; return $count; } // Function that split the results in to an array function Split($ppage) { if (!$this->result) { return(0); } if ($this->curpos == $this->rowcount) { return(0); } //in this method only the present page to be displayed will be passed //if present page is null the first $maxrows will be printed if(($ppage=="")|| ($ppage <=0)) { //if the ppage passed is null or zero or less than zero we //show the first page $min=0; //printf("ppage is null or 0 or less than 0<br>"); } else { if($ppage > $this->totalpages) { //if the ppage passed is more than the total pages //we display the last page $min=$this->maxrow * ($this->totalpages-1); //printf("ppage is > total pages<br>"); } else { //if present page is passed the max and min limit is calculated //eg:-if ppage is 2 and maxrow=10 then records from 10 to 20 will be displayed. $ppage=$ppage-1; $min=$ppage*$this->maxrow; $max=$this->maxrow; } } $i = 0; $recordnr = $min + 1; while( odbc_fetch_row($this->result, $recordnr) && $i < $this->maxrow ) { for($j = 1; $j <= $this->fieldcount; $j++) $outputdisplay[$i][$this->fn[$j]] = odbc_result( $this->result, $this->fn[$j] ); $i++; $recordnr++; } if($this->rowcount == 0) { $this->error="No results"; exit; } else { return $outputdisplay; } } function Elems($nval) { $this->maxrow = $nval; $this->totalpages=(int)(($this->rowcount - 1)/$this->maxrow + 1); } // return total number of pages function TotalPages() { return $this->totalpages; } // display the back, next links and position links function DisplayGuide($href_page, $ppage) { $pages = $this->TotalPages(); echo "<table border=\"0\">\r"; echo "<tr>\r"; if(($ppage=="")||($ppage<="0") ) { $ppage=1; //as default if the requested page is less than 0 the first page is printed } if($ppage > $pages) { $ppage=$pages; //if the requested page is greater than total pages the last page is shown } if($ppage>1) { $backpage=$ppage-1; printf("<td><a href=$href_page?page=$backpage>Back</a></td>\r"); } //echo $pages; for($j=1;$j<=$pages;$j++) { if($j==$ppage) { echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . $j ."</b></td>\r"; } else { printf("<td align=\"center\"><a href=$href_page?page=$j>$j</a></td>\r"); } } if($ppage<$pages) { $nextpage=$ppage+1; printf("<td><a href=$href_page?page=$nextpage>Next</a></td>\r"); } echo "</tr>\r"; echo "</table>\r"; } } ?>