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File: bsearch.php

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File: bsearch.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main Searching Controller "\phpsearch\bsearch.php"
Class: Search Engine Class
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 24 years ago
Size: 5,611 bytes



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<?php include("xmlbasica.lib.php"); /* $SearchTerm = "basica yukari programming visual japanese"; */ if (!isset($SearchTerm)) $SearchTerm = "SEARCH-TERM-NOT-SET"; if (!isset($NoCharDisp)) $NoCharDisp = 15; if (!isset($SearchMode)) $SearchMode = 0; /* 0: word by word (delimited by space) | 1: whole phrase */ if (!isset($WrdXplicit)) $WrdXplicit = 1; /* 0: "basic" would return for "basica" | 1: basic is iif basic */ /* This function serves to tell if a character is a alphabet, number or neither */ function notAlphaNumeric($charDataIn) { if (((ord($charDataIn) >= 97) && (ord($charDataIn) <= 122)) || ((ord($charDataIn) >= 48) && (ord($charDataIn) <= 57))) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* Check if a certain instance of a string exists in another bigger string. */ function TermExists($TString, $Term, &$Pos) { $RetVal = false; if (trim(strval(strpos($TString, $Term))) != "") { $RetVal = true; $Pos = strpos($TString, $Term); } return $RetVal; } /* function to remove HTML tags. */ function RemoveHTMLTags($strDataIn) { $Temp = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($strDataIn); $i++) { if (substr($strDataIn, $i, 1) == "<") $Add = false; if ($Add) $Temp .= substr($strDataIn, $i, 1); if (substr($strDataIn, $i, 1) == ">") $Add = true; } return $Temp; } $SearchDB = "search-db.xml"; $SearchData = XML_DBarrayDump($SearchDB, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD); $SearchTerm = strtolower(trim($SearchTerm)); $SearchMatch = false; $NumMatches = 0; if ($SearchMode == 0) $TermArray = explode(" ", $SearchTerm); if ($SearchMode == 1) $TermArray[0] = $SearchTerm; print "<hr color=#000080><font color=#000080><b>Search Results<br> -* for:&nbsp;&nbsp;"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($TermArray); $i++) { print "|&nbsp;&nbsp;\"" . $TermArray[$i] . "\"&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } print "|</b></font><hr color=#000080><br>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $cntREC; $i++) { $TFile = $SearchData[$i][1]; $fp = file($TFile); $strFile = implode($fp, ""); $strFile = RemoveHTMLTags($strFile); $bakFile = $strFile; $strFile = strtolower($strFile); $Prev = -1; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($TermArray); $j++) { if (TermExists($strFile, $TermArray[$j], $Pos)) { /* this condition checks that sandwiching the search term is 2 spaces and no * other characters makeing an explicit search * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * However a little switch is made and that is the $WrdXplicit var if this * variable is given a preset value of 0 then the search can then be optioned * not to be explicit meaning "basic" could return "basica". * * SLIGHT CHANGE: The 2 characters sandwiching the search term must not be * alpha numeric characters. ie they can be punctuations. * * YET ANOTHER CHANGE: Here is another note the search initially changes * all the case to lower to facilitate the operations but had not made it * such that the state is just what it is in the document. creating a * backup var for $strFile - $bakFile the operation has been perfectly * handled. */ if (((notAlphaNumeric(substr($strFile, $Pos - 1, 1))) && (notAlphaNumeric(substr($strFile, $Pos + strlen($TermArray[$j]), 1)))) || ($WrdXplicit == 0)) { $SearchMatch = true; /* if the previous successful result return came from the same page * there is no need to print the header another time. */ if ($Prev != $i) { print "<b>[<a href=" . $SearchData[$i][0] . "><font color=#000000>" . $SearchData[$i][2] . "</font></a>]</b><br>"; $NumMatches += 1; } $LEADING_CHARS_START = $Pos - $NoCharDisp; $LEADING_CHARS_LEN = $NoCharDisp; $TRAILING_CHARS_START = $Pos + strlen($TermArray[$j]); $TRAILING_CHARS_LEN = $NoCharDisp; print "<font color=#008000><b>" . $TermArray[$j] . ": </b></font>"; /* if the user set the number of leading characters to show to a number * such that the backward tracing of characters go before 0 it would have * an unsightly ouput in php... therefore create the limit here. */ if ($Pos < $NoCharDisp) { $LEADING_CHARS_START = 0; $LEADING_CHARS_LEN = $Pos; } else { print "....."; } /* print substr($strFile, $LEADING_CHARS_START, $LEADING_CHARS_LEN) . "<font color=#800000><b>" . $TermArray[$j] . "</b></font>" . substr($strFile, $TRAILING_CHARS_START, $TRAILING_CHARS_LEN); */ print substr($bakFile, $LEADING_CHARS_START, $LEADING_CHARS_LEN) . "<font color=#800000><b>" . substr($bakFile, $Pos, strlen($TermArray[$j])) . "</b></font>" . substr($bakFile, $TRAILING_CHARS_START, $TRAILING_CHARS_LEN); if (!($Pos + strlen($TermArray[$j]) + $NoCharDisp > strlen($strFile))) print "....."; print "<br>"; $Prev = $i; } } } /* If A record was found previously then print the Line breaker. */ if ($Prev != -1) print "<br>"; } if (!($SearchMatch)) print "<font color=#008000><b>No Matches found.</b></font>"; print "<hr color=000080><font color=000080><b>Return: $NumMatches Matches</b></font><hr color=000080>"; ?>