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  Classes of Daniel van Hoesel   YAPPM   README   Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: Readme file
Class: YAPPM
Manage functionality loaded from external plug-ins
Author: By
Last change: Update the readme
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 8,838 bytes


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Plugin Version: 1.0 Author: Daniel van Hoesel E-Mail: Comment: Thanx for downloading my class, pleaze if you find any bugs or you have some tips for me email me at: (And sorry if my english is not so good :) ). Have fun. Licence: Freeware Demo: test.class.plugin.php (small example) plugins/ (plugin example 1) plugins/ (plugin example 2) Avaible functions in class: Public functions: ***************************************************************************************** - constructor: plugin($strPluginPath = "", $strPrefix = "?.plugin.php") -- input: $strPluginPath - string ---- default: nothing -- input: $strPrefix - string ---- default: 'plugin.?.php' -- output: nothing -- result: Constructor, will be executed when plugin class is called. If $strPluginPath and $strPrefix is set the function will automaticly execute: $this->loadAllPlugins. $strPrefix: Prefix that will be used for searching the directory, i.e.: > prefix: plugin.?.php, will find all files with plugin.ANY_CHAR.php > prefix: ?.plugin.php, will find all files with ANY_CHAR.plugin.php If $strPluginPath is set the class will look into that directory for available plugins. $strPluginPath can be an array of directorys. ***************************************************************************************** Error handling functions: ***************************************************************************************** - setHideValidateDirWarning($booHideValidateDirWarning) -- input: boolean (true|false) ---- default: false -- output: nothing -- result: Will hide all error messages if the plugin directory is empty or invalid if set to true ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - setHideAllErrors($booHideAllErrors) -- input: boolean (true|false) ---- default: false -- output: nothing -- result: Will hide all error messages if set to true ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - setDieOnErrors($booDieOnErrors) -- input: boolean (true|false) ---- default: false -- output: nothing -- result: If set to true plugin processing will be stopped when an error occured ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - setErrorHandler($mixErrorHandler) -- input: function (mix) ---- default: nothing -- output: nothing -- result: When set the class will pass true all errors to your own custimized error handler (two argument: $strErrorMsg, $strErrorType) ***************************************************************************************** Config functions ***************************************************************************************** - setDisablePrefix($booDisablePrefix) -- input: boolean (true|false) ---- default: false -- output: nothing -- result: When set to true all files with the extenstion *.php will be found as valid plugins for loading ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - setGetPluginInfo($setGetPluginInfo) -- input: boolean (true|false) ---- default: true -- output: nothing -- result: Retrieve some information from the plugins header, its buggy so i think you set it to false ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - setArgumentDelimeter($strDelimeter) -- input: string ---- default: ',' -- output: nothing -- result: When a function wil be called the arguments that are given in a string format will be cut at this delimeter so the class has an array with argument to pass true to the funtion ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - setPluginPath($strPluginPath) -- input: string|array ---- default: nothing -- output: nothing -- result: Search this directory for valid plugins ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - setFilenamePrefix($strPrefix) -- input: string ---- default: 'plugin.?.php' -- output: nothing -- result: Prefix that will be used for searching the directory, i.e.: prefix: plugin.?.php, will find all files with plugin.ANY_CHAR.php prefix: ?.plugin.php, will find all files with ANY_CHAR.plugin.php ***************************************************************************************** Plugin functions ***************************************************************************************** - loadAllPlugins -- input: nothing ---- default: nothing -- output: nothing -- result: All available plugin that can be used for loading is set in an array: $this->arrAvailablePlugins, a count of all plugin is set in: $this->intAvailablePlugins ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - execPlugin($strPlugin, $mixArguments = "") -- input: strPlugin - string ---- default: nothing -- input: mixArguments - string|array ---- default: nothing -- output: boolean (true|false) - true if plugin has been executed, false if there was any error -- result: Will execute a plugin. So the functions in that plugin will be available for executing. ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - execFunction($strPlugin, $strFunction, $mixArguments = "") -- input: strPlugin - string ---- default: nothing -- input: strFunction - string ---- default: nothing -- input: mixArguments - string|Array ---- default: nothing -- output: result of plugin function -- result: Will execute a plugin function ($strFunction) with $mixArguments from the plugin $strPlugin, arguments could be a string (arguments sepearted with the argument delimeter) or an array with arguments. ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - getPluginObject($strPlugin) -- input: strPlugin - string ---- default: nothing -- output: object -- result: If the plugin has a class this function will return the object. ***************************************************************************************** Private functions ***************************************************************************************** - _setConfigVar($strKey, $strValue) -- input: strKey - string ---- default: nothing -- input: strValue - string ---- default: nothing -- output: nothing -- result: Will put a variable into the config array ($this->_arrConfig) ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - _loadPlugin($strPluginFile, $strPluginPath = "") -- input: strPluginFile - string ---- default: nothing -- input: strPluginPath - string ---- default: nothing -- output: nothing -- result: Will match the $strPluginFile with the prefix when there is a match the plugin will be loaded into the $this->_arrAvailablePlugins array. ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** - _echoError($strErrorMsg = '', $strErrorType = '') -- input: strErrorMsg - string ---- default: nothing -- input: strErrorType - string ---- default: nothing -- output: Error message -- result: Build-in error handler, will display $strErrorMsg *****************************************************************************************