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File: Config_definitions.txt

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File: Config_definitions.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration format and description
Class: Config Tool
Read and write configuration text files
Author: By
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Date: 20 years ago
Size: 4,388 bytes



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## CONFIGURATION DEFINITIONS ## ## This file describes how to write ConfigTool v 0.01 compatible configurations. ## First of all, there is nothing special, if you want to make it simple and fast. ## Just write your name value pairs to the text file keeping next few things in ## your mind. ## ## 1. Key name must be started with alphabeth. Numeric, special characters and scandic ## letters are not allowed on key names. Name cannot start with empty space! ## ## 2. Key name should not start with predefined AKTC prefixes ( b_, i_, a_, s_ ) if you ## don't want to use AKTC in your application. More about that, see part advanced configuration. ## In addition to that, there are some preserved words in ConfigTool. Don't use these words in your ## key names: LINES, INDENT, FILENAME, RESERVED_WORDS, AUTOBOOL, AUTOINTEGER, AUTOARRAY, AUTOSTRING ## ## 3. ConfigTool interprets anything else but alphabeth starts of key names, as a comment ## This means, that you may use any non-alphabeth character as a start of comment, ## but it's good practice to use some common characters as #, //, ;, *,... to start a ## comment line ## ## 4. Long string values, that contains empty spaces, must be started and ended with ' marks ## One-word values doesn't need '-marks. There are some examples: ## name1 = 'This is a right form of long string sentence' name2 = This is not going to work properly. name3 = Right! name4 = 'Not well, because of the empty space at the start of the key name!' 5name = 'Not good, this is interpreted as a comment!' ## ## 5. You don't need to put any line ending marks after value ## name5 = 'Special mark for ending is not needed'; ## ## 6. You don't need to worry about empty spaces before and after = -mark. Empty spaces are ## removed automatic. How ever, prefer using emty spaces before = -mark than using tabs! ## name6=Value name7 = Value ## ## 7. Last but not least, there must be at least one = mark on configuration line to separate name from ## value. Otherwise ConfigTool will produce a warning error. ## ## And that's all folks. Now you should be able to write configuration files succesfully. ## You don't need to use commenting, just put name value pairs to the file, and that's it. ## But keeping your work in proper development cycle and later modifications, it's good ## practice to comment everything you do. ## ## ADVANCED CONFIGURATIONS ## ## If you want to take full advantage of the all features of the ConfigTool, you should follow ## next directions in addition of above described formats. ## All key names, that starts with predefined prefixes: b_, i_, a_, s_ are interpreted in ConfigTool ## as a automatic key type conversion (AKTC) name. That means, that every key name, that starts with ## those prefixes are converted to native data types in ConfigTool (if autotype flags are setted ## true, that is default in class). ## ## About b_ ## ## Boolean type. You have to use one of the 8 values to make boolean type conversion to work: ## yes, no, true, false, on, off, 1, 0 ## Any other values cause error message in application. don't start values with ' -marks. ## ## About a_ ## ## Array type. Array must be in a form of comma separated list. ## Associative arrays are not supported in this version of ConfigTool (v. 0.01). ## You can make lists that contain mixed numbers and letters. Don't use empty spaces after ## commas in the list, if you don't want empty space before value of array. ## ## About i_ ## ## Integer type. You have to set decimals with dot, not with commas. Don't start and end numbers with ' -marks ## ## About s_ ## ## String type. Actually it's not necessary to start key names with s_, because every name is conserned as a ## string by default. But it's good practice to use s_ if you use other automatic key type conversion ## prefixes in the configuration file. ## ## Finally there are some examples of working key name and value pairs: ## b_my_boolean1 = true b_my_boolean2 = 0 b_my_boolean3 = off b_my_boolean4 = yes a_my_array = 1,2,3,word,words after words i_my_integer = 1024.768 s_my_string1 = 'Many words and spaces' s_my_string2 = Only_one_word;) ## ## Copyright (c) 2004, Marko Manninen ## Licence GPL (GNU General Public License) ## ## END OF DESCRIPTION