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File: test_graph_histo.php

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  Classes of Pascal Toussaint   Simple Histogram   test_graph_histo.php   Download  
File: test_graph_histo.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: An Exemple
Class: Simple Histogram
Generate an image with an histogram from data
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 5,166 bytes



Class file image Download
// MODULE: Teste la classe Graph

if (isset($_GET['vs']))
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"<html><head><title>Test Graph Histogramme -> source</title><head><body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">";
"<a href=\"?\">Voir la page</a>";



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$document_titre = "Test Graph Histogramme"; // Titre de la page

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$_POST['h_drawscale']))$h_drawscale = "checked"; else $h_drawscale = "";
if (isset(
$_POST['h_drawgradline']))$h_drawgradline = "checked"; else $h_drawgradline = "";
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$_POST['h_showvalue']))$h_showvalue = "checked"; else $h_showvalue = "";
if (isset(
$_POST['h_xaxislabel'])) $h_xaxislabel = $_POST['h_xaxislabel']; else $h_xaxislabel = "Month";
if (isset(
$_POST['h_yaxislabel'])) $h_yaxislabel = $_POST['h_yaxislabel']; else $h_yaxislabel = "Beers";
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    <title><?echo $document_titre?></title>
  <body bgcolor="#EFFFDD">
  <table width="100%" border="1">
  <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><small><b>PHP Array passed to the class :</b><br><cite>$vals = Array("January" => 25,"February" => 20,"March" => 22,"April" => 23,"May" => 21,"June" => 14,"July" => 21,"August" => 18,"September" => 14,"October" => 12,"November" => 28,"December" => 22);</cite></small></td></tr>

= Array("January" => 25,"February" => 20,"March" => 22,"April" => 23,"May" => 21,"June" => 14,"July" => 21,"August" => 18,"September" => 14,"October" => 12,"November" => 28,"December" => 22);

//$vals = Array(15,10,12,16,11,14,21,18,4,12,8,16);
$H = new Histogram($vals);
$H->width = $h_width; // 150 par défaut
$H->height = $h_height; // 150 par défaut
$H->bgcolor = "#EFFFDD"; // #FFFFFF par défaut
$H->DrawScale = ($h_drawscale != ""); // true par défaut
$H->DrawGradLine = ($h_drawgradline != ""); // false par défaut
$H->border=$h_border; // 0 par défaut
$H->ShowValue = ($h_showvalue != ""); // false par défaut
$H->XAxisLabel = $h_xaxislabel; //
$H->YAxisLabel = $h_yaxislabel; //
$H->XAxisLabelColor = "#6666FF"; // #000000 par défaut
$H->YAxisLabelColor = "#00CC66"; // #000000 par défaut
  <td valign="top">
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      <table width="100%">
          <td><input type="text" name="h_width" value="<?php echo $h_width?>"></td>
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          <td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="h_drawscale" value="1" <?php echo $h_drawscale ?>> Draw Scale</td>
          <td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="h_drawgradline" value="1" <?php echo $h_drawgradline ?>> Draw grad line</td>
          <td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="h_showvalue" value="1" <?php echo $h_showvalue ?>>Show value</td>
          <td>X Axis Label&nbsp;:</td>
          <td><input type="text" name="h_xaxislabel" value="<?php echo $h_xaxislabel?>"></td>
          <td>Y Axis Label&nbsp;:</td>
          <td><input type="text" name="h_yaxislabel" value="<?php echo $h_yaxislabel?>"></td>
          <td colspan="2"><hr></td>
          <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="OK"></td>
if ($H->ErrorMsg != "")
"<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#FF0000\" style=\"color: #FFFF33;\">".$H->ErrorMsg."</td></tr>");
  <br><br><a href="?vs=1">Voir le source</a>