PHP Classes

File: EPub.OPF.php

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  Classes of Asbjorn Grandt   EPub   EPub.OPF.php  
File: EPub.OPF.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Structure holding OPF data
Class: EPub
Create ebook in EPUB format for ex. Apple iPad
Author: By
Last change: * Fixed: Issue #15, where name space declarations were erroneously stripped off the html tag of added chapters.
* Fixed: An issue, where PNG images exceeding the maximum specified sizes were broken during resizing.
* Fixed: Issue #16, where ePub 3 multimedia needed to be added to the automatic chapter processing.
* Fixed: Potential issue related to Issue #16 with loading large files from external sources, where these might result in memory errors. These will now be loaded into a temp file on the server, before being added to the book.
* Fixed: Issue #17, where a function was called as a global.
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 30,037 bytes


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