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File: yumaforms.php

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File: yumaforms.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: The class + an example of usage
Class: YumaForms
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
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<? /*************************************************************/ /* YumaForm Form generation Class */ /* Copyright 2001 (c) YumaNet S.A. */ /* */ /* */ /* This code may be used and modified freely as long as this */ /* notice stays intact. If you modify/enhance/improve this */ /* code, I would appreciate a copy of what you did. */ /* */ /* Author: Marco van Hylckama Vlieg */ /* */ /* */ /* LINKWARE */ /* -------- */ /* If you like this code and use it, we would appreciate it */ /* greatly if you would visit our portal about the */ /* Dominican Republic, or even better, place a link to it on */ /* your own website. */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* Credits */ /* */ /* Javascript popup calendar programmed by: */ /* Sev Kotchnev */ /* email: */ /* */ /*************************************************************/ Class YumaForm { // form attributes var $name; // element name var $formname; // form name, double, needed for datebox(); var $method; // form method var $action; // form action var $size; // size of a widget var $password; // when "YES" textfield becomes passwordfield var $maxlen; // max lenght for textfield var $cols; // amount of columns for a textarea var $rows; // amount of rows for a textares var $disabled; // when "YES" element is disabled var $readonly; // when "YES" element is readonly var $jsevents; // javascript event attached to element var $selected; // single or array variable that holds selected item(s) var $checked; // whether checkbox or radio button is checked var $items; // associative array for hidden fields (key => value) var $list; // associative array for listbox items (key => value) var $wrap; // when "YES", a textarea will wrap text var $simage; // when this is set, the submit button is graphical var $submitlabel; // text for on submitbutton var $resetlabel; // text for on resetlabel // style attributes var $font_type; var $font_size; var $font_color; var $font_weight; var $background_color; var $border_style; var $border_width; function FinishForm() { if ($this->finish == "YES") { echo "\n</form>\n"; } } function YumaForm($parameters) { $this->default_form_name = "yumaform"; $this->default_method = "POST"; $this->default_action = "noaction.php"; $this->default_textfield_size = 20; $this->default_textarea_cols = 30; $this->default_textarea_rows = 5; $this->default_textarea_wrap = "YES"; $this->default_multilist_size = 3; $this->default_submit_label = "Send YF"; for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($parameters);$i++) { $key = key($parameters); $item = current($parameters); $this->$key = $item; next($parameters); } } function SetStyle() { if (($this->font_type != "") || ($this->font_size != "") || ($this->font_color != "") || ($this->font_weight != "") || ($this->background_color != "") || ($this->border_style != "") || ($this->border_width != "")) { $style = "YES"; } if ($style == "YES") { echo " style=\""; } if ($this->font_type != "") { echo "font-family: $this->font_type;"; } if ($this->font_size != "") { echo "font-size: $this->font_size;"; } if ($this->font_color != "") { echo "color: $this->font_color;"; } if ($this->font_weight != "") { echo "font-weight: $this->font_weight;"; } if ($this->background_color != "") { echo "background-color: $this->background_color;"; } if ($this->border_style != "") { echo "border-style: $this->border_style;"; } if ($this->border_width != "") { echo "border-width: $this->border_width;"; } if ($style == "YES") { echo "\""; } } function FormHead() { if ($this->method == "") { $this->method = $this->default_method; } if ($this->action == "") { $this->action = $this->default_action; } if ($this->name == "") { $this->name = $this->default_form_name; } echo "<form method=\"".$this->method."\" name=\"".$this->name."\" action=\"".$this->action."\""; if ($this->jsevents != "") : echo " ".$this->jsevents.">\n"; else : echo ">\n"; endif; } function TextInput() { if ($this->size == "") { $this->size = $this->default_textfield_size; } if ($this->password != "") : echo "<input type=\"password\""; else : echo "<input type=\"text\""; endif; echo " name=\"".$this->name."\""; echo " size=\"".$this->size."\""; if ($this->disabled != "") : echo " disabled"; endif; if ($this->readonly != "") : echo " readonly"; endif; if ($this->maxlen != "") : echo " maxlength=\"".$this->maxlen."\""; endif; echo " value=\"".$this->value."\""; if ($this->jsevents != "") : echo " ".$this->jsevents; endif; $this->SetStyle(); echo ">\n"; $this->FinishForm(); } function TextArea() { if ($this->cols == "") { $this->cols = $this->default_textarea_cols; } if ($this->rows == "") { $this->rows = $this->default_textarea_rows; } if ($this->wrap == "") { $this->wrap = $this->default_textarea_wrap; } echo "<textarea name=\"".$this->name."\" rows=\"".$this->rows."\" cols=\"".$this->cols."\""; if ($this->disabled == "YES") { echo " disabled"; } if ($this->readonly == "YES") { echo " readonly"; } if ($this->wrap == "YES") { echo " WRAP"; } if ($this->jsevents != "") { echo " ".$this->jsevents; } $this->SetStyle(); echo ">".$this->value."</textarea>\n"; $this->FinishForm(); } function CheckBox() { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"".$this->name. "\" value=\"".$this->value. "\" "; if ($this->checked == "YES") { echo " checked"; } if ($this->disabled == "YES") { echo " disabled"; } if ($this->jsevents != "") { echo " ".$this->jsevents; } $this->SetStyle(); echo ">"; $this->FinishForm(); } function CheckBoxGroup() { if ($this->checked == "") { $this->checked = array(); } if ($this->disabled == "") { $this->disabled = array(); } for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->list);$i++) { $thisname = current($this->names); echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"".$thisname."\" value=\"".key($this->list)."\""; if (in_array(key($this->list), $this->checked)) { echo " checked"; } if (in_array(key($this->list), $this->disabled)) { echo " disabled"; } $this->SetStyle(); echo ">".current($this->list)."<br>\n"; next($this->names); next($this->list); } } function RadioGroup() { for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->list);$i++) { echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$this->name."\" value=\"".key($this->list)."\""; if ($this->jsevents != "") { echo " ".$this->jsevents; } if ($this->disabled != "") { echo " disabled"; } $this->SetStyle(); if ($this->checked == key($this->list)) : echo " checked>".current($this->list)."<br>\n"; else : echo ">".current($this->list)."<br>\n"; endif; next($this->list); } $this->FinishForm(); } function MultiList() { if ($this->selected == "") { $this->selected = array(); } if ($this->size == "") { $this->size = $this->default_multilist_size; } echo "<select name=\"".$this->name."\" size=\"".$this->size."\" multiple"; if ($this->disabled != "") { echo " disabled"; } if ($this->jsevents != "") { echo " ".$this->jsevents; } $this->SetStyle(); echo ">\n"; for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->list);$i++) { echo "<option value=\"".key($this->list)."\""; if (in_array(key($this->list),$this->selected)) { echo " selected"; } echo ">".current($this->list)."\n"; next($this->list); } echo "</select>\n"; $this->FinishForm(); } function SingleList() { echo "<select name=\"".$this->name."\""; if ($this->disabled != "") { echo " disabled"; } if ($this->jsevents != "") { echo " ".$this->jsevents; } $this->SetStyle(); echo ">\n"; for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->list);$i++) { echo "<option value=\"".key($this->list)."\""; if ($this->selected == key($this->list)) { echo " selected"; } echo ">".current($this->list)."\n"; next($this->list); } echo "</select>\n"; $this->FinishForm(); } function FileUpload() { echo "<input type=\"file\" name=\"".$this->name."\">"; } function DateBox() { echo "<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"\"></script>\n"; echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"".$this->name."\" size=\"10\" onFocus=\"getCalendarFor(this); this.blur()\""; $this->SetStyle(); echo">"; echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"..\""; echo " onClick=\"getCalendarFor(document.".$this->formname.".".$this->name.")\">"; echo "\n"; } function AddJS() { include ""; } function Buttons() { if ($this->submitlabel == "") { $this->submitlabel = $this->default_submit_label; } if ($this->simage != "") : echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"".$this->image."\""; else : echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$this->submitlabel."\""; endif; if ($this->jsevents != "") { echo " ".$this->jsevents; } echo ">"; if ($this->resetlabel != "") { echo "<input type=\"reset\" value=\"".$this->resetlabel."\""; echo ">"; } $this->FinishForm(); } function HiddenFields() { for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->items);$i++) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"".key($this->items)."\" value=\"".current($this->items)."\">\n"; next($this->items); } $this->FinishForm(); } } /* Usage Example */ /* set parameters */ echo "Below you see an example of what you can do with the YumaForms class. Check the source to see how it works!"; $formparameters = array ("name" => "exampleform", "method" => "GET"); $textfieldparameters = array ("name" => "form_name", "font_type" => "verdana", "font_color" => "#FF0000", "font_weight" => "bold", "background_color" => "#CCCCCC", "border_style" => "ridge", "value" => "type here"); $textareaparameters = array ("name" => "form_textarea", "rows" => 7, "background_color" => "#FFCCCC", "border_style" => "groove", "font_type" => "Verdana", "value" => "This is a textfield, type as you like.", "cols" => 30); $checkboxparameters = array ("name" => "form_checkbox", "checked" => "YES", "value" => 5); $radioparameters = array ("label" => "This is a Radio set", "name" => "form_radio", "list" => array (1 => "Radio 1", 2 => "Radio 2", 3 => "Radio 3"), "checked" => 3); $multilistparameters = array ("label" => "This is a multiselect box", "name" => "form_multi", "font_type" => "Arial", "font_weight" => "bold", "background_color" => "#DDDDDD", "list" => array (1 => "Option one", 2 => "Option two", 3 => "Option three", 4 => "Option four", 5 => "Option five", 6 => "Option six", 7 => "Option seven"), "selected" => array (2,5)); $singlelistparameters = array ("label" => "This is a select box", "name" => "form_select", "list" => array ( 1 => "Option one", 2 => "Option two", 3 => "Option three", 4 => "Option four", 5 => "Option five", 6 => "Option six", 7 => "Option seven"), "selected" => 4, "font_color" => "#005550", "jsevents" => "onChange=\"DoSomething();\""); $fileparameters = array ("name" => "form_file"); $dateparameters = array ("name" => "form_date", "formname" => "exampleform"); $date2parameters = array ("name" => "form_date2", "formname" => "exampleform"); $buttonparameters = array ("resetlabel" => "Reset Form", "finish" => "YES"); $hiddenparameters = array ("items" => array ("marco" => "maaike", "jihad" => "joelle", "olivier" => "katia")); $checkgroupparameters = array ("label" => "Check these options", "names" => array ("check1","check2","check3"), "checked" => array (1), "disabled" => array (1), "list" => array (1 => "I have children", 2 => "I have a dog", 3 => "I want a sea view")); /* create objects */ $myFormHead = new YumaForm($formparameters); $myTextField = new YumaForm($textfieldparameters); $myTextArea = new YumaForm($textareaparameters); $myCheckBox = new YumaForm($checkboxparameters); $myRadioGroup = new YumaForm($radioparameters); $myMultiList = new YumaForm($multilistparameters); $mySingleList = new YumaForm($singlelistparameters); $myFileUpload = new YumaForm($fileparameters); $myDate = new YumaForm($dateparameters); $myDate2 = new YumaForm($date2parameters); $myCheckGroup = new YumaForm($checkgroupparameters); $myHiddenFields = new YumaForm($hiddenparameters); $myButtons = new YumaForm($buttonparameters); /* generate output */ ?> <html> <head> <title>YumaForms</title> </head> <body> <? $myFormHead->FormHead(); echo "<p>\n"; echo "Here is a text box&nbsp;"; $myTextField->TextInput(); echo "<p>\n"; $myTextArea->TextArea(); echo "<p>\n"; $myCheckBox->CheckBox(); echo "you could check this box..."; echo "<p>\n"; $myRadioGroup = $myRadioGroup->RadioGroup(); echo "<p>\n"; $myMultiList->MultiList(); echo "<p>\n"; $mySingleList->SingleList(); echo "<p>\n"; $myFileUpload->FileUpload(); echo "<p>\n"; $myDate->DateBox(); $myDate2->DateBox(); echo "<p>\n"; $myCheckGroup->CheckBoxGroup(); $myHiddenFields->HiddenFields(); echo "<p>\n"; $myButtons->Buttons(); $myDate->AddJS(); // You have to add this right before the </body> tag for the date popup to function. ?> </body> </html>