/* ***************************************** */
function getmicrotime(){
/* ***************************************** */
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
// record processing time
function fehler() {
/* *************************** */
global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $db_mailto_error;
if (mysql_errno()>0) {
echo "<font size=+2 color=red><b>Datenbankfehler!</b> $error1: $error2<BR>";
$err_msg = "WARNING: Check log file if suspected recurrent error!\n\n";
$err_msg .= "Error Occured @:\n";
$err_msg .= date ("D M j, Y h:i:s A") . "\n\n";
$err_msg .= "MySQL ErrNo: $error1\n";
$err_msg .= "MySQL ErrMsg: $error2\n\n";
$err_msg .= "Website: ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST']."\n";
$err_msg .= "Query-String: ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']."\n";
$err_msg .= "Remote IP Access from: ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n";
mail($db_mailto_error,"mySQL Error on ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'],$err_msg);
exit; break; stop;
} /* end of function fehler() */
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* Change the following settings ! */
/* ---------------------------------- */
// database-server ...
$db_host = "base.isb.net";
// database username
$db_user = "zeit4zeit";
// Database name
$db = "zeit4zeit";
// password to connect with to the database-server
$db_pwd = "1azeit";
// database table name we are working on ... if you don't have it setup already, doit now!
// definition of the table is shown in the documentation of the php_tree.class itself
$table = "php_tree"; /* database table working on */
// where to mail errors
$db_mailto_error= "[email protected]";
// display mode: 3=almost everything, 2=less, 1=crutial
$mode = "3";
// show parent, ident, haschild values in tree-views: 1=yes, 0=no
// show sql-statements, 1=true, 0=false
// define client / mandant
if (!isset($gui)) { $gui = "999"; }
// set starting point to root node, if none given
if (!isset($node)) { $node="-1"; };
/* ********************************** */
header for html page
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
echo '<html><head><title>PHP Tree - demo of php_tree class</title>';
include("style_win.css"); /* load some style */
echo '</head><body>';
Javascript ... don't know where to store this right now! todo!
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="php_tree.js"></script>
Some information to lead into demo
echo '<table><tr><td>';
echo '<h2><a href="example.php">php_tree demo</a></h2>';
if ( isset($node) && $node=="-1" )
echo '<p>You must have a database and store data in a table with ident, parent, haschild rows holding information about your products, your database, your repository, your menuesystem, your ';
echo '... what ever you can imagine, than php_tree gives you handy, raw-functions to retrieve, inject and safely destroy information without having to bother about anything else than layout ';
echo 'and your idea itself.</p>';
echo 'php_tree may be used to display the path from root to node and visaversa, display a branch of a tree and draw the full tree in static manor or interactive javascript style. ';
echo 'Almost nothing is stored in memory, ';
echo 'so what you might need when working on large trees is a fast database-server and a fast application-server.';
echo 'Please be encouraged to drop me a mail (phptree\'at\'zeitfenster.de), in case of any problems or questions or errors or missing functionality.';
echo 'I would be very happy to answer your e-mail.';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
connect to database
if ( ( $db_host=="base.isb.net" && $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']!="www.zeitfenster.de" ) || $_GET['action']=="showsource")
echo '<h2>Here comes the source-code</h2><br>';
echo '<br>';
echo '*******************************************<br><p>';
echo '<h2>qad (quick and dirty) Examples how to use php_tree ... hope it helps you</h2><br>';
echo '*******************************************<br>';
echo ' example.php<br>';
echo '*******************************************<br>';
echo '*******************************************<br>';
echo ' php_tree.class<br>';
echo '*******************************************<br>';
echo '*******************************************<br><p>';
get class ready for working
// initialize class
$mytree = new php_tree();
// set the parameters from source-code into scope of class
* +----------------------------------------------+
* | Demonstration of functions of php_tree.class |
* +----------------------------------------------+
delete a node
if ($_POST['action']=="delete") {
// evaluate actions coming from form or url
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
switch ($_GET['action']) {
case "delete_from_db":
example of how to delete a whole tree
if (isset($_GET['node'])) { $node=$_GET['node']; }
$mytree->delete_from_db( $node );
echo 'node #'.$node.' removed and '.$mytree->number_of_nodes.' childs have been moved to parent<br>';
case "delete_from_db_wholetree":
example of how to delete a whole tree
if (isset($_GET['node'])) { $node=$_GET['node']; }
echo "done. ".$mytree->number_of_nodes." nodes removed.";
case "move_up":
example of how to delete a whole tree
if (isset($_GET['node'])) { $node=$_GET['node']; }
if ($mytree->father !="") {
echo "node #".$node." moved to ".$mytree->father.".";
} else {
echo 'father object empty ... could not move node-object beyond absolute root<br>';
case "fulltree":
display the full tree
case "displaybranch":
echo '<table><tr><td>';
echo "<br><p>display_branch(\$node)</p>";
echo $mytree->number_of_nodes.'</td></tr></table>';
case "populatetree":
// create a root node
$mytree->insert_into_db(-1,"1000 nodes below this node", time() );
// generate 1000 nodes below root-node #1
srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
for ($i=0;$i<1000;$i++) {
$mytree->insert_into_db($node,"test".$i, 1+$i );
} /* end of for */
echo "<p>".$i." nodes generated</p>";
// set starting point to root-node
} /* end of switch */
display some form for assistance of database injection
echo '<table><tr><td>';
echo '<form method="post">';
echo 'Child <input type="text" name="child">';
echo '<input type=hidden name=node value="'.$node.'">';
echo '<input type=submit class="button" name=submit value="save">';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
store a new object
if (isset($_POST['child'])) {
$mytree->insert_into_db($_POST['node'],$_POST['child'], time() );
echo "ok";
display a branch of a $node
echo '<table><tr><td>';
echo "<br><p>display_branch(\$node)</p>";
// check if database is empty ...
if ( !isset($mytree->number_of_nodes) || $mytree->number_of_nodes=="0" ) {
// database is empty ... offer help to populate database
echo '<b>database is empty</b> ... <a href="?action=populatetree">click here to create a root-node and populate the database with dummy entries</a><br><br>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
} else {
// database hasnodes ... offer links to tree_displays
echo '<ul>';
echo '<li> <a href="?action=fulltree&node='.$node.'">display_full_tree('.$node.')</a><br>';
echo '<li> <a href="example_with_lots_of_javascript.php?action=fulltree&node='.$node.'">display full tree javascript version</a>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
delete nodes links
echo '<table><tr><td>';
echo 'functions to delete nodes are: <a href="?action=delete_from_db&node='.$node.'">delete_from_db('.$node.')</a> and <a href="?action=delete_from_db_wholetree&node='.$node.'">delete_from_db_wholetree('.$node.')</a><br>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
display path to a $node
echo "<table><tr><td><br><p>display_path ( \$node, \$reverse_path )</p>";
echo '\\<a href="?node=-1">root</a><br>'; echo "branch no. ".$branches." in tree";
echo '</td>';
display reverse path to a node
echo '<td>';
echo "<br><p>display_reverse_path ( \$node )</p> ";
$mytree->display_reverse_path( $node );
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr></table>';
} // end of if
// just some calculation of execution time
$diff=round(getmicrotime()-$start,3); echo "<br>exec ".$diff." sec - execution time changes as result of processing time is scheduled from shared webserver ;-) - <a href=\"?action=showsource\">show source-code</a><br>";