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File: src/resources/assets/js/plugins/jquery.bootstrap-wizard.js

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  Classes of Roman Kozin   Laravel Material Dashboard Pro   src/resources/assets/js/plugins/jquery.bootstrap-wizard.js   Download  
File: src/resources/assets/js/plugins/jquery.bootstrap-wizard.js
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Class: Laravel Material Dashboard Pro
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/*! * jQuery twitter bootstrap wizard plugin * Examples and documentation at: * version 1.4.2 * Requires jQuery v1.3.2 or later * Supports Bootstrap 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * * Authors: Vadim Vincent Gabriel (, Jason Gill ( */ ; (function ($) { var bootstrapWizardCreate = function (element, options) { var element = $(element); var obj = this; // selector skips any 'li' elements that do not contain a child with a tab data-toggle var baseItemSelector = 'li:has([data-toggle="tab"])'; var historyStack = []; // Merge options with defaults var $settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.bootstrapWizard.defaults, options); var $activeTab = null; var $navigation = null; this.rebindClick = function (selector, fn) { selector.unbind('click', fn).bind('click', fn); } this.fixNavigationButtons = function () { // Get the current active tab if (!$activeTab.length) { // Select first one $navigation.find('a:first').tab('show'); $activeTab = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':first'); } // See if we're currently in the first/last then disable the previous and last buttons $($settings.previousSelector, element).toggleClass('disabled', (obj.firstIndex() >= obj.currentIndex())); $($settings.nextSelector, element).toggleClass('disabled', (obj.currentIndex() >= obj.navigationLength())); $($settings.nextSelector, element).toggleClass('hidden', (obj.currentIndex() >= obj.navigationLength() && $($settings.finishSelector, element).length > 0)); $($settings.lastSelector, element).toggleClass('hidden', (obj.currentIndex() >= obj.navigationLength() && $($settings.finishSelector, element).length > 0)); $($settings.finishSelector, element).toggleClass('hidden', (obj.currentIndex() < obj.navigationLength())); $($settings.backSelector, element).toggleClass('disabled', (historyStack.length == 0)); $($settings.backSelector, element).toggleClass('hidden', (obj.currentIndex() >= obj.navigationLength() && $($settings.finishSelector, element).length > 0)); // We are unbinding and rebinding to ensure single firing and no double-click errors obj.rebindClick($($settings.nextSelector, element),; obj.rebindClick($($settings.previousSelector, element), obj.previous); obj.rebindClick($($settings.lastSelector, element), obj.last); obj.rebindClick($($settings.firstSelector, element), obj.first); obj.rebindClick($($settings.finishSelector, element), obj.finish); obj.rebindClick($($settings.backSelector, element), obj.back); if ($settings.onTabShow && typeof $settings.onTabShow === 'function' && $settings.onTabShow($activeTab, $navigation, obj.currentIndex()) === false) { return false; } }; = function (e) { // If we clicked the last then dont activate this if (element.hasClass('last')) { return false; } if ($settings.onNext && typeof $settings.onNext === 'function' && $settings.onNext($activeTab, $navigation, obj.nextIndex()) === false) { return false; } var formerIndex = obj.currentIndex(); var $index = obj.nextIndex(); // Did we click the last button if ($index > obj.navigationLength()) { } else { historyStack.push(formerIndex); $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ($settings.withVisible ? ':visible' : '') + ':eq(' + $index + ') a').tab('show'); } }; this.previous = function (e) { // If we clicked the first then dont activate this if (element.hasClass('first')) { return false; } if ($settings.onPrevious && typeof $settings.onPrevious === 'function' && $settings.onPrevious($activeTab, $navigation, obj.previousIndex()) === false) { return false; } var formerIndex = obj.currentIndex(); var $index = obj.previousIndex(); if ($index < 0) { } else { historyStack.push(formerIndex); $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ($settings.withVisible ? ':visible' : '') + ':eq(' + $index + ') a').tab('show'); } }; this.first = function (e) { if ($settings.onFirst && typeof $settings.onFirst === 'function' && $settings.onFirst($activeTab, $navigation, obj.firstIndex()) === false) { return false; } // If the element is disabled then we won't do anything if (element.hasClass('disabled')) { return false; } historyStack.push(obj.currentIndex()); $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(0) a').tab('show'); }; this.last = function (e) { if ($settings.onLast && typeof $settings.onLast === 'function' && $settings.onLast($activeTab, $navigation, obj.lastIndex()) === false) { return false; } // If the element is disabled then we won't do anything if (element.hasClass('disabled')) { return false; } historyStack.push(obj.currentIndex()); $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + obj.navigationLength() + ') a').tab('show'); }; this.finish = function (e) { if ($settings.onFinish && typeof $settings.onFinish === 'function') { $settings.onFinish($activeTab, $navigation, obj.lastIndex()); } }; this.back = function () { if (historyStack.length == 0) { return null; } var formerIndex = historyStack.pop(); if ($settings.onBack && typeof $settings.onBack === 'function' && $settings.onBack($activeTab, $navigation, formerIndex) === false) { historyStack.push(formerIndex); return false; } element.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + formerIndex + ') a').tab('show'); }; this.currentIndex = function () { return $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ($settings.withVisible ? ':visible' : '')).index($activeTab); }; this.firstIndex = function () { return 0; }; this.lastIndex = function () { return obj.navigationLength(); }; this.getIndex = function (e) { return $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ($settings.withVisible ? ':visible' : '')).index(e); }; this.nextIndex = function () { var nextIndexCandidate = this.currentIndex(); var nextTabCandidate = null; do { nextIndexCandidate++; nextTabCandidate = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ($settings.withVisible ? ':visible' : '') + ":eq(" + nextIndexCandidate + ")"); } while ((nextTabCandidate) && (nextTabCandidate.hasClass("disabled"))); return nextIndexCandidate; }; this.previousIndex = function () { var prevIndexCandidate = this.currentIndex(); var prevTabCandidate = null; do { prevIndexCandidate--; prevTabCandidate = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ($settings.withVisible ? ':visible' : '') + ":eq(" + prevIndexCandidate + ")"); } while ((prevTabCandidate) && (prevTabCandidate.hasClass("disabled"))); return prevIndexCandidate; }; this.navigationLength = function () { return $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ($settings.withVisible ? ':visible' : '')).length - 1; }; this.activeTab = function () { return $activeTab; }; this.nextTab = function () { return $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + (obj.currentIndex() + 1) + ')').length ? $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + (obj.currentIndex() + 1) + ')') : null; }; this.previousTab = function () { if (obj.currentIndex() <= 0) { return null; } return $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + parseInt(obj.currentIndex() - 1) + ')'); }; = function (index) { var tabToShow = isNaN(index) ? element.find(baseItemSelector + ' a[href="#' + index + '"]') : element.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + index + ') a'); if (tabToShow.length > 0) { historyStack.push(obj.currentIndex());'show'); } }; this.disable = function (index) { $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + index + ')').addClass('disabled'); }; this.enable = function (index) { $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + index + ')').removeClass('disabled'); }; this.hide = function (index) { $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + index + ')').hide(); }; this.display = function (index) { $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + index + ')').show(); }; this.remove = function (args) { var $index = args[0]; var $removeTabPane = typeof args[1] != 'undefined' ? args[1] : false; var $item = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + ':eq(' + $index + ')'); // Remove the tab pane first if needed if ($removeTabPane) { var $href = $item.find('a').attr('href'); $($href).remove(); } // Remove menu item $item.remove(); }; var innerTabClick = function (e) { // Get the index of the clicked tab var $ul = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector); var clickedIndex = $ul.index($(e.currentTarget).parent(baseItemSelector)); var $clickedTab = $($ul[clickedIndex]); if ($settings.onTabClick && typeof $settings.onTabClick === 'function' && $settings.onTabClick($activeTab, $navigation, obj.currentIndex(), clickedIndex, $clickedTab) === false) { return false; } }; var innerTabShown = function (e) { var $element = $(; var nextTab = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector).index($element); // If it's disabled then do not change if ($element.hasClass('disabled')) { return false; } if ($settings.onTabChange && typeof $settings.onTabChange === 'function' && $settings.onTabChange($activeTab, $navigation, obj.currentIndex(), nextTab) === false) { return false; } $activeTab = $element; // activated tab obj.fixNavigationButtons(); }; this.resetWizard = function () { // remove the existing handlers $('a[data-toggle="tab"]', $navigation).off('click', innerTabClick); $('a[data-toggle="tab"]', $navigation).off('show', innerTabShown); // reset elements based on current state of the DOM $navigation = element.find('ul:first', element); $activeTab = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + '.active', element); // re-add handlers $('a[data-toggle="tab"]', $navigation).on('click', innerTabClick); $('a[data-toggle="tab"]', $navigation).on('show', innerTabShown); obj.fixNavigationButtons(); }; $navigation = element.find('ul:first', element); $activeTab = $navigation.find(baseItemSelector + '.active', element); if (!$navigation.hasClass($settings.tabClass)) { $navigation.addClass($settings.tabClass); } // Load onInit if ($settings.onInit && typeof $settings.onInit === 'function') { $settings.onInit($activeTab, $navigation, 0); } // Load onShow if ($settings.onShow && typeof $settings.onShow === 'function') { $settings.onShow($activeTab, $navigation, obj.nextIndex()); } $('a[data-toggle="tab"]', $navigation).on('click', innerTabClick); // attach to both show and to support Bootstrap versions 2.3.2 and 3.0.0 $('a[data-toggle="tab"]', $navigation).on('show', innerTabShown); }; $.fn.bootstrapWizard = function (options) { //expose methods if (typeof options == 'string') { var args =, 1) if (args.length === 1) { args.toString(); } return'bootstrapWizard')[options](args); } return this.each(function (index) { var element = $(this); // Return early if this element already has a plugin instance if ('bootstrapWizard')) return; // pass options to plugin constructor var wizard = new bootstrapWizardCreate(element, options); // Store plugin object in this element's data'bootstrapWizard', wizard); // and then trigger initial change wizard.fixNavigationButtons(); }); }; // expose options $.fn.bootstrapWizard.defaults = { withVisible: true, tabClass: 'nav nav-pills', nextSelector: '.card-wizard', previousSelector: '.card-wizard .nav-item.previous', firstSelector: '.card-wizard .nav-item.first', lastSelector: '.card-wizard .nav-item.last', finishSelector: '.card-wizard .nav-item.finish', backSelector: '.card-wizard .nav-item.back', onShow: null, onInit: null, onNext: null, onPrevious: null, onLast: null, onFirst: null, onFinish: null, onBack: null, onTabChange: null, onTabClick: null, onTabShow: null }; })(jQuery);