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File: Grid/Deploy/JqGrid.php

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File: Grid/Deploy/JqGrid.php
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Class: Zend Framework Data Grid
Display and edit data from a database in a grid
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<?php /** * ZFDatagrid * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license * It is available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @package Bvb_Grid * @copyright Copyright (c) XTmotion Limited ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id$ * @author k2s (Martin Minka) <> */ /** Zend_Json */ require_once 'Zend/Json.php'; /** Zend_Controller_Front */ require_once 'Zend/Controller/Front.php'; /** * Deploy class to render data with jqGrid library * * @package Bvb_Grid * @author k2s (Martin Minka) <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2011 XTmotion Limited ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id$ */ class Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid extends Bvb_Grid implements Bvb_Grid_Deploy_DeployInterface { /** * URL path to place where JqGrid library resides * * @var string */ public static $defaultJqGridLibPath = "public/scripts/jqgrid"; /** * Code of locale file to use * * @var string */ public static $defaultJqgI18n = "en"; /** * Remember if we are already initialized * * @var boolean */ protected $_jqInitialized = false; /** * URL path to place where JqGrid library resides * * @var string */ public static $defaultActionClasses = array( '{edit}' => 'ui-icon ui-icon-pencil', '{delete}' => 'ui-icon ui-icon-trash', '{view}' => 'ui-icon ui-icon-search', '{add}' => 'ui-icon ui-icon-plus', ); /** * Track if setAjax() function was called * * @var boolean */ private $_ajaxFuncCalled = false; /** * Trac if deploy() function was called * * @var boolean */ private $_deployFuncCalled = false; /** * Default options for JqGrid * * @var array */ protected $_jqgDefaultParams = array( 'mtype' => 'POST', // GET will not work because of our parsing 'height' => 'auto', 'autowidth' => true, 'rownumbers' => true, 'gridview' => true, 'multiselect' => false, 'viewrecords' => true, 'imgpath' => "themes/basic/images", 'caption' => '', 'loadError' => 'function(xhr,st,err) { if (xhr.status!=200) {alert(xhr.statusText);} }', ); /** * Default options for columns * * @var array */ protected $_jqgColDefaultParams = array( 'title' => false ); /** * Options defined for jqGrid object * * @see * * @var array */ private $_jqgParams = array(); /** * Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid own options to apply * * @var array */ private $_bvbParams = array(); /** * @var bool */ protected $_dataWithColNames = false; /** * Options to apply by navGrid * TODO maybe not needed * @var array */ private $_navGridParams = array(); // TODO rename this property ? It is Bvb related private $_jqgOnInit = array(); /** * List of commands to execute after the jqGrid object is initiated * * @var array */ private $_postCommands = array(); /** * List of custon buttons to be shown on navigation bar * * @var array */ private $_navButtons = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param array $options configuration options */ public function __construct (array $options = array()) { $this->initLogger(); parent::__construct($options); // TODO fix for property with same name in Bvb_Grid $this->_view = null; // prepare request parameters sent by jqGrid $this->clearParams(); $this->convertRequestParams(); } /** * Call this in controller (before any output) to dispatch Ajax requests. * * @param string $id ID to recognize the request from multiple tables ajax request will be ignored if FALSE * * @return void */ public function setAjax($id='') { $this->setId($id); // apply additional configuration $this->runConfigCallbacks(); // track that this function was called $this->_ajaxFuncCalled = true; // if request is Ajax we should only return data if (false!==$id && $this->isAjaxRequest() && isset($_GET['q']) && $id===$_GET['q']) { // prepare data parent::deploy(); // set data in JSON format $response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse(); if (!self::$debug) { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } $response->setBody($this->renderPartData()); // send logged messages to FirePHP Zend_Wildfire_Channel_HttpHeaders::getInstance()->flush(); // send the response now and end request processing $response->sendResponse(); exit; } } /** * Deprecated, use setAjax() * * @param string $id id * * @return void */ public function ajax($id='') { trigger_error("Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid::ajax() is deprecated, use setAjax() instead. Function will be removed in later versions.", E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->setAjax($id); } /** * Set jQuery Grid options (merging with old options) * * @param array $options set JqGrid options (@see * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function setJqgParams(array $options) { // TODO bad name, use the same as in ZendX_Jquery // TODO also dangerouse that it will call set functions for general Bvb class $this->_jqgParams = array(); //$this->_jqgDefaultParams; $methods = get_class_methods($this); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $method = 'jqgSet' . ucfirst($key); if (in_array($method, $methods)) { $this->$method($value); } else { $this->_jqgParams[$key] = $value; } } return $this; } /** * Set value to one parameter from jqGrid domain * * @param string $var name of property to set with value * @param mixed $value value * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function setJqgParam($var, $value) { $this->_jqgParams[$var] = $value; return $this; } /** * Return value of parameter from jqGrid domain * * @param string $var variable name * @param mixed $default value to return if option is not set * * @return mixed */ public function getJqgParam($var, $default = null) { return isset($this->_jqgParams[$var]) ? $this->_jqgParams[$var] : $default; } /** * Set Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid own options (merging with old options) * * @param array $options set Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function setBvbParams(array $options) { // TODO bad name, use the same as in ZendX_Jquery // TODO also dangerouse that it will call set functions for general Bvb class $this->_bvbParams = array(); //$this->_jqgDefaultParams; $methods = get_class_methods($this); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $method = 'bvbSet' . ucfirst($key); if (in_array($method, $methods)) { $this->$method($value); } else { $this->_bvbParams[$key] = $value; } } return $this; } /** * Set value to one parameter from Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid domain * * @param string $var name of property to set with value * @param mixed $value value * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function setBvbParam($var, $value) { $this->_bvbParams[$var] = $value; return $this; } /** * @param bool $addColumnNames * @return void */ public function setBvbDataWithColNames($addColumnNames) { $this->_dataWithColNames = $addColumnNames; } public function getBvbDataWithColNames() { return $this->_dataWithColNames; } /** * Return value of parameter from Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid domain * * @param string $var variable name * @param mixed $default value to return if option is not set * * @return mixed */ public function getBvbParam($var, $default = null) { return isset($this->_bvbParams[$var]) ? $this->_bvbParams[$var] : $default; } /** * Will add passed javascript code inside anonymouse function. * * Following variables are accessible in that function: * this - jqgrid DOM object * grid - jqGrid object * * @param string $javaScript javascript will be included into funcion * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function bvbSetOnInit($javaScript) { $this->_jqgOnInit[] = $javaScript; return $this; } /** * Removes all javascript code added by calls to setJqgOnInit() * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function bvbClearOnInit() { // TODO __call function in Bvb_Grid should ignore such call $this->_jqgOnInit = array(); return $this; } /** * Add export action buttons to grid * * @param array $exports names of deploy classes * * @return void */ protected function addExportButtons(array $exports) { $myUrl = 'x'; foreach ($exports as $export=>$options) { $url = isset($options['url']) ? $options['url'] : $myUrl; $newWindow = isset($options['newWindow']) ? $options['newWindow'] : true; $this->jqgAddNavButton( array( // /public/images/csv.gif 'caption' => $options['caption'], 'buttonicon' => isset($options['cssClass']) ? $options['cssClass'] : "ui-icon-extlink", 'onClickButton' => isset($options['onClick']) ? new Zend_Json_Expr($options['onClick']) // TODO following JS function should be added as universal function if at least one exp. button : new Zend_Json_Expr($this->getExportButtonJs($url, $newWindow, $export)), 'position' => "last" ) ); } return $this; } /** * Create javascript adding export button to grid navBar * * @param string $url url to action which supports generation of export * @param boolean $newWindow should the export be opened as new window * @param string $exportTo Bvb deploy class name used to generate export * * @return void */ protected function getExportButtonJs($url, $newWindow, $exportTo) { $cmd1 = $this->cmd("getGridParam", "url"); $cmd2 = $this->cmd("getGridParam", "postData"); // TODO does not support sending of search/sort parameters yet $getUrl = <<<JS var url = $cmd1; var data = $cmd2; var sdata = []; for(var p in data) sdata.push(p + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[p])); url = url + "&_exportFrom=jqGrid&_exportTo=$exportTo&" + sdata.join("&"); JS; if ($newWindow) { return <<<JS function() { $getUrl newwindow =; if (window.focus) { newwindow.focus(); } return false; } JS; } else { return <<<JS function() { $getUrl location.href = url; } JS; } } /** * Build grid. Will output HTML definition for grid and add js/css to view. * * Use __toString() function to receive the result and place it in view where you want to display the grid. * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function deploy() { // check if setAjax() function was called if (!$this->_ajaxFuncCalled) { $this->log("setAjax() function was not called before deploy()", Zend_Log::WARN); } // it would not work correctly if deploy() is called more times if ($this->_deployFuncCalled) { return $this; } // prepare internal Bvb data parent::deploy(); // prepare access to view $view = $this->getView(); // defines ID property of html tags related to this jqGrid $id = $this->getId(); // initialize jQuery $this->jqInit(); // prepare options used to build jqGrid element $this->prepareOptions(); // build definition of columns, which will manipulate _options $this->_jqgParams['colModel'] = $this->jqgGetColumnModel(); // build final JavaScript code and return HTML code to display $this->jqAddOnLoad($this->renderPartJavascript()); $this->_deploymentContent = $this->renderPartHtml(); $this->_deployFuncCalled = true; return $this; } /** * Return javascript part of grid * * @return string */ public function renderPartJavascript() { // ! this should be the last commands (it is not chainable anymore) foreach ($this->_navButtons as $btn) { $this->_postCommands[] = sprintf( 'jqGrid("navButtonAdd", "#%s", %s)', $this->jqgGetIdPager(), self::encodeJson($btn) ); } if ($this->_dataWithColNames) { $this->_jqgParams['jsonReader'] = array("repeatitems"=>false); } if (!$this->getBvbParam('firstDataAsLocal', true)) { // first data will be loaded via ajax call $data = array(); $this->_jqgParams['datatype'] = "json"; } else { // set first data without ajax request $data = $this->renderPartData(); $this->_jqgParams['datatype'] = "local"; $this->_postCommands[] = 'jqGrid("setGridParam", {datatype:"json"})'; $this->_postCommands[] = 'jqGrid()[0].addJSONData('.$data.')'; } // combine the post commands into JavaScrip string if (count($this->_postCommands)) { $postCommands = '.' . implode("\n.", $this->_postCommands); } // convert options to javascript $options = self::encodeJson($this->_jqgParams); // build javascript text $idtable = $this->jqgGetIdTable(); $idpager = $this->jqgGetIdPager(); $js = <<<EOF jQuery("#$idtable").jqGrid( $options ) $postCommands ; EOF; // add users javascript code (something like ready event) if (count($this->_jqgOnInit)>0) { $cmds = implode(PHP_EOL, $this->_jqgOnInit); $js .= PHP_EOL . <<<JS jQuery("#$idtable").each(function () { var grid = jQuery(this).jqGrid(); $cmds }); JS; } return $js; } /** * Return html part of grid * * @return string */ public function renderPartHtml() { $idtable = $this->jqgGetIdTable(); $idpager = $this->jqgGetIdPager(); $html = <<<HTML <table id="$idtable"> <tr><td></td></tr> </table> <div id="$idpager"></div> HTML; return $html; } /** * Return data in JSON format * * @return string */ public function renderPartData() { // clarify the values $page = $this->getParam('page'); // get the requested page $limit = $this->getRecordsPerPage(); // get how many rows we want to have into the grid $count = $this->_totalRecords; // decide if we should pass PK as ID to each row $passPk = false; if (isset($this->_bvbParams['id']) && count($this->_result)>0) { $pkName = $this->_bvbParams['id']; if (isset($this->_result[0][$pkName])) { // only if that field exists $passPk = true; } else { $this->log( "field '$pkName' defined as jqg>reader>id option does not exists in result set", Zend_Log::WARN ); } } // build rows $data = new stdClass(); $data->rows = array(); foreach (parent::_buildGrid() as $i=>$row) { $dataRow = new stdClass(); // collect data for cells $d = array(); foreach ( $row as $key=>$val ) { if ($this->_dataWithColNames) { // add column names to data $d[$val['field']] = $val['value']; } else { // faster but you can't change order of columns $d[] = $val['value']; } } if ($passPk) { // set PK to row // TODO works only if _buildGrid() results are in same order as $this->_result $dataRow->id = $this->_result[$i][$pkName]; } if ($this->_dataWithColNames) { $data->rows[] = $d; } else { $dataRow->cell = $d; $data->rows[] = $dataRow; } } // set some other information if ($limit>0) { $totalPages = ceil($count/$limit); } else { $totalPages = 0; } $data->page = $page; $data->total = $totalPages; $data->records = $count; return Zend_Json::encode($data); } /** * Consolidate all settings to know how to render the grid * * Options are set on grid level by: * 1. javascript options passed to jqGrid (?) * 2. special Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid options (jqg array) * 3. standard Bvb settings * * Options are set on column level by: * 1. javascript options passed to columns (?) * 2. special Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid options (jqg array) * 3. standard Bvb settings * 4. formaters (?) * * @return void */ public function prepareOptions() { $id = $this->getId(); // build URL where to receive data from $url = $this->getView()->serverUrl(true) . "?q=$id"; // initialize table with default options $this->_jqgParams += $this->_jqgDefaultParams; // prepare navigation $this->_postCommands[] = sprintf( "jqGrid('navGrid', '#%s',{edit:false,add:false,del:false,search:false,view:true})", $this->jqgGetIdPager() ); // override with options defined on Bvb_Grid level $this->_jqgParams['url'] = isset($this->_jqgParams['url']) ? (empty($this->_jqgParams['url']) ? $url : $this->_jqgParams['url']) : $url; $this->_jqgParams['pager'] = new Zend_Json_Expr(sprintf("'#%s'", $this->jqgGetIdPager())); $this->_jqgParams['rowNum'] = isset($this->_jqgParams['rowNum']) ? (empty($this->_jqgParams['rowNum']) ? $this->_recordsPerPage : $this->_jqgParams['rowNum']) : $this->_recordsPerPage; $this->_jqgParams['rowList'] = isset($this->_jqgParams['rowList']) ? $this->_jqgParams['rowList'] : $this->_paginationInterval; if (!$this->getInfo('noFilters', false)) { // add filter toolbar to grid - if not set $grid->noFilters(1); $this->_postCommands[] = 'jqGrid("filterToolbar")'; $this->jqgAddNavButton( array( 'caption' => $this->__("Toggle Search"), 'title' => $this->__("Toggle Search Toolbar"), 'buttonicon' => 'ui-icon-pin-s', 'onClickButton' => new Zend_Json_Expr("function(){ jQuery(this)[0].toggleToolbar(); }") ) ); } if ($this->getInfo('noOrder', false)) { // dissable sorting on columns - if set $grid->noOrder(1); $this->_jqgParams['viewsortcols'] = array(false,'vertical',false); } if ($this->getMassActions()->hasMassActions()) { // add multiselect $this->_jqgParams['multiselect'] = true; $this->_jqgParams['multiboxonly'] = false; $this->_jqgParams['multikey'] = "ctrlKey"; // add actions // TODO render combobox and button combination foreach ($this->getMassActions()->getMassActionsOptions() as $options) { $this->jqgAddNavButton( array( 'caption' => $options['caption'], 'buttonicon' => isset($options['cssClass']) ? $options['cssClass'] : "ui-icon-circle-triangle-e ", 'onClickButton' => new Zend_Json_Expr($this->getJsFuncMassAction($options)), 'position' => "last" ) ); } } // add export buttons $this->addExportButtons($this->getExports()); } /** * Return javascript call to post to given mass action * * @param array $massAction mass action definition to execute on selected rows * @param boolean|string $useOnSubmit true will add hander defined on action, false will add nothing, string will replace action setting * * @return string */ public function getJsFuncMassAction($massAction, $useOnSubmit=true) { $onsubmit = ""; // decide what fields to submit for given action if (isset($massAction['fields'])) { if (is_string($massAction['fields'])) { $fields = array($massAction['fields']); } else { $fields = $massAction['fields']; } } else { $fields = $this->getMassActions()->getFields(); } $selectedValuesJs = $this->getJsFuncSelectedValues($fields); if (true===$useOnSubmit) { // build confirmation if requested if (isset($massAction['confirm'])) { $onsubmit = 'if(!confirm("'.preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($massAction['confirm'])).'")) return false;'; } // add onsubmit handler provided by if (isset($massAction['onsubmit'])) { $onsubmit .= 'if(!function(count,data) {'.$massAction['onsubmit'].'}(data.count, data.postMassIds)) return false;'; } } elseif (false!==$useOnSubmit) { $onsubmit .= 'if(!function(count,data) {'.$useOnSubmit.'}(data.count, data.postMassIds)) return false;'; } // render function // TODO this could be more general function added with jQuery() helper and called with parameters return <<<JS function(){ var data=$selectedValuesJs(); {$onsubmit} if (data.count==0) { return false; } var id = 1; while ($('#_jqpost'+id).size()>0) { id++; } id = '_jqpost'+id; $('body').append('<form id="'+id+'" method="post" action="{$massAction['url']}"><input type="hidden" name="postMassIds"/></form>'); $('#'+id+' :input').val(JSON.stringify(data.postMassIds)); $('#'+id).submit(); } JS; } /** * Helper to generate JS to get column data of selected rows * * TODO empty $colNames should cause to receive data from all columns * * @param array|string $colNames list of column names you want collect * * @return string javascript function which returns data when executed */ public function getJsFuncSelectedValues($colNames) { if (is_string($colNames)) { $colNames = array($colNames); } // build dynamic code $init = $assign = ""; foreach ($colNames as $col) { $init .= "values.$col = [];"; $assign .= "var v=grid.jqGrid('getCell', ids[i], '$col');values.$col.push(v);"; } // build JS $js = <<<JS function () { var grid = jQuery('#{$this->jqgGetIdTable()}'); var ids = grid.jqGrid("getGridParam","selarrrow"); var values = new Object; var ret = new Object; ret.count = ids.length; $init if (ret.count>0) { for (var i=0, il=ids.length; i<il;i++) { $assign } } ret.postMassIds = values; return ret; } JS; return $js; } /** * Encode Json that may include javascript expressions. * * Take care of using the Zend_Json_Encoder to alleviate problems with the json_encode * magic key mechanism as of now. * * @param mixed $value value to encode * * @see Zend_Json::encode * * @return mixed */ public static function encodeJson($value) { return Zend_Json::encode($value, false, array('enableJsonExprFinder' => true)); } /** * Loads jQuery related libraries needed to display jqGrid. * * ZendX_Jquery is used as default, but this could be overriden. * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function jqInit() { if ($this->_jqInitialized) { // this should run only once for all grids in this request return $this; } $jqgridLibPath = $this->getJqGridLibPath(); $this->getView()->jQuery() ->enable() ->uiEnable() ->addStylesheet($jqgridLibPath . "/css/ui.jqgrid.css") ->addJavascriptFile($jqgridLibPath . '/js/i18n/grid.locale-' . $this->getJqgI18n() . '.js') // TODO enable following lines when ZendX_Jquery will support it //->addJavascriptBetweenFiles($this->getJqgPreloadConfig()) ->addJavascriptFile($jqgridLibPath . '/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js'); ; // remember that we are initialized $this->_jqInitialized = true; return $this; } /** * Return language code * * @return string */ public function getJqgI18n() { return $this->getJqgParam('i18n', self::$defaultJqgI18n); } /** * Return URL where jqGrid library is located (it has js and css folders under it). * * @return string */ public function getJqGridLibPath() { return self::$defaultJqGridLibPath; } /** * Add JavaScript code to be executed when jQuery ready event * * ZendX_Jquery is used as default, but this could be overriden. * * @param string $js javascipt code to add * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function jqAddOnLoad($js) { $this->getView()->jQuery()->addOnLoad($js); return $this; } /** * Return Javascript which will configure jqGrid before it will be loaded. * * This code should be added between grid.locale-*.js and jquery.jqGrid.min.js file. * * @return string */ public function getJqgPreloadConfig() { // TODO settings should be configurable // TODO is there benefit to add: \njQuery.jgrid.no_legacy_api = true; return "jQuery.jgrid.useJSON = true;"; } /** * Add action button to navigation bar * * @param array $button options for JqGrid custom button * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function jqgAddNavButton($button) { $this->_navButtons[] = $button; return $this; } /** * Return colModel property for jqGrid * * @return array */ public function jqgGetColumnModel() { $model = array(); //BVB grid options $skipOptions = array( 'title', // handled in parent::_buildTitles() 'hidde', // handled in parent::_buildTitles() 'sqlexp', 'hRow', 'eval', 'callback', 'searchType', 'format', 'field', 'jqg' // we handle this separately ); $defaultFilters = array_flip(is_null($this->_defaultFilters) ? array() : $this->_defaultFilters); $titles = $this->_buildTitles(); $fields = $this->_data['fields']; foreach ($titles as $key=>$title) { // basic options $options = array_merge( $this->_jqgColDefaultParams, array("name" => isset($title['name'])?$title['name']:'', "label" => $title['value']) ); if ($title['type']=='extraField') { $options['search']= false; } // add defined options if (isset($fields[$key])) { if (isset($fields[$key]['class'])) { // convert Bvb class option to jqGrid classes option // TODO maybe move to prepareOptions() if (!isset($fields[$key]['jqg'])) { $fields[$key]['jqg'] = array(); } $fields[$key]['jqg']['classes'] = $fields[$key]['class']; unset($fields[$key]['class']); } foreach ($fields[$key] as $name=>$value) { if ( in_array($name, $skipOptions)) { continue ; } // standard Bvb property which is not excluded will be passed to jqGrid colModel //$this->log("not skipped option: ".$name); $options[$name] = $value; } if (isset($fields[$key]['jqg'])) { // we apply jqg options after all other options // see foreach ($fields[$key]['jqg'] as $name=>$value) { $options[$name] = $value; } } } else { $this->log("why there is no key $key in fields ?"); } // overide default filters if setDefaultFilers() was used if (isset($defaultFilters[$key])) { // this does not work with bvbFirstDataAsLocal = false, // because jQuery().trigger("refreshGrid") will reset filters if (isset($options['searchoptions'])) { $options['searchoptions']['defaultValue'] = $defaultFilters[$key]; } else { $options['searchoptions'] = array('defaultValue'=>$defaultFilters[$key]); } } // fix hidden field if (isset($options['hidden'])) { $options['hidden'] = (bool) $options['hidden']; } else { unset($options['hidden']); } // add field to model $model[] = $options; } return $model; } /** * Return ID for pager HTML element * * @return string */ public function jqgGetIdPager() { return "jqg_pager_" . $this->getId(); } /** * Return ID for pager HTML element * * @return string */ public function jqgGetIdTable() { return "jqg_" . $this->getId(); } /** * Add command to chain. See * * @param string $command jqGrid command * there could be any number of additional parameters * * @return JqGridCommand */ public function cmd($command) { $cmd = new JqGridCommand($this); $args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array(array($cmd, 'cmd'), $args); return $cmd; } // Following functions could go to Bvb_Grid /** * Contains result of deploy() function. * * @var string */ protected $_deploymentContent = null; /** * Return result of deploy(). * * string|boolean FALSE if deploy() was not called before * * @return string */ public function __toString() { if (is_null($this->_deploymentContent)) { $this->log("You should call deploy() before ", Zend_Log::WARN); // TODO !!! maybe we should simply call deploy() here // TODO enable this line after DataGrid will be fixed // return false; return parent::__toString(); } else { return $this->_deploymentContent; } } /** * Ajax ID * @var string */ protected $_id = 0; /** * @var mixed */ protected $_logger = null; /** * Set to true if you want to debug this class * * @var bool */ public static $debug = false; /** * Use to detect if we should return plain JSON data or full table definition * * @return boolean */ protected function isAjaxRequest() { return $this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest() || $this->getParam('_search'); } /** * Return value used to build HTML element ID attributes * * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->_id; } /** * Set value used to build HTML element ID attributes * * @param string $id text to apply as part of jqGrid HTML element IDs * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function setId($id) { $this->_id = $id; return $this; } /** * Set column containing id value of the row * * @param string $id name of the column * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ public function bvbSetId($id) { return $this->setId($id); } /** * Get column containing id value of the row * * @return string */ public function bvbGetId() { return $this->getId(); } /** * Create Zend_Log object used to debug Bvb classes * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ protected function initLogger() { if (self::$debug) { // send messages to FirePHP $writter = new Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug(); } else { // we need to have at least dummy instance of Zend_Log $writter = new Zend_Log_Writer_Null(); } $this->_logger = new Zend_Log($writter); return $this; } /** * Log message. Per default the message will be sent to FirePHP. * * @param string $message message to log * @param int $priority one of Zend_Log constances, Zend_Log::DEBUG is default * * @return Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid */ protected function log($message, $priority = 7) { $this->_logger->log($message, $priority); return $this; } /** * Handle parameters send from frontend. * * They could contain: * - number of rows to be shown on page * - first row to show on page * - sort order * - search filters * * @param array $params parameters to conver, request parameters will be used of not set * this array should always contain Zend parameters module, controller, action * * @return void */ protected function convertRequestParams($params=null) { if (is_null($params)) { $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); } // we try to convert jqGrid request to be Bvb ctrlParms compatible // add Zend parameters $this->setParam('module', $params['module']); $this->setParam('controller', $params['controller']); if (isset($params['action'])) { $this->setParam('action', $params['action']); } // number of rows to be shown on page, could be changed in jqGrid if (isset($params['rows'])) { $this->setParam('perPage', $params['rows']); $this->_recordsPerPage = $params['rows']; } // first row to display if (isset($params['page'])) { $page = $params['page']; } else { $page = 1; } $this->setParam('page', $page); $this->setParam('start', $this->_recordsPerPage * ($page-1)); // sort order $sidx = isset($params['sidx']) ? $params['sidx'] : ""; $sord = isset($params['sord']) ? $params['sord'] : "asc"; if ($sidx!=="") { $this->setParam('order', $sidx . '_' . strtoupper($sord)); } // filters // TODO it would be great to have some methods to define more complicated filters if (isset($params['_search']) && $params['_search']) { if (isset($params['filters'])) { // TODO Advanced searching // see[]=multiplesearch // } elseif (isset($params['searchField'])) { // TODO Single searching format // see[]=multiplesearch } else { // Toolbar Searching // see[]=searchoptions $flts = new stdClass(); $filteredFields = array_diff_key( $params, array_flip( array('q', 'nd', 'rows', 'page', 'sidx', 'sord', '_search', 'module', 'controller', 'action') ) ); foreach ($filteredFields as $filter=>$val) { $flts->$filter = $val; $this->setParam($filter, $val); } } } } /** * Function to format action links * * @param mixed $actions definition of links to action * all parameters will be added as HTML attributes to link except: * caption: will be placed between <a><span>$caption</span></a> * class: predefined variables {edit},{delete},{view} will be replaced with jQuery UI classes * img: could be array and will be extracted as HTML attributes to <img> tag * * @return string */ public static function formatterActionBar($actions) { // TODO this should be Bvb_Formatter class and it should not be static there //$actionClasses = $this->getActionClasses(); $actionClasses = self::$defaultActionClasses; $html = ""; foreach ($actions as $a) { $htmlAtts = array(); if (isset($a['class'])) { // support predefined CSS classes $class = trim( str_replace( array_keys($actionClasses), $actionClasses, $a['class'] ) ); if (!empty($class)) { $a['class'] = $class; } } if (isset($a['caption'])) { // handle caption $caption = $a['caption']; unset($a['caption']); } if (isset($a['img'])) { // TODO if we pass link to image to show instead of text } else { // will show text or icon if CSS class is styled if (!isset($a['style'])) { $a['style'] = "float:left;"; } $htmlAtts = self::htmlAttribs($a); $html .= "<a $htmlAtts><span>$caption</span></a>"; } } return $html; } /** * Converts an associative array to a string of tag attributes. * * This function is clone from Zend_View_Helper_HtmlElement * * @param array $attribs From this array, each key-value pair is * converted to an attribute name and value. * * @return string The XHTML for the attributes. */ public static function htmlAttribs($attribs) { $view = new Zend_View(); $xhtml = ''; foreach ((array) $attribs as $key => $val) { $key = $view->escape($key); if (('on' == substr($key, 0, 2)) || ('constraints' == $key)) { // Don't escape event attributes; _do_ substitute double quotes with singles if (!is_scalar($val)) { // non-scalar data should be cast to JSON first include_once 'Zend/Json.php'; $val = self::encodeJson($val); } $val = preg_replace('/"([^"]*)":/', '$1:', $val); } else { if (is_array($val)) { $val = implode(' ', $val); } $val = $view->escape($val); } if (strpos($val, '"') !== false) { $xhtml .= " $key='$val'"; } else { $xhtml .= " $key=\"$val\""; } } return $xhtml; } /** * Configuration magic * * @param string $var name of property to set with value * @param mixed $value value * * @return void */ public function __set($var, $value) { // check what domain parameter it is $domain = substr($var, 0, 3); if (strlen($var)>3 && $var[3]===strtoupper($var[3]) && 0===strcmp($domain, strtolower($domain))) { // it is valid domain $variableName = substr($var, 3); $setterName = $domain."Set".$variableName; if (method_exists($this, $setterName)) { // there is dedicated setter function for this option $this->$setterName($value); return; } $variableName[0] = strtolower($variableName[0]); $setterName = "set".ucfirst($domain)."Param"; if (method_exists($this, $setterName)) { // there is setter function for this domain $this->$setterName($variableName, $value); return; } } // not a domain property parent::__set($var, $value); } /** * Returns the number of records to show per page * * Is overriden to return always the number of data requested by jqGrid ajax request. * * @return integer */ public function getRecordsPerPage () { $perPage = $this->getParam('perPage', false); if (false===$perPage) { return parent::getRecordsPerPage(); } return $perPage; } /** * Will return actual version of this file * * @return string */ public static function getVersion() { return '$Rev$'; } // TODO __get() } class JqGridCommand { protected $_cmds = array(0=>array()); protected $_cmdsStack = 0; protected $_grid; /** * Constructor * * @param Bvb_Grid_Deploy_JqGrid $grid grid object */ public function __construct($grid) { $this->_grid = $grid; } /** * Build javascript from all commands * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $stacks = array(); foreach ($this->_cmds as $stack) { if (count($stack)>0) { $stacks[] = "jQuery('#" . $this->_grid->jqgGetIdTable() . "')." . implode('.', $stack) . ";"; } } if (count($stacks)>0) { return implode("\n", $stacks); } } /** * Add command to chain. * * @param string $command jqGrid command there could be any number of additional parameters * * @link * * @return JqGridCommand */ public function cmd($command) { $params = func_get_args(); // remove command from parameter list array_shift($params); // encode parameters $tmp = array(); foreach ($params as $param) { $tmp[] = $this->_grid->encodeJson($param); } $params = implode(",", $tmp); // add parameter to stack switch ($command) { case "trigger": // does not seam to work in new API, maybe it will change in future $this->_cmds[$this->_cmdsStack][] = "trigger($params)"; break; case 'setPostData': case 'appendPostData': case 'setPostDataItem': case 'removePostDataItem': // fix non chainable jqGrid methods $this->_cmds[$this->_cmdsStack] = array('jqGrid("' . $command . '",' . $params . ')'); $this->_cmdsStack++; break; default: $this->_cmds[$this->_cmdsStack][] = 'jqGrid("' . $command . '",' . $params . ')'; } // let us be chainable return $this; } }