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File: extended_pgsql.class.php

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File: extended_pgsql.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main class
Class: Extended PGSQL
Access PostGreSQL databases using PDO
Author: By
Last change: listing priority
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 16,316 bytes


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<?php /** * Extended PGsql, an database wrapper for PostGreSQL using PDO-pgsql * * @package Database * @version 1.1.0 $Rev: 8 $ * @copyright 2009 - 2011 Camilo Sperberg -- $Date: 2011-07-20 23:40:13 -0400 (Wed, 20 Jul 2011) $ * @author Camilo Sperberg, $Author: unreal4u $ * @license BSD License */ if (empty($proc)) die('No direct access allowed'); class extended_pgsql { /** * Whether to cache the query or not * @var boolean $cache_query Defaults to FALSE */ public $cache_query = FALSE; /** * Maintains statistics of the executed queries * @var array $LiveStats */ public $LiveStats = array(); /** * Maintains statistics exclusively from the errors in SQL * @var array $errors */ public $errors = array(); /** * Contains the actual DB connection * @var object $db */ private $db = null; private $stmt = null; private $connected = FALSE; private $stats = array(); private $error = FALSE; private $cache_recreate = FALSE; private $load_from_cache = FALSE; private $rows_from_cache = -1; private $num_rows = 0; private $in_transaction = FALSE; private $rollback = FALSE; private $insert_id = NULL; private $db_version = ''; public function __construct($in_transaction = FALSE) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.1.5','<')) die('Sorry, class only valid for PHP &gt; 5.1.5, please consider upgrading to the latest version'); if ($in_transaction === TRUE) $this->begin_transaction(); } public function __destruct() { if ($this->in_transaction === TRUE AND $this->connected === TRUE) $this->end_transaction(); if (DB_LOG_XML) $this->db_log(); } public function __call($func,$arg_array) { $this->stats = array('time' => time() + microtime(), 'memory' => memory_get_usage()); $this->error = FALSE; $this->load_from_cache = FALSE; if ($this->cache_query === FALSE) $this->cache_recreate = FALSE; elseif (!$this->valid_cache($arg_array)) $this->cache_recreate = TRUE; else { $this->cache_recreate = FALSE; $this->load_from_cache = TRUE; } $log = TRUE; switch ($func) { case 'num_rows': $this->execute_query($arg_array); $num_rows = $this->execute_result_info($arg_array); $result = $num_rows['num_rows']; break; case 'insert_id': $this->execute_query($arg_array); $num_rows = $this->execute_result_info(); $result = $num_rows['insert_id']; break; case 'query': $this->execute_query($arg_array); if (!$result = $this->execute_result_array($arg_array)) $result = FALSE; break; case 'begin_transaction': $this->connect_to_db(); if ($this->in_transaction === FALSE) { $this->in_transaction = TRUE; $this->db->beginTransaction(); } $log = FALSE; $result = TRUE; break; case 'end_transaction': $result = TRUE; if ($this->in_transaction) { $this->in_transaction = FALSE; if ($this->rollback === FALSE) $this->db->commit(); else { $this->db->rollBack(); $this->rollback = FALSE; $result = FALSE; } } $log = FALSE; break; case 'version': if (empty($this->db_version)) { $temp = $this->query('SELECT VERSION() AS v'); $this->db_version = $temp[0]['v']; unset($temp); } if (!empty($arg_array[0])) { $temp = explode(' ',$this->db_version); $result = $temp[1]; } else $result = $this->db_version; return $result; default: return 'Method not supported!'; break; } if ($log) $this->logMe($arg_array,$result,$this->error,$this->load_from_cache); return $result; } public function __get($v) { $num_rows = $this->execute_result_info(); if (!isset($num_rows[$v])) $num_rows[$v] = 'Method not supported'; return $num_rows[$v]; } /**************************************************************************/ /* DIRECT DATABASE RELATED */ /**************************************************************************/ /** * Connect with a singleton pattern to the DB */ private function connect_to_db() { if ($this->connected === FALSE) { $db_connect = pgsql_connect::singleton(); $this->db = $db_connect->db; $this->connected = TRUE; } return $this->connected; } private function execute_query($arg_array) { $execute_query = FALSE; $output = TRUE; if ($this->cache_query === FALSE OR $this->cache_recreate === TRUE) { $sql_query = array_shift($arg_array); $this->connect_to_db(); if (isset($this->stmt)) unset($this->stmt); $this->stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql_query); if (!is_object($this->stmt)) $this->logError($sql_query,$this->stmt->errorCode(),'fatal',$this->stmt->errorInfo()); if (!$this->error) { try { if (!$this->stmt->execute($arg_array)) throw new Exception('Problems with the query',E_USER_WARNING); else $this->insert_id = $this->get_last_insert_id($sql_query); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logError($sql_query, $this->stmt->errorCode(), 'fatal', $this->stmt->errorInfo()); $output = FALSE; } } } return $output; } private function get_last_insert_id($query) { $id[0] = NULL; if(preg_match("/^INSERT[\t\n ]+INTO[\t\n ]+([a-z0-9\_\-]+)/is", $query, $tablename) AND stripos($query,' returning ') !== FALSE) $id = $this->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return $id[0]; } private function execute_result_array($arg_array) { if (!$this->error) { if ($this->cache_query === FALSE OR $this->cache_recreate === TRUE) { $result = $this->stmt->fetchAll(); if ($this->cache_recreate === TRUE AND !empty($result)) $this->create_cache($arg_array,$result); } else $result = $this->get_cache($arg_array); } else $result = 0; return $result; } private function execute_result_info($arg_array = NULL) { return array('num_rows' => $this->stmt->rowCount(),'insert_id' => $this->insert_id); } /**************************************************************************/ /* DATABASE CACHE RELATED */ /**************************************************************************/ /** * Function that establish the cache filename * @param array $arg_array Used to create the filename * @return string Returns the filename of the cache file */ private function filename($arg_array = NULL) { $filename = '0'; if (!empty($arg_array)) { foreach ($arg_array AS $a) $filename .= $a; $filename = 'db_'.md5($filename); } return DB_CACHE_LOCATION.$filename.'.xml'; } /** * Checks whether our cache file is still valid. * @param array $arg_array Used to create the filename * @return boolean TRUE if cache file is still valid, FALSE otherwise */ private function valid_cache($arg_array = NULL) { $filename = ''; $is_valid = FALSE; if (is_array($arg_array)) { $filename = $this->filename($arg_array); if (file_exists($filename)) { if (filemtime($filename) > time() - DB_CACHE_EXPIRE) $is_valid = TRUE; else if (!@unlink($filename)) $this->logError($arg_array[0],0,'non-fatal','Couldn\'t delete old cache file! Check permissions'); } } return $is_valid; } /** * Function that creates a valid XML file. * * I'm not using SimpleXML here because of speed. * Using SimpleXML, with 100.000 records, it takes 26 seconds, this * way, only 1 second (on my test server) * * @param array $arg_array Used to create the filename * @param array $result Used to replicate the result in the XML file. * @return boolean Returns always TRUE. */ private function create_cache($arg_array,$result) { $i = 0; $xml = ''; $done = TRUE; foreach($result AS $r) { $xml .= '<r'.$i.'>'; foreach($r AS $key => $value) $xml .= '<'.$key.'>'.$value.'</'.$key.'>'; $xml .= '</r'.$i.'>'; $i++; } if (!@file_put_contents($this->filename($arg_array),'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".'<db>'.$xml.'</db>')) { echo $this->filename($arg_array); $this->logError($arg_array[0],0,'non-fatal','Couldn\'t create cache file!'); $this->cache_query = FALSE; $this->cache_recreate = FALSE; $done = FALSE; } unset($xml); return $done; } /** * Returns number of rows in the XML. * @return int Number of rows */ private function get_cache_meta() { return $this->rows_from_cache; } /** * Parses and returns the XML in an array. * @param array $arg_array Used to create the filename * @return array The result set rescued from the cache file */ private function get_cache($arg_array = NULL) { $i = 0; $xml = simplexml_load_file($this->filename($arg_array)); foreach($xml AS $x => $value) { foreach($value AS $v => $s) $bTemp[$v] = (string)$s; $r[$i] = $bTemp; $i++; $bTemp = NULL; } $this->rows_from_cache = $i; unset($xml,$i,$bTemp,$value,$x,$v,$s); return $r; } /**************************************************************************/ /* LOGGING AND DEBUGGING */ /**************************************************************************/ /** * Function that logs all errors * @param string $query The query to log * @param int $errno The error number to log * @param string $type Whether the error is fatal or non-fatal * @param string $error The error description * @return boolean Always returns TRUE. */ private function logError($query,$errno,$type='non-fatal',$error) { $query_num = count($this->LiveStats); if (is_array($error)) $error_string = $error[2]; else $error_string = $error; if (empty($error_string)) $error_string = '(not specified)'; else if ($type == 'non-fatal') $complete_error = '[NOTICE] '.$error_string; else { $complete_error = '[ERROR] '.$error_string; $this->rollback = TRUE; } if ($this->in_transaction === TRUE) $in_transaction = 'TRUE'; else $in_transaction = 'FALSE'; $this->errors[$query_num] = array('query_number' => $query_num,'query' => $query,'in_transaction' => $in_transaction, 'errno' => $errno,'type' => $type,'error' => $complete_error); if ($type == 'fatal') { $this->error = '['.$errno.'] '.$error[2]; $this->results = 0; } return TRUE; } /** * Function that executes after each query and also acumulates data for the XML log * @param array $stats * @param array $arg_array * @param array $result * @param boolean $error * @param boolean $from_cache * @return boolean Always returns TRUE. */ private function logMe($arg_array,$result,$error,$from_cache) { $this->cache_query = FALSE; $this->stats = array('memory' => memory_get_usage() - $this->stats['memory'], 'time' => number_format((time()+microtime()) - $this->stats['time'],5,',','.')); $this->liveStats($arg_array,$this->stats,$error,$from_cache); if (isset($arg_array[0])) $query = $arg_array[0]; else $query = ''; return TRUE; } /** * Live Statistics, can be embedded in source code to quickly check some things * @param string $query * @param array $stats * @param boolean $error * @param boolean $from_cache * @return boolean Always returns TRUE. */ private function liveStats ($query, $stats = NULL, $error = FALSE, $from_cache = FALSE) { if ($error == FALSE) $error = 'FALSE'; if (!is_array($stats) OR empty($stats)) $stats = array('time' => 0,'memory' =>0); if ($from_cache === TRUE) $valid_cache = 'TRUE'; else $valid_cache = 'FALSE'; if ($this->in_transaction === TRUE) $in_trans = 'TRUE'; else $in_trans = 'FALSE'; $results = $this->num_rows; if ($this->cache_query === TRUE) $this->rows_from_cache = $results; $this->LiveStats[] = array('query' => $query,'number_results' => $results,'time' => $stats['time'].' (seg)','memory' => $stats['memory'].' (bytes)','error' => $error,'from_cache' => $valid_cache,'within_transaction' => $in_trans); return TRUE; } /** * Function that creates a log in XML format * @param array $query_arr * @return boolean Returns always TRUE. */ private function db_log() { $error = FALSE; $num_queries = count($this->LiveStats); if ($num_queries > 0) { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; else $referer = 'None'; if (!is_writable(dirname(DB_URL_XML))) $error = TRUE; else { if (!is_readable(DB_URL_XML)) { if (file_exists(DB_URL_XML)) $errors = TRUE; $xml = simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><db_log></db_log>'); } else $xml = simplexml_load_file(DB_URL_XML); } if (!$error) { $i = 0; $final = $xml->addChild('pageview'); $final->addChild('nQueries',$num_queries); $final->addChild('dDateTime',date('d-m-Y, h:i')); $final->addChild('sIP',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $final->addChild('sBrowser',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $final->addChild('sUrl',htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $final->addChild('sRef',htmlentities($referer)); $consultas = $final->addChild('myquery'); foreach($this->LiveStats AS $k => $q) { if ($q['error'] == FALSE) $q['error'] = 'FALSE'; $detalle[$i] = $consultas->addChild('query_'.$i); $detalle[$i]->addChild('sSql',$q['query'][0]); $detalle[$i]->addChild('nResults',$q['number_results']); $detalle[$i]->addChild('fTime',$q['time'].' (seg)'); $detalle[$i]->addChild('iMemory',$q['memory'].' (bytes)'); $detalle[$i]->addChild('iError',$q['error']); $i++; } if (!$xml->asXML(DB_URL_XML)) $error = TRUE; } unset($referer,$detalle,$final,$consultas,$xml,$q,$k,$i,$num_queries); } } } /**************************************************************************/ /* SECONDARY CLASS */ /**************************************************************************/ /** * Singleton class to connect to DB * * @author Camilo Sperberg */ class pgsql_connect { private static $instance; private $connected = FALSE; public static function singleton() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c; } return self::$instance; } public function __clone() { if (DB_SHOW_ERRORS === TRUE) trigger_error('We can only declare this once!', E_USER_ERROR); else die(); } public function __construct() { $this->connected = TRUE; try { if (PGSQL_HOST == 'localhost') $host = ''; else $host = 'host='.PGSQL_HOST; if (PGSQL_PORT == 5432) $port = ''; else $port = ';port='.PGSQL_PORT.';'; $this->db = new PDO('pgsql:'.$host.'dbname='.PGSQL_NAME.$port,PGSQL_USER,PGSQL_PASS); $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PGSQL_FETCH_MODE); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->connected = FALSE; if (DB_SHOW_ERRORS === TRUE) trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); else die(); } } public function __destruct() { if ($this->connected === TRUE) $this->db = NULL; $this->connected = FALSE; } }