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File: src/components/Home.js

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  Classes of Adeleye Ayodeji   WordPress FAQ Plugin Block Element   src/components/Home.js   Download  
File: src/components/Home.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress FAQ Plugin Block Element
Show frequently asked questions in WordPress pages
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 4,480 bytes



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import { Fragment } from "@wordpress/element"; import Inspector from "./Inspector"; /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { Component } = wp.element; const { TextareaControl, Button, TextControl, Notice } = wp.components; /** * Internal dependencies * Home component */ export default class Home extends Component { //remove all questions removeQuestions() { this.props.setAttributes({ faqDatas: [] }); .dispatch("core/notices") .createNotice("success", "All questions have been removed", { type: "snackbar", isDismissible: true }); } render() { let { attributes, setAttributes } = this.props; return ( <Fragment> <Inspector {...this.props} /> <div className="adeleye-faq-block-element"> <TextControl label="Header Title" placeholder="Header Title" value={attributes.headerTitle} onChange={(headerTitle) => setAttributes({ headerTitle })} style={{ fontSize: "20px" }} /> <div className="faq-questions-container"> <div className="faq-questions-container--header"> <p className="faq-questions-container--header--title"> Add a question and answer </p> {attributes.faqDatas.length > 0 ? ( <p className="faq-questions-container--header--remove" onClick={() => { this.removeQuestions(); }}> <span className="dashicons dashicons-trash"></span> Remove Questions </p> ) : null} </div> {, index) => { return ( <div className="faq-questions-container--single-faq"> <TextControl label="Question:" value={faqData.question} placeholder="Question" onChange={(question) => { let faqDatasNew = [...this.props.attributes.faqDatas]; // Create a new array instead of referencing the existing one faqDatasNew[index] = { ...faqDatasNew[index], question: question }; // Update the specific item in the array setAttributes({ faqDatas: faqDatasNew }); }} /> <TextareaControl label="Answer:" value={faqData.answer} placeholder="Answer" onChange={(answer) => { let faqDatasNew = [...this.props.attributes.faqDatas]; // Create a new array instead of referencing the existing one faqDatasNew[index] = { ...faqDatasNew[index], answer: answer }; // Update the specific item in the array setAttributes({ faqDatas: faqDatasNew }); }} /> <p className="faq-questions-container--single-faq--remove" onClick={() => { let faqDatasNew = [...this.props.attributes.faqDatas]; // Create a new array instead of referencing the existing one faqDatasNew.splice(index, 1); // Remove the specific element from the array setAttributes({ faqDatas: faqDatasNew }); //toast .dispatch("core/notices") .createNotice("success", "Question has been removed", { type: "snackbar", isDismissible: true }); }}> <span className="dashicons dashicons-trash"></span> Remove Question </p> </div> ); })} </div> <Button isPrimary onClick={() => { setAttributes({ faqDatas: attributes.faqDatas.concat({ question: "", answer: "" }) }); }}> Add FAQ </Button> </div> </Fragment> ); } }