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File: public/assets/js/demo/ui-modal-notification.demo.js

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File: public/assets/js/demo/ui-modal-notification.demo.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Tagydes
E-commerce Web administration panel and API
Author: By
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Date: 1 year ago
Size: 6,483 bytes



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/* Template Name: Color Admin - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 4 Version: 4.3.0 Author: Sean Ngu Website: */ var handleGritterNotification = function() { $('#add-sticky').click( function() { $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a sticky notice!', text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus lacus ut lectus rutrum placerat. ', image: '../assets/img/user/user-2.jpg', sticky: true, time: '', class_name: 'my-sticky-class' }); return false; }); $('#add-regular').click( function() { $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a regular notice!', text: 'This will fade out after a certain amount of time. Sed tempus lacus ut lectus rutrum placerat. ', image: '../assets/img/user/user-3.jpg', sticky: false, time: '' }); return false; }); $('#add-max').click( function() { $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a notice with a max of 3 on screen at one time!', text: 'This will fade out after a certain amount of time. Sed tempus lacus ut lectus rutrum placerat. ', sticky: false, image: '../assets/img/user/user-4.jpg', before_open: function() { if($('.gritter-item-wrapper').length === 3) { return false; } } }); return false; }); $('#add-without-image').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a notice without an image!', text: 'This will fade out after a certain amount of time.' }); return false; }); $('#add-gritter-light').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a light notification', text: 'Just add a \'gritter-light\' class_name to your $.gritter.add or globally to $.gritter.options.class_name', class_name: 'gritter-light' }); return false; }); $('#add-with-callbacks').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a notice with callbacks!', text: 'The callback is...', before_open: function(){ alert('I am called before it opens'); }, after_open: function(e){ alert('I am called after it opens: \nI am passed the jQuery object for the created Gritter element...\n' + e); }, before_close: function(manual_close) { var manually = (manual_close) ? 'The \'X\' was clicked to close me!' : ''; alert('I am called before it closes: I am passed the jQuery object for the Gritter element... \n' + manually); }, after_close: function(manual_close){ var manually = (manual_close) ? 'The \'X\' was clicked to close me!' : ''; alert('I am called after it closes. ' + manually); } }); return false; }); $('#add-sticky-with-callbacks').click(function(){ $.gritter.add({ title: 'This is a sticky notice with callbacks!', text: 'Sticky sticky notice.. sticky sticky notice...', sticky: true, before_open: function(){ alert('I am a sticky called before it opens'); }, after_open: function(e){ alert('I am a sticky called after it opens: \nI am passed the jQuery object for the created Gritter element...\n' + e); }, before_close: function(e){ alert('I am a sticky called before it closes: I am passed the jQuery object for the Gritter element... \n' + e); }, after_close: function(){ alert('I am a sticky called after it closes'); } }); return false; }); $('#remove-all').click(function(){ $.gritter.removeAll(); return false; }); $('#remove-all-with-callbacks').click(function(){ $.gritter.removeAll({ before_close: function(e){ alert('I am called before all notifications are closed. I am passed the jQuery object containing all of Gritter notifications.\n' + e); }, after_close: function(){ alert('I am called after everything has been closed.'); } }); return false; }); }; var handleSweetNotification = function() { $('[data-click="swal-primary"]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: 'You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!', icon: 'info', buttons: { cancel: { text: 'Cancel', value: null, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-default', closeModal: true, }, confirm: { text: 'Primary', value: true, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-primary', closeModal: true } } }); }); $('[data-click="swal-info"]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: 'You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!', icon: 'info', buttons: { cancel: { text: 'Cancel', value: null, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-default', closeModal: true, }, confirm: { text: 'Info', value: true, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-info', closeModal: true } } }); }); $('[data-click="swal-success"]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: 'You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!', icon: 'success', buttons: { cancel: { text: 'Cancel', value: null, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-default', closeModal: true, }, confirm: { text: 'Success', value: true, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-success', closeModal: true } } }); }); $('[data-click="swal-warning"]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: 'You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!', icon: 'warning', buttons: { cancel: { text: 'Cancel', value: null, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-default', closeModal: true, }, confirm: { text: 'Warning', value: true, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-warning', closeModal: true } } }); }); $('[data-click="swal-danger"]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: 'You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!', icon: 'error', buttons: { cancel: { text: 'Cancel', value: null, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-default', closeModal: true, }, confirm: { text: 'Warning', value: true, visible: true, className: 'btn btn-danger', closeModal: true } } }); }); }; var Notification = function () { "use strict"; return { //main function init: function () { handleGritterNotification(); handleSweetNotification(); } }; }();