
PayPal Standard PHP SDK
_This library provides developers with a simple set of bindings to help you
integrate PayPal Standard to a website
and start receiving payments._
? Requirements
php >= 8.1
guzzlehttp/guzzle >= 7.0.1
echosistema/simple-http-request" >= 1.0.1
? Coming soon package to PHP versions < 8.1 .
? Installation
First time using PayPal? Create your PayPal account
in PayPal, if you don?t have one already.
Download Composer if not already installed
On your project directory run on the command line "composer require ewertondaniel/paypal-standard-php-sdk"
for PHP 8.1 ;
That's it! PayPal Standard PHP SDK has been successfully installed!
??? Examples
? Getting authorization
use EwertonDaniel\PayPal\Auth;
$authentication = new Auth($client_id, $client_secret, $is_production);
? Create an Order
use EwertonDaniel\PayPal\Order;
$order = new Order($authentication);
//Set Purchase Unit
->addItemWithBasicData('Blacksaber Mandalore', 1, 29900) // string $name, int $quantity, int $value
->setDescription('I can write up to one hundred and twenty seven characters as a description...');
// Set Payment Source
->setBrandName('Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)') // Company name
$response = $order->create();
? Order Details
use EwertonDaniel\PayPal\Order;
$order_id = $_POST['token'];
$detail = $order->setOrderId($order_id)->detail();
? Documentation
? Visit the PayPal for further information regarding:
PayPal REST APIs Documentation