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File: source/asset/crules/bootstrap-switch-master/src/docs/jade/options.jade

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File: source/asset/crules/bootstrap-switch-master/src/docs/jade/options.jade
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Rimau waf
Application to configure Web server module options
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,121 bytes


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extends main block content .container h1 Options .container table.table.table-bordered.table-striped.table-responsive thead tr th Name th Attribute th Type th Description th Values th Default tbody tr td state td checked td Boolean td The checkbox state td true, false td true tr td size td data-size td String td The checkbox size td null, 'mini', 'small', 'normal', 'large' td null tr td animate td data-animate td Boolean td Animate the switch td true, false td true tr td disabled td disabled td Boolean td Disable state td true, false td false tr td readonly td readonly td Boolean td Readonly state td true, false td false tr td indeterminate td data-indeterminate td Boolean td Indeterminate state td true, false td false tr td inverse td data-inverse td Boolean td Inverse switch direction td true, false td false tr td radioAllOff td data-radio-all-off td Boolean td Allow this radio button to be unchecked by the user td true, false td false tr td onColor td data-on-color td String td Color of the left side of the switch td 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' td 'primary' tr td offColor td data-off-color td String td Color of the right side of the switch td 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' td 'default' tr td onText td data-on-text td String td Text of the left side of the switch td String td 'ON' tr td offText td data-off-text td String td Text of the right side of the switch td String td 'OFF' tr td labelText td data-label-text td String td Text of the center handle of the switch td String td ' ' tr td handleWidth td data-handle-width td String | Number td Width of the left and right sides in pixels td 'auto' or Number td 'auto' tr td labelWidth td data-label-width td String | Number td Width of the center handle in pixels td 'auto' or Number td 'auto' tr td baseClass td data-base-class td String td Global class prefix td String td 'bootstrap-switch' tr td wrapperClass td data-wrapper-class td String | Array td Container element class(es) td String | Array td 'wrapper' tr td onInit td td Function td Callback function to execute on initialization td Function td: pre: code.javascript function(event, state) {} tr td onSwitchChange td td Function td Callback function to execute on switch state change. If false is returned, the status will be reverted, otherwise nothing changes td Function td: pre: code.javascript function(event, state) {} h2 Global Defaults Overriding p Follow the jQuery convention to override the default options of the library. For instance: pre code | $.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults.size = 'large'; | $.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults.onColor = 'success';