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File: resources/js/components/pages/projects/ProjectView.js

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   Laravel React Task Management   resources/js/components/pages/projects/ProjectView.js   Download  
File: resources/js/components/pages/projects/ProjectView.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Laravel React Task Management
Application to manage tasks
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 5,527 bytes



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import React from "react"; import { Card, Button, Badge, Spinner, InputGroup, FormControl, Alert, } from "react-bootstrap"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import Axios from "axios"; import { PUBLIC_URL } from "../../../constants"; import TaskCreate from "../tasks/TaskCreate"; import TaskList from "../tasks/TaskList"; import ProjectEdit from "./ProjectEdit"; class ProjectView extends React.Component { state = { project: {}, taskList: [], searchTaskList: [], isLoading: false, toggleAddTask: false, toggleEditProject: false, searchText: "", }; componentDidMount() { console.log(; this.getProjectDetails(); } getProjectDetails = () => { this.setState({ isLoading: true }); Axios.get( `http://localhost:8200/myTask/api/projects/${}` ).then((res) => { this.setState({ taskList:, searchTaskList:, project:, isLoading: false, }); }); }; toggleAddTask = () => { this.setState({ toggleEditProject: false, toggleAddTask: !this.state.toggleAddTask, }); }; toggleEditProject = () => { this.setState({ toggleAddTask: false, toggleEditProject: !this.state.toggleEditProject, }); }; onCompleteTaskCreate = (task) => { this.toggleAddTask(); let tasks = this.state.taskList; tasks.unshift(task); this.setState({ taskList: tasks, searchTaskList: tasks, }); }; onCompleteProjectEdit = () => { this.getProjectDetails(); this.toggleEditProject(); }; onEditTask = () => { this.getProjectDetails(); }; onSearchTasks = (e) => { const searchText =; this.setState({ isLoading: true, }); if (searchText.length > 0) { const searchData = this.state.taskList.filter(function (item) { const itemData = + " " + item.description; const textData = searchText.trim().toLowerCase(); return itemData.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf(textData) !== -1; }); this.setState({ searchTaskList: searchData, searchText: searchText, isLoading: false, }); } else { this.setState({ searchText, }); this.getProjectDetails(); } }; render() { return ( <> <div className="header-part"> <div className="float-left"> {!this.state.toggleEditProject && ( <> <h2> {} <Badge variant="primary"> {this.state.searchTaskList.length} </Badge> </h2> <div>{this.state.project.description}</div> </> )} {this.state.toggleEditProject && ( <> <ProjectEdit project={this.state.project} onCompleteProjectEdit={this.onCompleteProjectEdit} /> </> )} </div> <div className="float-left ml-5"> <InputGroup className="mb-3"> <FormControl placeholder="Type Task to Search..." aria-label="Type Task to Search..." aria-describedby="basic-addon2" onChange={(e) => this.onSearchTasks(e)} /> </InputGroup> </div> <div className="float-right"> <button className={`btn btn-outline-${ this.state.project.status === 1 ? "success" : "info" } mr-2`} disabled > {this.state.project.status === 1 && ( <span className="">? Completed</span> )} {this.state.project.status === 0 && ( <span className="">Pending...</span> )} </button> <Button className="btn btn-success mr-2" onClick={() => this.toggleEditProject()} > {!this.state.toggleEditProject && <span>Edit </span>} {this.state.toggleEditProject && <span>Cancel Editing</span>} </Button> <Button className="btn btn-info mr-2" onClick={() => this.toggleAddTask()} > {!this.state.toggleAddTask && <span>+ Add Task</span>} {this.state.toggleAddTask && <span>Cancel Adding</span>} </Button> </div> <div className="clearfix"></div> </div> {this.state.toggleAddTask && ( <TaskCreate project_id={} onCompleteTaskCreate={this.onCompleteTaskCreate} /> )} {this.state.isLoading && ( <div className="text-center mt-5"> <Spinner animation="border" role="status"> <span className="sr-only">Loading...</span> </Spinner> </div> )} {this.state.searchTaskList.length === 0 && ( <Alert variant={"warning"}> No Task Found !! Please create one... </Alert> )} <TaskList taskList={this.state.searchTaskList} isDetailsView={true} onEditTask={this.onEditTask} /> </> ); } } export default ProjectView;