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Class: Wepesi PHP Router Class
Route HTTP requests to callback functions
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A lightweight and simple object oriented PHP Router. Built by _(Boss Ibrahim Mussa)_ and Contributors




Installation is possible using Composer

composer require wepesi/routing


A demo is included in the demo folder. Serve it using your favorite web server, or using PHP 7.4+'s built-in server by executing php -S localhost:8080 on the shell. A .htaccess for use with Apache is included.


Create an instance of \Wepesi\Routing\Router, define some routes onto it, and run it.

// Require composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Create Router instance
$router = new \Wepesi\Routing\Router();

// Define routes
// ...

// Run it!


Wepesi/routing supports GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE HTTP request methods. Pass in a single request method.

When a route matches against the current URL (e.g. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), the attached __route handling function__ will be executed. The route handling function must be a callable. Only the first route matched will be handled. When no matching route is found, a 404 handler will be executed.

Routing Shorthands

Shorthands for single request methods are provided:

$router->get('pattern', function() { /.../ });
$router->post('pattern', function() { /.../ });
$router->put('pattern', function() { /.../ });
$router->delete('pattern', function() { /.../ });

Note: Routes must be hooked before $router->run(); is being called.

Route Patterns

Route Patterns can be static or dynamic:

  • __Static Route Patterns__ contain no dynamic parts and must match exactly against the `path` part of the current URL.
  • __Dynamic Route Patterns__ contain dynamic parts that can vary per request. The varying parts are named __subpatterns__ and are defined using either Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE) or by using __placeholders__

Static Route Patterns

A static route pattern is a regular string representing a URI. It will be compared directly against the path part of the current URL.


  • `/about`
  • `/contact`

Usage Examples:

// This route handling function will only be executed when visiting http(s)://
$router->get('/about', function() {
    echo 'About Page Contents';

Dynamic Placeholder-based Route Patterns

This type of Route Patterns are the same as __Dynamic PCRE-based Route Patterns__, but with one difference: they don't use regexes to do the pattern matching but they use the more easy __placeholders__ instead. Placeholders are strings surrounded by collumn, e.g. :name.


  • `/movies/:id`
  • `/profile/:username`

Placeholders are easier to use than PRCEs, but offer you less control as they internally get translated to a PRCE that matches any character (.*).

$router->get('/movies/:movieId/photos/:photoId', function($movieId, $photoId) {
    echo 'Movie #' . $movieId . ', photo #' . $photoId;

Note: the name of the placeholder should match with the name of the parameter that is passed into the route handling function.

Dynamic PCRE-based Route Patterns

This type of Route Patterns contain dynamic parts which can vary per request. The varying parts are named __subpatterns__ and are defined using regular expressions.

Usage Examples:

// This route handling function will only be executed when visiting http(s)://
$router->get('/movies/:id', function($id) {
    echo 'Get a movie by ID:'.$id;

Commonly used PCRE-based subpatterns within Dynamic Route Patterns are:

  • `\d+` = One or more digits (0-9)
  • `\w+` = One or more word characters (a-z 0-9 _)
  • `[a-z0-9_-]+` = One or more word characters (a-z 0-9 _) and the dash (-)
  • `.*` = Any character (including `/`), zero or more
  • `[^/]+` = Any character but `/`, one or more

When multiple subpatterns are defined, the resulting __route handling parameters__ are passed into the route handling 'with` function in the order they are defined in:

// http(s)://`
$router->get('/artilces/:id-:name', function($id, $title) {
    echo 'Articles #' . $id . ', title #' . $title;

This will be like a kind of validation of your parameters.

Subrouting / Groupe Routing

Use $router->group($baseroute, $fn) to group a collection of routes in to a subroute pattern. The subroute pattern is prefixed into all following routes defined in the scope. e.g. Mounting a callback $fn onto /movies will prefix /movies onto all following routes.

$router->group('/movies', function() use ($router) {

    // will result in '/movies/'
    $router->get('/', function() {
        echo 'movies overview';

    // will result in '/movies/id'
    $router->get('/:id', function($id) {
        echo 'movie id ' . $id;


Nesting of subroutes is possible, just define a second $router->group() in the callable that's already contained within a preceding $router->group().

$router->group('/articles', function() use ($router) {

    // will result in '/articles/'
    $router->get('/', function() {
        echo 'articles overview';
	$router->group('/themes', function() use ($router) {	
	    // will result in '/articles/themes'
	    $router->get('/', function() {
	        echo 'Articles themes overview';
	    // will result in '/articles/themes/4'
	    $router->get('/:id', function($id) {
	        echo 'Articles themes detail id: ' . $id;


Class#Method calls

We can route to the class action like so:

$router->get('/users/:id', '\Wepesi\Controller\UserController#get_users_detail');


$router->get('/users/:id', [\Wepesi\Controller\UserController::class,'get_users_detail']);

When a request matches the specified route URI, the get_users method on the UserController class will be executed. The defined route parameters will be passed to the class method.

The method can be static(not-recommend) or non-static (recommend). In case of a non-static method, a new instance of the class will be created.

$router->get('/users/profile', \Wepesi\Controller\Users::profile());

Note: In case you are using static method, dont pass as string or in array.

Before Route Middleware

wepesi/routing supports __Before Route Middlewares__, which are executed before the route handling is processed.

$router->get('/articles/:id', function($id) {
    echo "article id is:".$id;
	    echo "you should provide an integer";

Route middlewares are route specific, one or middleware can be set and will be executed before route function.

$router->get('/admin/:id', function($id) {
    echo "admin id is:".$id;
	print_r("First middleware");
	print_r("Second middleware");
	print_r("Last middleware before Route function");

Overriding the request method

Use X-HTTP-Method-Override to override the HTTP Request Method. Only works when the original Request Method is POST. Allowed values for X-HTTP-Method-Override are PUT, DELETE, or PATCH.

Integration with other libraries

Integrate other libraries with wepesi/routing by making good use of the use keyword to pass dependencies into the handling functions.

$view = new \Wepesi\View();

$router->get('/', function() use ($view ) {


Given this structure it is still possible to manipulate the output from within the After Router Middleware

A note on working with PUT

There's no such thing as $_PUT in PHP. One must fake it:

$router->put('/movies/:username', function($username) {
    // Fake $_PUT
    $_PUT  = array();
    parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $_PUT);
    // ...


wepesi/routing is released under the Apache-2.0 license. See the enclosed LICENSE for details.