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Student Web Service
Set env `APP_URL`, `APP_API_URL`
Web Service URL `/v1/sessions`
Web Service Inputs
- `start_date` __String__ date in format `d-m-Y`
> __Note:__<br>
> if start date is today it will be skipped and first session will be the next day in days array
- `days` __array__ of week days that student will attend from `0` `saturday` to `6` `Friday`
- `chapter_days`__Integer__ number of days to finish one chapter
Request Example:
"start_date": "07-11-2017",
"days": [ 1, 3, 5 ],
"chapter_days": 3
Response Example:
"success": true,
"data": {
"number_of_chapters": 30,
"sessions_per_chapter": 3,
"sessions_per_week": 3,
"first_session_date": "Tue 07-11-2017",
"last_session_date": "Sun 03-06-2018",
"sessions": [
"chapter": 1,
"sessions": [
"Tue 07-11-2017",
"Thu 09-11-2017",
"Sun 12-11-2017"
"chapter": 2,
"sessions": [
"Tue 14-11-2017",
"Thu 16-11-2017",
"Sun 19-11-2017"
"chapter": 30,
"sessions": [
"Tue 29-05-2018",
"Thu 31-05-2018",
"Sun 03-06-2018"
"message": "Successfully Retrieved"
Postman Collection Link
Postman Collection
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.