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File: example.php

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File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example on how to use the class
Class: CountDown class
Display the time remaining to a give date
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 1,222 bytes



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// First include the class file and make a new object
$CountDown = new CountDown;

// The following piece of code will make a countdown until March 29th 2010 at 8 PM. (Local server time)
$out = $CountDown->Give(20,0,0,5,29,2010);
"March 29th 2010, 20:00 - ".$out;

// The next code will set a different format for the countdown.
// You can use the following replacement strings:
// {W} This is the number of weeks
// {Ws} Either an 's' or nothing. Use as {W} week{Ws} in case it's 1 week, and not 1 weeks.
// {D} Number of days
// {Ds} Same as {Ws} but for days
// {H} Number of hours
// {Hs} Same as {Ws} but for hours
// {M} Number of minutes
// {Ms} Same as {Ws} but for minutes
$CountDown->format = "Weeks: {W}<br />Days: {D}<br />Hours: {H}";
$out = $CountDown->Give(20,0,0,5,29,2010);

// And the last setting is the use of the message that the countdown reached it's destination time.
$CountDown->finished = "Happy new year!";
$CountDown->format = "New year 2011!<br />Weeks left: {W}<br />Days left: {D}<br />Hours left: {H}<br />Minutes left: {M}";
$out = $CountDown->Give(0,0,1,1,1,2011);