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File: Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine.php

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File: Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine.php
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Description: Doctrine Source
Class: Zend Framework Data Grid
Display and edit data from a database in a grid
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Date: 14 years ago
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<?php class Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine implements Bvb_Grid_Source_Interface { /** * Stores the supplied Doctrine_Query * * @var Doctrine_Query */ protected $_query; /** * Stores the parsed out DQL * * @var array */ protected $_queryParts = array( 'select' => array(), 'from' => array(), 'join' => array() ); /** * Intialize the Doctrine_Query. We will parse out * all the provided DQL or start a Doctrine_Query * if an instance of Doctrine_Record is provided * * @param mixed $q */ public function __construct($q) { if ($q instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $q = get_class($q); } if (is_string($q)) { $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from($q); } if (!$q instanceof Doctrine_Query) { require_once 'Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine/Exception.php'; throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine_Exception( "Please provide only an instance of Doctrine_Query " . "or a valid Doctrine_Record instance" ); } $this->_query = $q; $this->_setFromParts(); $this->_setSelectParts(); } /** * Simple method for the Grid to determine if this * Source can handle CRUD * * @return boolean */ public function hasCrud() { return true; } /** * Returns the "main" table * the one after select * FROM {MAIN_TABLE} * * @return array */ public function getMainTable() { $table = Doctrine::getTable($this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel']); return array('table' => $table->getTableName()); } /** * builds a key=>value array * * they must have two options * title and field * field is used to perform queries. * Must have table name or table alias as a prefix * ex: | country.population * * The key for this array is the output field * If raw sql is somehting like * * select name as alias, country from users * * the return array must be like this: * * array('alias'=>array('title'=>'alias','field'=>'')); * * its not bad idea to apply this to fields titles * $title = ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$title)); * * @return array */ public function buildFields() { $this->_setSelectParts(); return $this->_queryParts['select']; } /** * Use the supplied Doctrine_Query to find its primary ID * * TODO : Implement usage of $table param */ public function getPrimaryKey($table = null) { $return = array(); $table = Doctrine::getTable($this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel']); $alias = $this->_queryParts['from']['alias']; //Get the Primary Key(s) for provided table $ids = $table->getIdentifierColumnNames(); //Append the alias to each Primary key field foreach ($ids as $id) { $return[] = (!empty($alias)) ? $alias . '.' . $id : $id; } return $return; } /** * Gets a unique record as a associative array * * @param $table * @param $condition * @return array */ public function getRecord($table, array $condition) { $tableModel = $this->_getModelFromTable($table); $query = Doctrine_Query::create()->from($tableModel); foreach ($condition as $field => $value) { $query->addWhere($field . ' = ?', $value); } $results = $query->fetchArray(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_SCALAR); $newResults = $this->_cleanQueryResults($results); if (count($newResults) == 1) { return $newResults[0]; } return $newResults; } /** * Should return the database server name or source name * * Ex: mysql, pgsql, array, xml * * @return string */ public function getSourceName() { return strtolower($this->_query->getConnection()->getDriverName()); } /** * Runs the query and returns the result as a associative array * * @return array */ public function execute() { $newQuery = clone $this->_query; $results = $newQuery->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_SCALAR); $newArray = $this->_cleanQueryResults($results); return $newArray; } /** * Get a record detail based the current query * * <code> * $where = array( * array('columnName' => 'searchValue') * ) * </code> * * @param array $where * @return array */ public function fetchDetail(array $where) { /** * Remove these since we are trying to retrieve * a specific row */ $this->_query->removeDqlQueryPart('limit') ->removeDqlQueryPart('offset'); foreach ($where as $column => $value) { $this->_query->addWhere($column . ' = ?', $value); } return $this->execute(); } /** * Return the total of records * * @return integer */ public function getTotalRecords() { return (int) $this->_query->count(); } /** * Ex: array('c'=>array('tableName'=>'Country')); * where c is the table alias. If the table as no alias, * c should be the table name * * @return array */ function getTableList () { die('getTableList'); } /** * Return possible filters values based on field definion * This is mostly used for enum fields where the possibile * values are extracted * * Ex: enum('Yes','No','Empty'); * * should return * * array('Yes'=>'Yes','No'=>'No','Empty'=>'Empty'); * * @param $field * @return string */ public function getFilterValuesBasedOnFieldDefinition($field) { $table = $this->_getModelFromColumn($field); $tableClass = Doctrine::getTable($table); if (strpos($field, '.') !== false) { list($alias, $column) = explode('.', $field); } else { $column = $field; } $definition = $tableClass->getDefinitionOf($column); if ($definition['type'] == 'enum') { foreach ($definition['values'] as $val) { $return[$val] = $val; } return $return; } return 'text'; } /** * Return te field type * char, varchar, int * * Note: If the field is enum or set, * the value returned must be set or enum, * and not the full definition * * @param string $field * @return string|null */ public function getFieldType($field) { $tableModel = $this->_getModelFromColumn($field); if (isset($this->_queryParts['select'][$field]['field'])) { if (strpos($this->_queryParts['select'][$field]['field'], '.') !== false) { list($alias, $fieldName) = explode('.', $this->_queryParts['select'][$field]['field']); } else { $fieldName = $field; } } else { return null; } $fieldType = Doctrine::getTable($tableModel)->getTypeOfColumn($fieldName); return $fieldType; } /** * * Build the order part from the query. * * The first arg is the field to be ordered and the $order * arg is the correspondent order (ASC|DESC) * * If the $reset is set to true, all previous order should be removed * * @param string $field * @param string $order * @param bool $reset * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ public function buildQueryOrder($field, $order, $reset = false) { if ($reset) { $this->_query->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby'); } $this->_query->addOrderBy($field . ' ' . $order); return $this; } /** * Build the query limit clause * * @param $start * @param $offset * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ public function buildQueryLimit($start, $offset) { $this->_query->limit($start)->offset($offset); return $this; } /** * Returns the select object */ function getSelectObject () { die('getSelectObject'); } /** * Returns the selected order * that was defined by the user in the query entered * and not the one generated by the system * * If empty an empty array must be returned. * * Else the array must be like this: * * <code> * $return = array( * 0 => field * 1 => (ASC|DESC) * ); * </code> * * @return array */ public function getSelectOrder() { $newOrderBys = array(); $orderBy = $this->_query->getDqlPart('orderby'); if (!empty($orderBy)) { foreach ($orderBy as $anOrderby) { $orderBys = explode(',', $anOrderby); foreach ($orderBys as $order) { $parts = explode(' ', trim($order)); if (strtolower($parts[1]) != 'desc' && strtolower($parts[1]) != 'asc') { $parts[1] = ''; } $newOrderBys[] = $parts; } } } return $newOrderBys; } /** * Should preform a query based on the provided by the user * select the two fields and return an array $field=>$value * as result * * ex: SELECT $field, $value FROM * * array('1'=>'Something','2'=>'Number','3'=>'history')....; * * @param string $field * @param string $value * @return array */ public function getDistinctValuesForFilters($field, $value) { $return = array(); $newQuery = clone $this->_query; $distinct = new Doctrine_Expression("DISTINCT($field)"); $newQuery->removeDqlQueryPart('select') ->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby') ->removeDqlQueryPart('limit') ->removeDqlQueryPart('offset') ->select("$distinct AS field, $value AS value") ->orderBy('value ASC'); $results = $newQuery->fetchArray(); foreach ($results as $value ) { $return[$value['field']] = $value['value']; } return $return; } /** * Perform a sqlexp * * $value = array ('functions' => array ('AVG'), 'value' => 'Population' ); * * Should be converted to * SELECT AVG(Population) FROM * * * $value = array ('functions' => array ('SUM','AVG'), 'value' => 'Population' ); * * Should be converted to * SELECT SUM(AVG(Population)) FROM * * * @param array $value */ public function getSqlExp(array $value) { $return = array(); $newQuery = clone $this->_query; foreach (array_reverse($value['functions']) as $key => $func) { if ($key == 0) { $exp = $func . '(' . $value['value'] . ')'; } else { $exp = $func . '(' . $exp . ')'; } } $exp = new Doctrine_Expression($exp); $newQuery->removeDqlQueryPart('select') ->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby') ->removeDqlQueryPart('limit') ->removeDqlQueryPart('offset') ->select("$exp AS total"); $result = $newQuery->fetchOne(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); return $result['total']; } /** * Adds a fulltext search instead of a addcondition method * * $field has an index search * $field['search'] = array('extra'=>'boolean|queryExpansion','indexes'=>'string|array'); * * if no indexes provided, use the field name * * boolean => IN BOOLEAN MODE * queryExpansion => WITH QUERY EXPANSION * * @param $filter * @param $field */ function addFullTextSearch ($filter, $field) { die('addFullTextSearch'); } /** * Adds a new condition to the current query * $filter is the value to be filtered * $op is the opreand to be used: =,>=, like, llike,REGEX, * $completeField. use the index $completField['field'] to * specify the field, to avoid ambiguous * * @param $filter * @param $op * @param $completeField * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ public function addCondition($filter, $op, $completeField) { $field = $completeField['field']; switch (strtolower($op)) { case 'equal': case '=': $this->_query->addWhere($field . ' = ?', $filter); break; case 'regex': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " REGEXP ?", $filter); break; case 'rlike': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " LIKE ?", $filter . "%"); break; case 'llike': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " LIKE ?", "%" . $filter); break; case '>=': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " >= ?", $filter); break; case '>': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " > ?", $filter); break; case '<>': case '!=': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " <> ?", $filter); break; case '<=': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " <= ?", $filter); break; case '<': $this->_query->addWhere($field . " < ?", $filter); break; case 'in': $filter = explode(',', $filter); $this->_query->whereIn($field, $filter); break; case 'range': $start = substr($filter, 0, strpos($filter, '<>')); $end = substr($filter, strpos($filter, '<>') + 2); $this->_query->addWhere($field . " between ? and ?", array($start, $end)); break; case 'like': default: $this->_query->addWhere($field . " LIKE ?", "%" . $filter . "%"); break; } return $this; } /** * Insert an array of key=>values in the specified table * * @param string $table * @param array $post * @return boolean */ public function insert($table, array $post) { $tableModel = $this->_getModelFromTable($table); $id = Doctrine::getTable($tableModel)->getIdentifier(); /** * @var Doctrine_Record */ $model = new $tableModel; $model->fromArray($post); return $model->trySave(); } /** * Update values in a table using the $condition clause * * The condition clause is a $field=>$value array * that should be escaped by YOU (if your class doesn't do that for you) * and usinf the AND operand * * Ex: array('user_id'=>'1','id_site'=>'12'); * * Raw SQL: * WHERE user_id='1' AND id_site='12' * * @param string $table * @param array $post * @param array $condition * @return integer Of Affected rows */ public function update($table, array $post, array $condition) { $tableModel = $this->_getModelFromTable($table); $query = Doctrine_Query::create()->update($tableModel); foreach ($post as $field => $value) { $query->set($field, '?', $value); } foreach ($condition as $field => $value) { $query->addWhere($field . ' = ?', $value); } return $query->execute(); } /** * Delete a record from a table * * The condition clause is a $field=>$value array * that should be escaped by YOU (if your class doesn't do that for you) * and usinf the AND operand * * Ex: array('user_id'=>'1','id_site'=>'12'); * Raw SQL: * WHERE user_id='1' AND id_site='12' * * @param string $table * @param array $condition * @return integer Of Affected rows */ public function delete($table, array $condition) { $tableModel = $this->_getModelFromTable($table); $query = Doctrine_Query::create()->delete($tableModel); foreach ($condition as $field => $value) { $query->addWhere($field . ' = ?', $value); } return $query->execute(); } /** * Removes any order in query * * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ public function resetOrder() { $this->_query->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby'); return $this; } /** * Cache handler. * * TODO: Research what 'cache' does, might just need to look at the * bool and see if we need to set Doctrine Cache or not */ function setCache($cache) { //die(Zend_Debug::dump($cache)); //die('setCache'); } /** * Build the form based on a Model or query * * @return array */ public function buildForm() { $table = $this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel']; $columns = Doctrine::getTable($table)->getColumns(); return $this->buildFormElements($columns); } /** * Will build out an array of form elements, * based on the column type and return the array * to be used when loading the Bvb_Grid_Form * * @param array $cols * @param array $info * @return array */ public function buildFormElements(array $cols, $info = array()) { $form = array(); foreach ($cols as $column => $detail) { if (isset($detail['primary']) && $detail['primary']) { continue; } $label = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $column)); switch ($detail['type']) { case 'enum': $form['elements'][$column] = array('select', array('multiOptions' => $detail['values'], 'required' => ($detail['notnull'] == 1) ? false : true, 'label' => $label)); break; case 'string': case 'varchar': case 'char': $length = $detail['length']; $form['elements'][$column] = array('text', array('validators' => array(array('stringLength', false, array(0, $length))), 'size' => 40, 'label' => $label, 'required' => ($detail['notnull'] == 1) ? false : true, 'value' => (! empty($detail['default']) ? $detail['default'] : ""))); break; case 'date': $form['elements'][$column] = array('text', array('validators' => array(array('Date')), 'size' => 10, 'label' => $label, 'required' => ($detail['notnull'] == 1) ? false : true, 'value' => (! empty($detail['default']) ? $detail['default'] : ""))); break; case 'datetime': case 'timestamp': $form['elements'][$column] = array('text', array('validators' => array(array(new Zend_Validate_Date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))), 'size' => 19, 'label' => $label, 'required' => ($detail['notnull'] == 1) ? false : true, 'value' => (! empty($detail['default']) ? $detail['default'] : ""))); break; case 'text': case 'mediumtext': case 'longtext': case 'smalltext': $form['elements'][$column] = array('textarea', array('label' => $label, 'required' => ($detail['notnull'] == 1) ? false : true, 'filters' => array('StripTags'))); break; case 'integer': case 'int': case 'bigint': case 'mediumint': case 'smallint': case 'tinyint': $isZero = (! empty($detail['default']) && $detail['default'] == "0") ? true : false; $form['elements'][$column] = array('text', array('validators' => array('Digits'), 'label' => $label, 'size' => 10, 'required' => ($isZero == false && $detail['notnull'] == 1) ? false : true, 'value' => (! empty($detail['default']) ? $detail['default'] : ""))); break; case 'float': case 'decimal': case 'double': $form['elements'][$column] = array('text', array('validators' => array('Float'), 'size' => 10, 'label' => $label, 'required' => ($detail['notnull'] == 1) ? false : true, 'value' => (! empty($detail['default']) ? $detail['default'] : ""))); break; default: break; } } return $form; } /** * Used within this class to clean the hydrated result * to be something more Grid friendly * * @param array $results * @return array Cleaned results */ protected function _cleanQueryResults($results) { $newArray = array(); if (empty($this->_queryParts['from']['alias'])) { foreach ($results as $rows) { $temp = array(); foreach ($rows as $col => $val) { $name = str_replace($this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel'] . '_', '', $col); $temp[$name] = $val; } $newArray[] = $temp; } } else { foreach ($results as $rows) { $temp = array(); foreach ($rows as $col => $val) { $parts = explode('_', $col, 2); foreach ($this->_queryParts['select'] as $alias => $select) { if (implode('.', $parts) == $select['field'] || $parts[1] == $alias) { $temp[$alias] = $val; } } } $newArray[] = $temp; } } return $newArray; } /** * Used to parse out the SELECT pieces of the DQL * and place it in the $_queryParts array for use * in many other places * * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ protected function _setSelectParts() { $return = array(); $selects = $this->_query->getDqlPart('select'); if (empty($selects)) { $this->_findAndSetSelect(); $selects = $this->_query->getDqlPart('select'); } //Remove all 'as' instances $selects = $this->_removeAs($selects); foreach ($selects as $select) { $fields = explode(',', $select); $fields = array_map('trim', $fields); foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldName = trim($field); $fieldAlias = null; if (count(explode(' ', trim($field))) > 1) { list($fieldName, $fieldAlias) = explode(' ', trim($field)); } if (empty($fieldAlias)) { $pos = strpos($fieldName, '.'); $fieldAlias = substr($fieldName, ++$pos); } $return[$fieldAlias] = array( 'title' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $fieldAlias)), 'field' => $fieldName ); } } $this->_queryParts['select'] = $return; return $this; } /** * Used to parse out the FROM and JOIN pieces of the DQL * and place it in the $_queryParts array for use * in many other places * * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ protected function _setFromParts() { $return = array(); //Remove all 'as' instances $froms = $this->_removeAs($this->_query->getDqlPart('from')); foreach ($froms as $from) { $fields = explode(',', $from); $fields = array_map('trim', $fields); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (strpos(strtoupper($field), 'JOIN') === false) { $this->_queryParts = array_merge($this->_queryParts, $this->_explodeFrom($field)); } else { $join = explode('JOIN', $field); $join = array_map('trim', $join); $joinType = strtolower($join[0]); $this->_queryParts = array_merge($this->_queryParts, $this->_explodeJoin($join[1], $joinType)); } } } return $this; } /** * Used to set SELECT values to the DQL when * no SELECT is provided. We will just add * ALL columns for all tables given. * * NOTE: Since no SELECT was provided, to access these * from within the Bvb_Grid_Data class, you will need to * use the table alias + "_" + column name * * <code> * $grid->setGridColumns(array('co_code', 'co_name', 'co_continent', 'ci_name')); * </code> * * @return void */ protected function _findAndSetSelect() { $return = array(); //Make sure we have the FROM set $this->_setFromParts(); $fromTableModel = $this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel']; $fromClass = Doctrine::getTable($fromTableModel); $fromColumns = array_keys($fromClass->getColumns()); $fromAlias = $this->_queryParts['from']['alias']; foreach ($fromColumns as $fromColumn) { /** * Do this check here because a DQL with no JOIN, * does not need a table alias * * @var string */ $addColumn = (!empty($fromAlias)) ? $fromAlias . '.' . $fromColumn : $fromColumn; $this->_query->addSelect($addColumn); } $joins = $this->_queryParts['join']; if (!empty($joins)) { foreach ($joins as $joinType) { foreach ($joinType as $join) { $joinClass = Doctrine::getTable($join['tableModel']); $joinColumns = array_keys($joinClass->getColumns()); foreach ($joinColumns as $joinColumn) { $this->_query->addSelect($join['alias'] . '.' . $joinColumn); } } } } } /** * Take a DQL SELECT string and parse it into * a usable array * * <code> * $return = array( * 'from' => array( * 'alias' => 'c', * 'table' => 'country' * ) * ) * </code> * * @param string $from A DQL SELECT statement * @return array */ private function _explodeFrom($from) { if (!is_string($from)) { require_once 'Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine/Exception.php'; throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine_Exception('Provided param needs to be a string only'); } $return = array(); $table = $from; $alias = null; if (count(explode(' ', $from)) > 1) { list($table, $alias) = explode(' ', $from); } if (strpos($table, '.') !== false) { $return = $this->_explodeJoin($from, 'left'); } else { $return['from'] = array( 'alias' => $alias, 'tableModel' => $table, 'tableName' => Doctrine::getTable($table)->getTableName() ); } return $return; } /** * Take a DQL JOIN string and parse it into * a usable array * * <code> * $return = array( * 'join' => array( * 'left' => array( * array( * 'alias' => 'ci' * 'table' => 'Model_City' //Doctrine Table name * 'tableAlias' => 'City' //What is used in the JOIN statement * 'joinOn' => 'c' * ) * ) * ) * ) * </code> * * @param string $join * @param string $joinType The type of join - LEFT, RIGHT, etc */ private function _explodeJoin($join, $joinType) { $return = array(); list($table, $alias) = explode(' ', $join); list($joinOn, $tableAlias) = explode('.', $table); $mainTable = $this->_getModelFromAlias($joinOn); $tableModel = Doctrine::getTable($mainTable)->getRelation($tableAlias)->getClass(); $return['join'][strtolower($joinType)][] = array( 'alias' => $alias, 'tableModel' => $tableModel, 'tableAlias' => $tableAlias, 'joinOn' => $joinOn ); return $return; } /** * Simple utility for removing "as" from the DQL * * @param string $subject * @return string No-As DQL expression */ private function _removeAs($subject) { return str_replace(array(' AS', ' As', ' aS', ' as'), array('', '', '', ''), $subject); } /** * Find the table for which a column belongs * * @param string $column * @return string Name of the table used */ private function _getModelFromColumn($column) { if (!is_string($column)) { $type = gettype($column); require_once 'Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine/Exception.php'; throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine_Exception('The $column param needs to be a string, ' . $type . ' provided'); } if (empty($this->_queryParts['from']['alias'])) { return $this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel']; } list($alias, $field) = explode('.', $column); return $this->_getModelFromAlias($alias); } /** * Find the table/model based on the table alias provided * * @param string $alias * @return string */ private function _getModelFromAlias($alias) { if (!is_string($alias)) { $type = gettype($alias); require_once 'Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine/Exception.php'; throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine_Exception('The $alias param needs to be a string, ' . $type . ' provided'); } if ($this->_queryParts['from']['alias'] == $alias) { return $this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel']; } foreach ($this->_queryParts['join'] as $joins) { foreach ($joins as $join) { if ($join['alias'] == $alias) { return $join['tableModel']; } } } } /** * Find the table/model based on the table alias provided * * @param string $table Name of table to find model from * @return string Name of the model associated with the provided table */ private function _getModelFromTable($table) { if (!is_string($table)) { $type = gettype($table); require_once 'Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine/Exception.php'; throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine_Exception('The $table param needs to be a string, ' . $type . ' provided'); } if ($this->_queryParts['from']['tableName'] == $table) { return $this->_queryParts['from']['tableModel']; } foreach ($this->_queryParts['join'] as $joins) { foreach ($joins as $join) { if ($join['tableAlias'] == $table) { return $join['tableModel']; } } } } }