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File: ChangeLog.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: Change log
Class: TM::MyCSV
Manage CSV files like database tables
Author: By
Last change: - sort() accepts SORT_TIME and SORT_LOCALE_STRING to order values as dates ot based to the current locale.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 7,785 bytes



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TM::MyCSV Change Log 2009-09-02 * sort() accepts SORT_TIME to order a table by a column that contains textual date and/or time values like "January 1 2009". Use SORT_NUMERIC if you use Unix timestamps and SORT_DEFAULT or SORT_STRING if you use ISO dates like I do in this change log. * Two example scripts added. 2009-09-01 * sort() accepts SORT_LOCALE_STRING. Don't forget to use setlocale() before. * SORT_NULL fixed. The number 0 and the string "0" should not be handled as NULL values. Instead of a boolean comparison we use strlen() now. * SORT_STRING fixed. Values like "2a" and the number 2 have been compared as numbers. This is an intended PHP behaviour, but should happen with SORT_REGULAR only. * add_field() accepts field names with Umlauts and other characters from 0x7F to 0xFF. * example_products.php added. 2008-06-19 * row_exists() destroyed the data array in PHP 5. The reason is unknown (a bug in PHP?). 2005-11-21 * add_field() fixed (failed with $afterField = "unknown column"). * Some tiny code beatyfications and speed-ups. 2005-08-07 * There is a new bug in fgetcsv(). All double quotes are stripped from the beginning and/or end of the values. I added another workaround to solve this behaviour (improved the "smart" backslashes). * Fixed a tiny bug in insert(). Auto incrementation of ID "x" returned "y" but should return a numeric key. * test.php: Added more test cases. 2005-06-30 * Added third argument to limit(), e.g. limit(3, 9, SEEK_SET) for the old MySQL behaviour. 2005-05-08 * Full support for remote files added (read-only of course). Works only with comma separated files by default. Use $t = new MyCSV(); $t->delimiter = ";"; $t->read("http://..."); to read a remote file with another delimiter. * Changed data_seek(), it's an alias for seek(..., SEEK_SET) now. 2005-04-11 * Changed and improved seek() and limit() a lot. Both use absolute IDs instead of relative offsets now. WARNING! These changes are incompatible to previous versions of the class! limit() is NOT compatible to MySQL's LIMIT any more! Set $whence to SEEK_SET for the old behaviour. 2005-03-19 * insert() and update() return false if $data is not an array. 2004-09-18 * Added an other solution for the deadlock problem in read(). Uses the blocking flock() again. Triggers a warning if a file is opened twice. * write() returns false if the filename is empty. * "9a" == 9 returns true! Now the class uses strcmp() instead. 2004-08-24 * Auto increment feature in insert() is a lot faster now. * first() and last() rewritten. * write() is little bit faster now (uses str_replace instead of strtr). * close() improved. * PHPDoc comments updated, @requires added. 2004-08-23 * write() fixed, ids may contain the delimiter character now. * Auto increment feature in insert() slightly improved. 2004-07-31 * first() and last() fixed, return false if the table is empty. 2004-06-08 * prev() fixed. 2004-03-08 * Tiny speed-ups in export and write() (about 30% faster). 2004-02-15 * sort() uses the object method array(&$this, '_cmp') instead of the static class method array('MyCSV', '_cmp') now. 2004-02-08 * Introduced read(). You may call "new MyCSV()" and "read(tablename)" instead of "new MyCSV(tablename)" now. * Locked files (Windows) made read() fail (is_writeable() returned true). 2003-12-28 * limit() added (for each() and fetch_assoc() only!). * The array in insert(), update(), row_exists() is not expected by ref. any more. insert(array(...)) was impossible due to this. 2003-11-19 * $insert_id is private. Use insert_id() instead. 2003-11-10 * "Smart" backslashes added. This makes the class compatible to any PHP version, including >=4.3.2 and 5.x. Critical characters \x00 and \ are "smart" escaped now. * Bugfix: close() caused errors if file does not exist. 2003-11-03 * Fixed tiny "Notice" bug in export(). 2003-10-29 * sort() allows to use SORT_NULL in combination with any other flag, e.g. sort("a SORT_NAT SORT_NULL b SORT_NUMERIC SORT_NULL"). 2003-10-28 * Bugfix: update() didn't handled numeric field names properly. * Speeded up insert() and update() a bit. 2003-10-27 * Works in both PHP <=4.3.1 and >=4.3.2 now (fgetcsv() was changed). * Added parameter MyCSV(..., length), defaults to 10k instead 100k now. * Bugfix: drop_field("id") was allowed by mistake, returns false now. 2003-10-26 * flock() in MyCSV() doesn't block/kill the web server any more when trying to lock the file twice. Now it triggers an user warning. * Added close() but made it private because in general it's not needed. * Added tablename(). * Improved the file reader a lot. ID column may be anywhere in the file or may be completely missing. MyCSV() adds missing IDs immediatelly. * Bugfix: write() improved, IDs may contain double quotes now. * add_field() returns false if field name contains any special character. * Renamed property _tablename into filename. 2003-10-20 * Added second parameter to ad_field(..., $afterField). * Added first() and last(). * Bugfix: delete(0) didn't work, it killed the whole table. * Bugfix: sort("id ...") works (calls ksort() or krsort() internaly). * Bugfix: sort("... desc") didn't work because it was case sensitive. * A bunch of small fixes. 2003-07-16 * Added SORT_NAT (natural sort) to sort(). * SORT_NULL handles "0" as empty too. 2003-06-02 * Added some possible field delimiters (":", "\0" and space). 2003-05-27 * Bugfix: Multiple calls of sort() are working now. * Bugfix: join() resets the internal array pointer now. 2003-05-16 * Added: ksort()/krsort(). Similar to sort("id ...")/sort("id DESC ..."). * Bugfix: sort() don't mix up the IDs any more (bases on uasort() now). * Added sorting type SORT_NULL to sort(). This always moves empty elements to the end of the table. * Bugfix: Files can be write-protected, then write() triggers a warning. * Bugfix: rand() can return more than one random IDs now, e.g. rand(5). 2003-04-03 * Improved data security a lot. File locking keeps the file locked until the script ended. No file sharing problems possible any more. * Added ids(), min(), max() and rand(). They all return one or more ID numbers. Fetch the corresponding data rows using $table->data($id). * Added filesystem functions exists() and is_writeable(). * Added some missing methods and aliases, e.g. count(), fetch_assoc(), ... * No need to use add_field() any more, initial insert() will handle this. * Ordered the methods in logical groups: SQL/Array/Filesystem functions. 2003-04-01 * Bugfix: update() uses array_merge now. This allows particular updates. * Added: id_exists() checks if an ID exists (see array_key_exists()). * Added: ids() returns all ID numbers (see array_keys()). * Added: rand() returns a random ID number (see array_rand()). 2003-03-16 * File rows will be separated by "\r\n" now. Compatibility to Windows. * Added export() which returns the CSV file as a string. * Bugfix: insert_id() works now. * A lot of small changes. Works with E_ALL on. Faster too. 2003-01-20 * drop_field() works now. 2002-11-21 * Variable delimiter added, ',' and ';' are supported now.