* @author Bulent Tezcan. [email protected]
# Start your seetings from here
# we don't want to use Global variables.
# check the adodb/readme.htm for more information about the databse types
#define("DATABASE_SOFTWARE", "postgres7");
define("DATABASE_SOFTWARE", "mysql");
define("DB_LOCATION", "localhost");
#define("DB_ACCOUNT", "postgres");
define("DB_ACCOUNT", "root");
define("DB_PASSWORD", "");
define("DB_DATABASE", "security");
# type the directory where you installed css, again no trailing slash
define("CSS_DIRECTORY", "/security/css");
# type the directory where you installed ADODB, again no trailing slash
# this is relative to where the security directory is.
# By default it comes inside the security directory
# If you want to move it outside the security directory than you can write
# something like that: ../adodb
define("ADODB_DIRECTORY", "adodb");
# this defines where to go after you logout from the admin menu.
# Type the page name you want to go. This page also could be an html page
# like index.html, index.htm or myOwnPage.whatever
define("GOTO_PAGE_AFTER_LOGOUT", "index.php");
# your admin e-mail goes here
define("ADMIN_EMAIL","[email protected]");
# End your seetings here
if (isset($_SESSION["USE_MD5"]) and
isset($_SESSION["CSS"]) )
return true;
include_once( ADODB_DIRECTORY."/adodb.inc.php" );
require_once "MyDatabase.class.php";
$myDatabase = new MyDatabase( );
$sql = "SELECT * FROM configuration";
$result = $myDatabase->gDB->Execute($sql);
if ($result === false)
print_r( "Can't read the configuration file. We can not continue.<br>".$myDatabase->gDB->ErrorMsg() );
# We keep the passwords in MD5 format. Default is 1. If you don't want
# than change it to zero. If you use MD5, create the admin password
# in MD5 format from the admin menu, and update the accounts table.
#define("USE_MD5", $result->fields("md5"));
$_SESSION["USE_MD5"] = $result->fields("md5")==1? TRUE : FALSE;
# number of times the user could try until they are banned
#define("BAD_ATTEMPTS_MAX", $result->fields("bad_attempts_max"));
$_SESSION["BAD_ATTEMPTS_MAX"] = $result->fields("bad_attempts_max");
# the waiting period in seconds, incase of a limit reach for bad attempts
#define("BAD_ATTEMPTS_WAIT_SECONDS", $result->fields("bad_attempts_wait"));
$_SESSION["BAD_ATTEMPTS_WAIT_SECONDS"] = $result->fields("bad_attempts_wait");
# If you want to log the activities set this one to true, otherwise false
#define("LOG_ACTIVITIES", $result->fields("log_activities"));
$_SESSION["LOG_ACTIVITIES"] = $result->fields("log_activities")==1? TRUE : FALSE;
# Set the timeout for inactivity
#define("TIMEOUT_SECONDS", $result->fields("timeout"));
$_SESSION["TIMEOUT_SECONDS"] = (int)$result->fields("timeout");
# Set it to true or false if you want to see the SQL errors.
#define("IS_ERROR_REPORTING", $result->fields("error_reporting"));
$_SESSION["IS_ERROR_REPORTING"] = $result->fields("error_reporting")==1? TRUE : FALSE;
# if you want to use Cascading Style Sheets, type the name of the file
# You can choose styles from css directory, like :
# Pilsner, LabattBlue, Corona
$_SESSION["CSS"] = $result->fields("stylesheet");