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File: excelclass.txt

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File: excelclass.txt
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Class: Excel
Manipulate Excel files using the COM interface
Author: By
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Date: 24 years ago
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This PHP4 class uses the COM extension of PHP to access some of the functionalities of Excel 2000. The class has been tested with PHP4.02 running as cgi with Apache 1.3.9 on win98. It should work with Excel 97 but it has not been tested. It is very much a "work in progress". Though the main functionalities of Excel are supported (Opening/Closing workbooks, writing and reading a cell and range of cells, running functions and macros), a lot of other Excel features has yet to be supported, notably the Excel charts I will try to complete this class later, but other users are welcome to do it themselves. Also please report any bugs or problems to me ( so I can correct it if possible. This is Gnu GPL code (see for more information). Copyright alain samoun 09/2000 The methods are: - Excel() The constructor that instantiate excel. - XL($workbook="",$pathin="",$sheet="sheet1") Load a sheet from a workbook in path pathin. Note that if the name workbook is empty and the sheet set to "sheet1", it will start a new workbook. - (mix) readrange($sheet(string),$range(string)) Read the content of one cell if $range="Xx" or a range of cells if $range="Xx:Yy" Where Xx and Yy are the cells' addresses using the notation Column: letters and Row; numbers as "A1" or "D5:D20" . It will return a single variable or an array. - (boolean) writerange($sheet(string),$range(string),$value(mix)) Write a value (single or array) to a cell or range of cells on a single raw or on a single column of sheet $sheet. The size of the array should be at least equal to the number of cells to fill. - (boolean) saveas($workbook(file name),$pathout(path),$ext(string)) Save the workbook $workbook in path $pathout with the extension $ext. Extensions value are code corresponding to different file types supported by excel. - (boolean) XLTranslate($pathin(path),$pathout(path),$oext(string),$ext(string),// $kill=0(boolean)) Convert all the files in path $pathin, with extension $oext, to files in path $pathout with extension $ext. If kill<>0 the original file will be erased.. Extensions value are code corresponding to different file types supported by excel. - (boolean) closexl() Close all workbooks open in Excel. - (mix) runfunction($funct(string),$arrayparam(array)) Return the value of the excel function funct ran with the parameters from the $arrayparam array. - (boolean) runmacro($workbook(string),$macroname(string)) Run the macro $macroname in the current workbook $workbook. - (boolean) calculate($sheet="sheet1"(string)) Calculate or update the current sheet $sheet.