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File: SQL File

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  Classes of Ricardo Costa   CGrid   grid.sql   Download  
File: grid.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Table data for example.phtml
Class: CGrid
Show grid with MySQL data order columns by click
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 1,486 bytes



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# MySQL-Front Dump 2.5 # # Host: Database: xxs # -------------------------------------------------------- # Server version 3.23.36 # # Table structure for table 'grid' # CREATE TABLE grid ( idcliente int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, nome char(160) default NULL, email char(160) default NULL, fone char(16) default NULL, endereco char(120) default NULL, contato char(120) default NULL, fax char(16) NOT NULL default '', ftp char(255) NOT NULL default '', ftplogin char(255) NOT NULL default '', ftpsenha char(255) NOT NULL default '', cgc char(60) NOT NULL default '', celular char(16) NOT NULL default '', login char(255) NOT NULL default '', senha char(255) NOT NULL default '', dataace char(16) NOT NULL default '', website char(120) NOT NULL default '', ativo int(1) NOT NULL default '0', logo char(200) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (idcliente), UNIQUE KEY idcliente (idcliente) ) TYPE=MyISAM; # # Dumping data for table 'grid' # INSERT INTO grid VALUES("1", "Test Agency", "[email protected]", "6565-6565", NULL, "Mary Wallet", "", "", "", "", "", "9898-6532", "", "", "", "", "0", NULL); INSERT INTO grid VALUES("2", "Full Net", "[email protected]", "2525-4747", NULL, "Mark Pride", "", "", "", "", "", "9856-8754", "", "", "", "", "0", NULL); INSERT INTO grid VALUES("3", "Cabble Sales", "[email protected]", "4521-2154", NULL, "Abraan Jones", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0", NULL);