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File: app/views/vehicles.php

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File: app/views/vehicles.php
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Class: PHP Real Estate Website
Manage the properties of a real estate business
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<?php use config\connect_db; if( ($_SESSION['user_master_perms'] !== 'administrador') ) { if($_SESSION['vehicles_read'] !== '1') { die ('<script>location.href="/app/admin.php?page=access_denied";</script>'); } } if( empty($_GET['pag']) or !isset($_GET['pag']) ) { if( empty($_SESSION['pag-vehicles']) or !isset($_SESSION['pag-vehicles']) ) { $pagination = '0'; $_SESSION['pag-vehicles'] = $pagination; } else { $pagination = $_SESSION['pag-vehicles']; } } else { $pagination = filterString($_GET['pag'], 'INT'); $_SESSION['pag-vehicles'] = $pagination; } if( empty($_GET['order']) or !isset($_GET['order']) ) { if( empty($_SESSION['order-vehicles']) or !isset($_SESSION['order-vehicles']) ) { $order = 'ORDER BY `id` DESC '; $_SESSION['order-vehicles'] = $order; } else { $order = $_SESSION['order-vehicles']; } } else { if($_GET['order'] === 'date-asc') { $order = "ORDER BY `date_post` ASC" ; } else if($_GET['order'] === 'date-desc') { $order = "ORDER BY `date_post` DESC" ; } else if($_GET['order'] === 'views-desc') { $order = "ORDER BY `views` DESC" ; } else if($_GET['order'] === 'views-asc') { $order = "ORDER BY `views` ASC" ; } else if($_GET['order'] === 'featured') { $order = "ORDER BY `featured` DESC" ; } else if($_GET['order'] === 'clear') { $order = "ORDER BY `id` DESC" ; } else { $order = "ORDER BY `id` DESC" ; } $_SESSION['order-vehicles'] = $order; } if( empty($_GET['limite']) or !isset($_GET['limite']) ) { if( empty($_SESSION['limite-vehicles']) or !isset($_SESSION['limite-vehicles']) ) { $limite = '50'; } else { $limite = $_SESSION['limite-vehicles']; } } else if ($_GET['limite'] == 'all') { $inicio = 0; $limite = 99999; } else { $limite = filterString($_GET['limite'], 'INT'); $_SESSION['limite-vehicles'] = $limite; } if ($pagination and $pagination != '') { $inicio = ($pagination - 1) * $limite; } else { $inicio = 0; } if( empty($_GET['categoria']) or !isset($_GET['categoria']) ) { if( empty($_SESSION['categoria-vehicles']) or !isset($_SESSION['categoria-vehicles']) ) { $categoria = 'cars'; $_SESSION['categoria-vehicles'] = $categoria; } else { $categoria = $_SESSION['categoria-vehicles']; } } else { $categoria = filterString($_GET['categoria'], 'CHAR'); $_SESSION['categoria-vehicles'] = $categoria; } if( $categoria === 'cars' ) { $edit_page = 'edit_cars'; $upload_images = 'images_car'; } else if( $categoria === 'motorcycles' ) { $edit_page = 'edit_motorcycles'; $upload_images = 'images_motorcycle'; } else { $edit_page = 'access_denied'; $upload_images = ''; } ?> <SECTION CLASS="row"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-md-12 no-padding"> <H4 CLASS="text-darkgray"><STRONG>Veículos</STRONG></H4> <OL CLASS="breadcrumb bg-white"> <LI><a href="admin.php"><I CLASS="fa fa-home" ARIA-HIDDEN="true"></I></a></LI> <LI><a href="admin.php?page=vehicles"><I CLASS="fa fa-car"></I> Veículos</a></LI> </OL> </div> </div> </SECTION> <DIV CLASS="callout callout-info visible-xs"> <H4>Importante!</H4> <P>Para melhor navegação neste dispositivo, alguns elementos foram ocultados!<BR> Use um computador para ter acesso a todas as funcionalidades que este sistema disponibiliza!</P> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="clearfix"></DIV> <SECTION CLASS="row"> <DIV CLASS="container"> <NAV CLASS="navbar"> <DIV CLASS="container"> <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display --> <DIV CLASS="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" DATA-TOGGLE="collapse" DATA-TARGET="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" aria-expanded="false"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></button> </DIV> <!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling --> <DIV CLASS="collapse navbar-collapse" ID="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1 text-white"> <UL CLASS="nav navbar-nav"> <LI CLASS="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" DATA-TOGGLE="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Ordernar Por: <SPAN CLASS="caret"></SPAN></a> <UL CLASS="dropdown-menu"> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&order=date-desc"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-numeric-desc"></I> Data mais recente</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&order=date-asc"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-numeric-asc"></I> Data mais antiga</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&order=views-desc"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-amount-desc"></I> Mais acessados</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&order=views-asc"><I CLASS="fa fa-sort-amount-asc"></I> Menos acessados</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&order=featured"><I CLASS="fa fa-thumb-tack"></I> Ná minha página inicial</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&order=clear"><I CLASS="fa fa-bars"></I> Padrão</a></LI> </UL> </LI> <LI CLASS="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" DATA-TOGGLE="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Número de Registros: <SPAN CLASS="caret"></SPAN></a> <UL CLASS="dropdown-menu"> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&limite=25&pag=1">25</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&limite=50&pag=1" title="Valor padrão!">50</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&limite=100&pag=1">100</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&limite=250&pag=1">250</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&limite=500&pag=1">500</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&limite=all&pag=1" title="O sistema pode ficar lento!">Todas(lento)</a></LI> </UL> </LI> <LI CLASS="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" DATA-TOGGLE="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Categoria <SPAN CLASS="caret"></SPAN></a> <UL CLASS="dropdown-menu"> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&categoria=cars&pag=1">Carros</a></LI> <LI><a href="?page=vehicles&categoria=motorcycles&pag=1">Motos</a></LI> </UL> </LI> </UL> <form class="navbar-form navbar-right" role="search"> <DIV CLASS="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="filter-table" DATA-TABLE="table-cars" placeholder="Buscar registros" style="width:400px"> </DIV> </form> </DIV><!-- /.navbar-collapse --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </NAV> <form action="/app/modules/vehicles/delete_vehicles.php" id="del-all-cars" data-action="submit-ajax" data-form-reset="noreset" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data-reload="true"> <input type="hidden" name="categoria" value="<?php echo $categoria ?>"> <DIV CLASS="box"> <DIV CLASS="box-header" STYLE="border-bottom:1px solid #F5F5F5"> <H3 CLASS="box-title">Garagem</H3> <DIV CLASS="box-tools"> <a href="admin.php?page=add_cars" class="btn"><I CLASS="fa fa-car"></I><STRONG>Adicionar carros</STRONG></a> <a href="admin.php?page=add_motorcycles" class="btn"><I CLASS="fa fa-motorcycle"></I><STRONG>Adicionar motos</STRONG></a> </DIV> </DIV> <!-- /.box-header --> <DIV CLASS="box-body no-padding"> <?php $print_vehicles = '<TABLE CLASS="table table-striped table-responsive dataTable" ID="table-cars" data-control="data-reload"> '; $print_vehicles .= '<THEAD> '; $print_vehicles .= ' <TR> '; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH STYLE="width:5% !important;"><input type="checkbox" data-control="select-all"></TH>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH CLASS="hidden-xs" STYLE="width:5% !important;">ID</TH>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH STYLE="width:35% !important;">MARCA/MODELO</TH>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH CLASS="hidden-xs" STYLE="width:5% !important;">ANO</TH> '; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH STYLE="width:5% !important;">CAPA</TH>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH STYLE="width:10% !important;">VALOR</TH> '; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH CLASS="hidden-xs" STYLE="width:5% !important;"><i class="fa fa-eye" title="Número de visualizações da página."></i></TH> '; $print_vehicles .= ' <TH STYLE="width:25% !important;">AÇÕES</TH> '; $print_vehicles .= ' </TR> '; $print_vehicles .= '</THEAD>'; $print_vehicles .= '<TBODY ID="table-cars-body">'; $con_db = new connect_db(); $con = $con_db->connect(); $vehicles = $con->query("SELECT `id`, `marca`, `modelo`, `submodelo`, `ano_fab`, `ano_mod`, `valor`, `image_capa`, `featured`, `views` FROM $categoria $order LIMIT $inicio,$limite") or die($con_db->serverFailure()); $total_reg = $vehicles->num_rows; while($reg = $vehicles->fetch_array()) { $capa = (!empty($reg['image_capa'])) ? '<I CLASS="fa fa-check pull-right color-verde" ARIA-HIDDEN="true" ROLE="button" DATA-PLACEMENT="left" DATA-TOGGLE="popover" DATA-TRIGGER="focus" TITLE="Tudo certo" DATA-CONTENT="A imagem de capa está definida!"></I>' : '<I CLASS="fa fa-exclamation pull-right color-red" ARIA-HIDDEN="true" ROLE="button" DATA-PLACEMENT="left" DATA-TOGGLE="popover" DATA-TRIGGER="focus" TITLE="Atenção" DATA-CONTENT="Escolha uma imagem para a capa!"></I>' ; if ($reg['featured'] === '1') { $featured = '<span class="label bg-violet btn btn-flat btn-anime-1" STYLE="cursor:pointer;" role="BUTTON" data-control="featured-car" data-id="'.$reg['id'].'" data-action="unfeatured" data-categoria="'.$categoria.'" title="Retire este veículo da minha página inicial"><I CLASS="fa fa-thumb-tack"></I></span> '; $featured_icon = '<i class="fa fa-thumb-tack pull-right car-featured" aria-hidden="true" title="Veículo em destaque na página inicial."></i>'; } else { $featured = '<span class="label bg-violet btn btn-flat btn-anime-1" STYLE="cursor:pointer;" role="BUTTON" data-control="featured-car" data-id="'.$reg['id'].'" data-action="featured" data-categoria="'.$categoria.'" title="Destaque este veículo na minha página inicial"><I CLASS="fa fa-thumb-tack"></I></span> '; $featured_icon = '<i class="fa fa-thumb-tack pull-right" aria-hidden="true" title="Veículo em destaque na página inicial."></i>'; } $print_vehicles .= '<TR>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD><input type="checkbox" name="del[]" value="'.$reg['id'].'" data-control="checkebox-del"></TD>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD CLASS="hidden-xs">'.$reg['id'].'</TD> '; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD>'.$reg['marca'].' - '.$reg['modelo'].' '.$reg['submodelo'].' '.$featured_icon.' </TD>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD CLASS="hidden-xs">'.$reg['ano_fab'].'/'.$reg['ano_mod'].'</TD>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD>'.$capa.'</TD>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD>'.decimalMoeda($reg['valor']).'</TD>'; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD CLASS="hidden-xs">'.$reg['views'].'</TD> '; $print_vehicles .= ' <TD><a href="?page='.$upload_images.'&id='.base64_encode($reg['id']).'" class="label label-success btn btn-flat btn-anime-1" title="Editar imagens do veículo"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i></a> '; $print_vehicles .= '<a href="?page='.$edit_page.'&id='.base64_encode($reg['id']).'" class="label label-info btn btn-flat btn-anime-1" title="Editar informações do veículo"><I CLASS="fa fa-edit"></I></a> '; $print_vehicles .= $featured; $print_vehicles .= '<span class="label label-danger btn btn-flat btn-anime-1" data-control="delete-vehicles" role="BUTTON" data-id="'.$reg['id'].'" data-categoria="'.$categoria.'"><I CLASS="fa fa-trash-o"></I></span></TD>'; $print_vehicles .= '</TR>'; } $print_vehicles .= '</TBODY>'; $print_vehicles .= '</TABLE>'; if($vehicles and $total_reg > 0) { echo $print_vehicles; } else if($total_reg <= 0) { echo '<div class="alert alert-info"><h4>Sem resultados!</h4>Não encontramos nenhum veículo cadastrado para está categoria.</div>'; } else if(!$vehicles) { echo ($con_db->serverFailure()); } // paginação---------- $busca_total = $con->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as `id` FROM $categoria "); $total = $busca_total->fetch_array(); $total = $total['id']; $prox = $pagination + 1; $ant = $pagination - 1; $ultima_pag = ceil($total / $limite); $penultima = $ultima_pag - 1; @$adjacentes = 2; if ($pagination>1) { $paginationinacao = '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$ant.'"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></a>'; } if ($ultima_pag <= 5) { for ($i=1; $i< $ultima_pag+1; $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { @$paginationinacao .= '<li><a class="atual" href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>'; } else { @$paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>'; } } } if ($ultima_pag > 5) { if ($pagination < 1 + (2 * $adjacentes)) { for ($i=1; $i< 2 + (2 * $adjacentes); $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { @$paginationinacao .= '<li><a class="atual" href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>'; } else { @$paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>'; } } $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="javascript:;">...</a></li>'; $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$penultima.'">'.$penultima.'</a></li>'; $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$ultima_pag.'">'.$ultima_pag.'</a></li>'; } elseif($pagination > (2 * $adjacentes) && $pagination < $ultima_pag - 3) { $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag=1">1</a></li>'; $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="javascript:;">...</a></li>'; for ($i = $pagination-$adjacentes; $i<= $pagination + $adjacentes; $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { $paginationinacao .= '<li><a class="atual" href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } else { $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } } $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="javascript:;">...</a></li>'; $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$penultima.'">'.$penultima.'</a></li>'; $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$ultima_pag.'">'.$ultima_pag.'</a></li>'; } else { $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag=1">1</a></li>'; $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag=1">2</a></li>'; for ($i = $ultima_pag - (2 + (2 * $adjacentes)); $i <= $ultima_pag; $i++) { if ($i == $pagination) { $paginationinacao .= '<li><a class="atual" href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } else { $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a></li>'; } } } } if ($prox <= $ultima_pag && $ultima_pag > 2) { $paginationinacao .= '<li><a href="?page=vehicles&pag='.$prox.'"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a></li>'; } ?> </DIV><!-- /.box-body --> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="tfoot nav navbar-nav"> <button class="btn btn-flat btn-danger navbar-left" data-control="submit-button" id="del-vehicles" DISABLED type="submit"><I CLASS="fa fa-trash-o"></I> Excluir Ítens Selecionados</button> </DIV> </form> <NAV> <UL CLASS="pagination"> <?php echo @$paginationinacao ?> </UL> </NAV><!--//.pagination--> </DIV> </SECTION> <script src="/plugins/bootstrap-validator-master/dist/validator.min.js"></script> <script src="/app/javascript/vehicle.js"></script>