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  Classes of Samy Massoud   PHP Mac Address Vendor Lookup using a XML database   Download  
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Class: PHP Mac Address Vendor Lookup using a XML database
Find the vendor of a device with given Mac address
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 1,745 bytes



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? Macaddress Vendor Lookup

Using this package you can lookup for vendor/company from mac address prefix.<br/> The package will search through the XML file of vendorMacs.xml for the company name.

How to use

  • Download the Cisco vendorMacs.xml file from
  • Install the package using the following command `composer require devtools360/macaddresslookup`
  • You can now initialize & use the package as follows
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    use \Devtools360\MacAddressLookup;
    $mac = new MacAddressLookup($file_path);
    echo $mac->lookup("FC:FE:77");

How to use with Laravel

This package will work out of the box with Laravel framework, just follow the above steps for installing the package, and to use it in any class just add the following namespace.<br/> use \Devtools360\MacAddressLookup;<br/> Then you can initiate the class or use the dependency injection of Laravel to initiate it for you.

Set the path seprately

If this package was used with Laravel dependency injection it will not set the path for you, so you can easily call setFilePath to do the same as follows.

$mac = new MacAddressLookup();
$mac->setFilePath("FILE PATH HERE");

Issue or suggestion

Please feel free to open a bug report or pull request to this repo.

Thanks to

The website DevTools360 for providing the updated cisco vendorMacs.xml file.<br/> Please check the awesome tools such as Macaddress Lookup and QR code generator from the same site.