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File: vault/config.yaml

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  Classes of Caleb   CIDRAM   vault/config.yaml   Download  
File: vault/config.yaml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Check if an IP address is a bad source of traffic
Author: By
Last change: L10N patch.

- This commit adds *partial* internal language support for Latvian, Polish,
and Tamil (thank you to naveen17797 for the Tamil translations). Will
sync it all up with the other translations when there's time.
- Some minor miscellaneous refactoring/improvement of other L10N data.
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 14,370 bytes



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##\ # This file is a part of the CIDRAM package. # Homepage: # # CIDRAM COPYRIGHT 2016 and beyond by Caleb Mazalevskis (Maikuolan). # # License: GNU/GPLv2 # @see LICENSE.txt # # This file: Configuration defaults file (last modified: 2019.09.04). ##/ Config Defaults: general: logfile: type: "string" default: "" logfile_apache: type: "string" default: "" logfile_serialized: type: "string" default: "" truncate: type: "kb" default: "0KB" preview: "kb" log_rotation_limit: type: "int" default: 0 log_rotation_action: type: "string" default: "Delete" choices: Delete: "Delete" Archive: "Archive" timezone: type: "timezone" default: "SYSTEM" time_offset: type: "int" default: 0 preview: "minutes" time_format: type: "string" default: "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" preview: "allow_other" allow_other: true choices: "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy}": "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy}" "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd}": "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd}" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}" "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd}": "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy}" "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yy}.{mm}.{dd}": "{yy}.{mm}.{dd}" "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yy}-{mm}-{dd}": "{yy}-{mm}-{dd}" "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yy}/{mm}/{dd}": "{yy}/{mm}/{dd}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yy}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yy}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yy}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yy}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yy}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yy}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yy}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yy}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yy}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yy}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yy}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yy}" "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?": "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?" "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}?": "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}?" "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?": "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?" "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}?{m}?{d}?": "{yy}?{m}?{d}?" "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?": "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?" "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}?": "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}?" "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?": "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?" "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}? {m}? {d}?": "{yy}? {m}? {d}?" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}T{hh}:{ii}:{ss}{t:z}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}T{hh}:{ii}:{ss}{t:z}" "{d}. {m}. {yyyy}": "{d}. {m}. {yyyy}" ipaddr: type: "string" default: "REMOTE_ADDR" preview: "allow_other" allow_other: true choices: HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP: "HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP (Incapsula)" HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP: "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP (Cloudflare)" CF-Connecting-IP: "CF-Connecting-IP (Cloudflare)" HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (Cloudbric)" X-Forwarded-For: "X-Forwarded-For (Squid)" REMOTE_ADDR: "REMOTE_ADDR (Default)" forbid_on_block: type: "int" default: 200 choices: 200: "200 OK" 403: "403 Forbidden" 410: "410 Gone" 418: "418 I'm a teapot" 451: "451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons" 503: "503 Service Unavailable" silent_mode: type: "url" default: "" autocomplete: "url" lang: type: "string" default: "en" choices: en: "English" ar: "???????" bn: "?????" de: "Deutsch" es: "Español" fr: "Français" hi: "?????" id: "Bahasa Indonesia" it: "Italiano" ja: "???" ko: "???" lv: "Latvie?u" nl: "Nederlandse" no: "Norsk" pl: "Polski" pt: "Português" ru: "???????" sv: "Svenska" ta: "?????" th: "???????" tr: "Türkçe" ur: "????" vi: "Ti?ng Vi?t" zh: "??????" zh-tw: "??????" choice_filter: "FilterLang" lang_override: type: "bool" default: true numbers: type: "string" default: "Latin-1" choices: NoSep-1: "1234567.89" NoSep-2: "1234567,89" Latin-1: "1,234,567.89" Latin-2: "1?234?567.89" Latin-3: "1.234.567,89" Latin-4: "1?234?567,89" Latin-5: "1,234,567·89" China-1: "123,4567.89" India-1: "12,34,567.89" India-2: "??,??,???.?? (????????)" India-3: "??,??,???.?? (???????)" India-4: "??,??,???.?? (???????)" India-5: "??,??,???.?? (?????)" India-6: "??,??,???.?? (??????)" Arabic-1: "??????????" Arabic-2: "????????????" Arabic-3: "????????????" Arabic-4: "????????????" Bengali-1: "??,??,???.?? (????? ??????????)" Burmese-1: "???????.??" Khmer-1: "?.???.???,??" Lao-1: "???????.??" Thai-1: "?,???,???.??" Thai-2: "???????.??" emailaddr: type: "string" default: "" emailaddr_display_style: type: "string" default: "default" choices: default: "{field_clickable_link}" noclick: "{field_nonclickable_text}" disable_frontend: type: "bool" default: true max_login_attempts: type: "int" default: 5 frontend_log: type: "string" default: "" ban_override: type: "int" default: 200 choices: 200: 200 403: 403 410: 410 418: 418 451: 451 503: 503 log_banned_ips: type: "bool" default: true default_dns: type: "string" default: "," search_engine_verification: type: "bool" default: true social_media_verification: type: "bool" default: true protect_frontend: type: "bool" default: true disable_webfonts: type: "bool" default: true maintenance_mode: type: "bool" default: false default_algo: type: "string" default: "PASSWORD_DEFAULT" choices: PASSWORD_DEFAULT: "PASSWORD_DEFAULT" PASSWORD_BCRYPT: "PASSWORD_BCRYPT" PASSWORD_ARGON2I: "PASSWORD_ARGON2I (PHP >= 7.2.0)" PASSWORD_ARGON2ID: "PASSWORD_ARGON2ID (PHP >= 7.3.0)" choice_filter: "FilterAlgo" statistics: type: "bool" default: false force_hostname_lookup: type: "bool" default: false allow_gethostbyaddr_lookup: type: "bool" default: true hide_version: type: "bool" default: false empty_fields: type: "string" default: "omit" choices: omit: "{field_omit}" include: "{field_include}" log_sanitisation: type: "bool" default: false disabled_channels: type: "checkbox" default: "" choices: GitHub: "GitHub" BitBucket: "BitBucket" signatures: ipv4: type: "string" default: "ipv4.dat,ipv4_bogons.dat,ipv4_custom.dat,ipv4_isps.dat,ipv4_other.dat" ipv6: type: "string" default: "ipv6.dat,ipv6_bogons.dat,ipv6_custom.dat,ipv6_isps.dat,ipv6_other.dat" block_cloud: type: "bool" default: true block_bogons: type: "bool" default: false block_generic: type: "bool" default: true block_legal: type: "bool" default: true block_malware: type: "bool" default: true block_proxies: type: "bool" default: false block_spam: type: "bool" default: true modules: type: "string" default: "" default_tracktime: type: "int" default: 604800 preview: "seconds" infraction_limit: type: "int" default: 10 track_mode: type: "bool" default: false recaptcha: usemode: type: "int" default: 0 lockip: type: "bool" default: false lockuser: type: "bool" default: true sitekey: type: "string" default: "" secret: type: "string" default: "" expiry: type: "float" step: "any" default: 720 preview: "hours" logfile: type: "string" default: "" signature_limit: type: "int" default: 1 api: type: "string" default: "V2" choices: V2: "V2" Invisible: "Invisible" show_cookie_warning: type: "bool" default: true legal: pseudonymise_ip_addresses: type: "bool" default: true omit_ip: type: "bool" default: false omit_hostname: type: "bool" default: false omit_ua: type: "bool" default: false privacy_policy: type: "url" default: "" autocomplete: "url" template_data: theme: type: "string" default: "default" preview: "allow_other" allow_other: true choices: default: "Default" rbi: "Red-Blue Inverted" slate: "Slate" bluemetal: "Blue Metal" moss: "Moss" fullmoon: "Full Moon" unicorn: "Unicorn" obscured: "Obscured" choice_filter: "FilterTheme" magnification: type: "float" step: "any" default: 1 css_url: type: "url" default: "" autocomplete: "url" PHPMailer: event_log: type: "string" default: "" skip_auth_process: type: "bool" default: false enable_two_factor: type: "bool" default: false host: type: "string" default: "" port: type: "int" default: 587 smtp_secure: type: "string" default: "default" choices: default: "-" tls: "TLS" ssl: "SSL" smtp_auth: type: "bool" default: true username: type: "string" default: "" autocomplete: "username" password: type: "string" default: "" autocomplete: "current-password" set_from_address: type: "email" default: "" autocomplete: "email" set_from_name: type: "string" default: "" autocomplete: "name" add_reply_to_address: type: "email" default: "" autocomplete: "email" add_reply_to_name: type: "string" default: "" autocomplete: "name" rate_limiting: max_bandwidth: type: "kb" default: "0KB" preview: "kb" max_requests: type: "int" default: 0 precision_ipv4: type: "int" default: 32 precision_ipv6: type: "int" default: 128 allowance_period: type: "float" step: "any" default: 0 preview: "hours" supplementary_cache_options: enable_apcu: type: "bool" default: false experimental: true enable_memcached: type: "bool" default: false experimental: true enable_redis: type: "bool" default: false experimental: true enable_pdo: type: "bool" default: false experimental: true memcached_host: type: "string" default: "localhost" experimental: true memcached_port: type: "int" default: 11211 experimental: true redis_host: type: "string" default: "localhost" experimental: true redis_port: type: "int" default: 6379 experimental: true redis_timeout: type: "float" step: "any" default: 2.5 experimental: true pdo_dsn: type: "string" default: "mysql:dbname=cidram;host=localhost;port=3306" experimental: true pdo_username: type: "string" default: "" experimental: true autocomplete: "username" pdo_password: type: "string" default: "" experimental: true autocomplete: "current-password"