PHP Classes

File: vault/lang/lang.en.yaml

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  Classes of Caleb   CIDRAM   vault/lang/lang.en.yaml   Download  
File: vault/lang/lang.en.yaml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Check if an IP address is a bad source of traffic
Author: By
Last change: Update of vault/lang/lang.en.yaml
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,944 bytes



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##\ # This file is a part of the CIDRAM package. # Homepage: # # CIDRAM COPYRIGHT 2016 and beyond by Caleb Mazalevskis (Maikuolan). # # License: GNU/GPLv2 # @see LICENSE.txt # # This file: English language data (last modified: 2019.07.25). ##/ # Language settings. Local Name: "English" Text Direction: "ltr" IntegerRule: "int2Type4" FractionRule: "int1" Error_MissingRequire: "Required files are missing! Can't continue!" Error_WriteCache: "Unable to write to the cache! Please check your CHMOD file permissions!" MoreInfo: "For more information:" PrivacyPolicy: "Privacy Policy" ReasonMessage_BadIP: "Your access to this page was denied because you attempted to access this page using an invalid IP address." ReasonMessage_Banned: "Your access to this page was denied due to previous bad behaviour from your IP address." ReasonMessage_Bogon: "Your access to this page was denied because your IP address is recognised as a bogon address, and connecting from bogons to this website isn't permitted by the website owner." ReasonMessage_Cloud: "Your access to this page was denied because your IP address is recognised as belonging to a cloud service, and connecting to this website from cloud services isn't permitted by the website owner." ReasonMessage_Generic: "Your access to this page was denied because your IP address belongs to a network listed on a blacklist used by this website." ReasonMessage_Legal: "Your access to this page was denied due to legal obligations." ReasonMessage_Malware: "Your access to this page was denied due to malware concerns relating to your IP address." ReasonMessage_Proxy: "Your access to this page was denied because your IP address is recognised as belonging to a proxy service or VPN, and connecting to this website from proxy services or VPNs isn't permitted by the website owner." ReasonMessage_Spam: "Your access to this page was denied because your IP address belongs to a network considered high-risk for spam." Short_BadIP: "Invalid IP" Short_Banned: "Banned" Short_Bogon: "Bogon IP" Short_Cloud: "Cloud service" Short_Generic: "Generic" Short_Legal: "Legal" Short_Malware: "Malware" Short_Proxy: "Proxy" Short_RL: "Rate limited" Short_Spam: "Spam risk" Support_Email: "If you believe this is in error, or to seek assistance, {ClickHereLink} to send an email support ticket to the webmaster of this website (please don't change the preamble or subject line of the email)." Support_Email_2: "If you believe this is in error, send an email to {EmailAddr} to seek assistance." click_here: "click here" denied: "Access Denied!" fake_ua: "Fake {ua}" field_datetime: "Date/Time: " field_hostname: "Hostname: " field_id: "ID: " field_ipaddr: "IP Address: " field_ipaddr_resolved: "IP Address (Resolved): " field_query: "Query: " field_rURI: "Reconstructed URI: " field_reCAPTCHA_state: "reCAPTCHA State: " field_referrer: "Referrer: " field_scriptversion: "Script Version: " field_sigcount: "Signatures Count: " field_sigref: "Signatures Reference: " field_ua: "User Agent: " field_whyreason: "Why Blocked: " generated_by: "Generated by" preamble: "-- End of preamble. Add your questions or comments after this line. --" recaptcha_cookie_warning: "Note: CIDRAM uses a cookie to remember when users complete the CAPTCHA. By completing the CAPTCHA, you give your consent for a cookie to be created and stored by your browser." recaptcha_disabled: "Disabled." recaptcha_enabled: "Enabled." recaptcha_failed: "Failed!" recaptcha_message: "In order to regain access to this page, please complete the CAPTCHA supplied below and press the submit button." recaptcha_message_invisible: "For most users, the page should refresh and restore normal access. In some cases, you may be required to complete a CAPTCHA challenge." recaptcha_passed: "Passed!" recaptcha_submit: "Submit" request_removal: "(If you believe that this is a mistake, <a href="%s">click here</a> to request removal)."